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Everything posted by seashell

  1. I've always preferred the look of basses because the long neck looks so elegant and strong at the same time. Years ago I read somewhere that a guitar (or bass) is a double phallic symbol because of the curvaceous body and the long neck. So this is apparently why people of both sexes find them so sexy and audiences get so excited. I haven't got time to source the references right now, but it was really interesting. I'll have to look it up again when I get time.
  2. I can't think of any bands that I used to like but don't any more. Led Zep and Sabbath included. However I can think of plenty of music that I didn't used to like but do now. That is one of life's joys I think.. discovering more and more stuff out there to like. However, some stuff will just never float your boat however hard you try. For me this includes Van Morrison and Hank Wiliams to name but two. So I can understand if the OP just can't get into LZ and Sabbath. Shame though cos the more you like the more there is to enjoy! (At the risk of stating the bleedin obvious )
  3. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1331474409' post='1573294'] The Gary Glitter song got universal laughter which is what we'd wanted and hoped for. We figured our brand of humour would win the day. If folk had got upset we'd pull it. [/quote] Ha ha - Dik (who I play with occasionally) does a Jonathan King song which can only be wheeled out on certain occasions! I haven't played that one yet though. He only invites me to play at the more respectable gigs
  4. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1331549470' post='1574417'] Yes indeed. Mrs Zero and I have played at a few open mic nights where Dik's also played. Say hello from Second Time Round from us... [/quote] Yes, I'll pass on your greetings! You never know, we might bump into each other one of these days..
  5. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1331473499' post='1573271'] Is that Dik Guru by any chance? Although I'm sure there's several comedy Dicks in the Birmingham area... [/quote] Yes, it is Dik Guru! You know him, then?
  6. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1331229462' post='1569955'] I'm always right, it's one of my many attractive qualities... I'm sure discreet wouldn't stoop so low as to take advantage of a verbal slip up like that... ... I'm probably wrong there though... [/quote] He doesn't disappoint, does he? Edited to remove wierd quoting mishap. It's the solar flares getting to me computer, I tell you!!
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1331229123' post='1569946'] Yes, I'm watching you through a small hole I've made in your wardrobe. Hurr... [/quote] Oh that was you was it? I thought it was a Giant Moth
  8. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1331221800' post='1569745'] I always thought Hartke was 'hart kuh'. [/quote] I do hope you're right. Cos that's what I was saying all day at LBGS in reference to where Dood would be hanging out... Edit: Ooo er, I've said 'hanging out' and I think discreet's lurking about somewhere....
  9. [quote name='paul torch' timestamp='1331215869' post='1569559'] wasn't the album supposed to be autobiographical (Roger Waters) so I think the lyrics come from individual experience rather than general comment. [/quote] OK, fairy nuff and sorry Mr Waters I don't think I'll ever like it though. Once you've formed an association in your head it kind of sticks. Though of course that is one of the joys of music in itself.. it takes you off to somewhere different. Unfortunately for me in this particular case it's a negative place. But anyway I shouldn't keep on about this one negative thing cos actually I [b]love [/b]the Floyd!!
  10. [quote name='spinynorman' timestamp='1331214353' post='1569514'] Never thought I'd be an apologist for Floyd, but I think you've misinterpreted that lyric. [/quote] Always a possibility.... But the way I interpreted the vid as well was that it was somewhat critical of teachers. Personally, I think they get enought flack.
  11. So glad the OP has discovered a new world of music joy! I'm a huge fan. I especially love Meddle and Ummagumma. Never dreamt that one day i'd be able to stumble through the bass line to Money - but I'm learning that right now If I had to be critical though, I'm not a big fan of the Wall. Mainly because the lyrics annoy me. 'We don't need no education...' all very well for them to say that, but they all got a bloody good education didn't they? But I digress....(as usual!)
  12. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1331031606' post='1566461'] I'm speaking to BGM this week so I'll get dibs on a table early. Probably have some free stuff, some merch, a bass or two and a cattle prod to scare off Dood when he overstays his welcome. Perhaps also a laptop so we can force people to sign up on the spot. Or else. ped [/quote] Me too, I think this would be good. I'd definitely buy some merch.
  13. Really enjoyed the masterclasses and performances, which is principally why I went. The noise didn't bother me as I mainly lurked round the coffee area in between classes/performances. Had a little look at the gear of course, but as I wasn't in to buying anything I didn't linger too long. I can see how the noise would have been annoying if you did want to properly browse and buy something. I was hoping there would be be some music to buy, but there didn't seem to be much of a selection. I was also hoping to be able to buy bits of music related jizz like jewellry, key rings, joss sticks that sort of thing. But I guess the stands cost quite a lot to book, and you don't make much money on a £2.50 key ring. But all in all I enjoyed it and would definitely go again.
  14. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1330903000' post='1564727'] Chatted to a few BC'ers, missed a few more one the way (Seashell I think I may have been sat next to you at Neil Murray;'s masterclass but am a shy retiring flower) and kept almost getting a word with Dood but not quite, then Doug Wimbish rean over and it was too late. Ah well, there's always next year [/quote] Aw, you should have said something. Was that you sitting to my left (actually come to think of it it must have been, because there was a woman sitting to my right! ). I really enjoyed it. Went both days, mainly for the masterclasses and performances. TM Stevens - what an inspiration! He was so good with the kids in the masterclass. Quote of the day (I paraphrase wildly here) ' i haven't come here to be Mr Widdly-Woo. Slapping is part of your musical vocabulary, you don't have to use it all the time' Neil Murray - completely different character, very unasuming, almost seemed a bit shy. However came out with some really interesting stuff. (E.g his insight into the difference between playing with Cozy Powell and Ian Paice). Really enjoyed meeting bluejay, billyapple, dood, ped and a couple of others. Also got into random conversations with a couple of people who admired my bag (it's got 'E-A-D-G, Right?' on it). And chatted to some randoms in the queues, which made the queuing more interesting! Last but definitely not least, I queued up to meet John Paul Jones and got his photo and autograph! I know that makes me sound like a totally cheesy fan, but then again I am. I just thought I would regret it if I didn't go for it, having been a fan for about 40 years!!
  15. Here's an update: BassDirect - Dbass, Darkglass, Joe Hubbard Bassgear - Molan, TomKent Hartke - Dood guitarguitar - wesfinn MarkBass - Steve Lawson (+ masterclass Sun!) EAD - david l perry Status Stand - G-77 Stompbox - dudewheresmybass Overwater - Scott Devine JHS - BigJim [b]Random wanderers, Sat[/b] Lozz196, Rumple, Machines, sibob, billyapple, raggy, discreet, urb (will be at wimbush/thorne masterclasses), goblin, blackmn90, ped (tbc), charic, Mr Lizard, The Greek, exbass, louisthebass, seashell, bluejay, hobbayne, mike f, jamesbass116 [b]Random wanderers, Sun[/b] Walman, gcut58, ras52, seashell, bluejay (tbc), PTB, Jamie_k11, ped (poss) Plus some newbie called JPJ or something. Not sure if he's a member though so we may have to ignore him. That's my last update now. I'll be off line tomorrow as am driving down to Surrey and visiting the Aged Parent. Then I'll be going up to that Lunnon on the train from Walton on Thames Sat and Sun. Really looking forward to it and to meeting some of you guys. I don't have a BC shirt to identify me, but I'm blonde and will be wearing glasses and an over-awed expression. Bluejay - I'll text you to confirm our meet up when there.
  16. seashell

    JPJ @ LBGS

    Shall we give him the password for the BC meet up, in case he wants to go for a pint afterwards?
  17. OK I've done a summary of where and when we are most likely to find people (sorry, I couldn't help it, I am an administrator IRL!) Re: the 'random wanderers' - if anyone hasn't specified Sat or Sun I am assuming Sat. BassDirect - Dbass, Darkglass Bassgear - Molan, TomKent Hartke - Dood guitarguitar - wesfinn MarkBass - Steve Lawson (+ masterclass Sun!) EAD - david l perry Status Stand - G-77 Stompbox - dudewheresmybass [b]Random wanderers, Sat[/b] Lozz196, Rumple, Machines, sibob, billyapple, raggy, discreet, urb (will be at wimbush/thorne masterclasses), goblin, blackmn90, ped, charic, Mr Lizard, The Greek, exbass, louisthebass, seashell, bluejay, hobbayne [b]Random wanderers, Sun[/b] Walman, gcut58, ras52, seashell, bluejay (tbc) Please correct me if I've missed anyone!
  18. I might also add that on the rare occasasions when anyone I didn't know has come up to me after a play and congratulated me on my performance I have been chuffed to bits. Even if they say something a bit naff like - 'how did you learn all those lines?'. So I like to reciprocate by praising other performers when I can. Spread a little happiness, that's what I say.
  19. [size="3"][color="#000000"][font="Calibri"]When you meet new people, you never know how they are going to react but you can make a few good guesses. [/font][/color][/size] [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"] [/color][/size][/font] [size="3"][color="#000000"][font="Calibri"]Most musicians whether famous or not are passionate about what they do.[/font][/color][/size] [size="3"][color="#000000"][font="Calibri"]Most people whether musicians or not like being complimented[/font][/color][/size] [size="3"][color="#000000"][font="Calibri"]Most people whether musicians or not get bored by being asked the same old questions when off duty (like doctors being asked about ailments or lawyers being asked about legal problems at parties).[/font][/color][/size] [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"] [/color][/size][/font] [size="3"][color="#000000"][font="Calibri"]Occasionally people post here expressing boredom or irritation with punters who come up and ramble on to them after a gig. I guess it all depends how it’s done.[/font][/color][/size] [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"] [/color][/size][/font] [size="3"][color="#000000"][font="Calibri"]If I get the chance to meet any performer after a gig or piece of theatre I have seen, I will usually thank and congratulate them if I think they were really good. I’ve never been rebuffed . Sometimes they will just say ‘glad you enjoyed it’, at other times a really interesting conversation may ensue.[/font][/color][/size] [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"] [/color][/size][/font] [size="3"][color="#000000"][font="Calibri"]I’ve only ever met 2 famous musicians. One was Cozy Powell (as mentioned in another thread). I didn’t talk to him about music as I met him in a business situation and I didn’t think it would be appropriate. He was very pleasant.[/font][/color][/size] [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"] [/color][/size][/font] [size="3"][color="#000000"][font="Calibri"]The other was Rockette Morton (bass player, Magic Band) who some friends and I chanced to meet just before a gig. We talked to him a lot about music and he was extremely charming , friendly and happy to talk about his music past and present. I even went as far as to send him an e-mail after the gig to tell him how much we enjoyed it and he sent back a gracious reply. I didn’t carry on with the correspondence though as I didn’t want him to get the impression I thought I was his new best mate! [/font][/color][/size]
  20. [quote name='pqs' timestamp='1330502163' post='1558311'] Thanks for your good wishes. It's on the 10th of March which is a Saturday so I will have all day to prepare/cack myself! Due to the short notice we are not going to be able to practice until the day but we are hoping to run through the set twice before the gig in the afternoon. Although I am hoping to meet up with one of the guitarist (other one is missing it due to holiday) to run through them before hand. I must say all the others in the band have been very kind and understanding although they have all performed loads of gigs. Background about the band they were a punk covers band bases in Staines who have done loads of gigs over the last 4 years, they sort of ground to a stop last year after one of the guitarists joined another band. The drummer and bass player already performed in other bands leaving the two front men. I had been jamming with some guys but everyone wanted something different so that stopped. As I knew the two front men after having a check in a pub myself and guitarist said we would have a go along with a former Tubeway Army drummer whose son was giving me bass lessons. So after two rehearsals we are doing a gig on the 10th of March in Feltham to raise funds for a school which helps children with special needs. Sorry for being so long [/quote] I don't think that's too long. All interesting stuff. I spent my formative years in Staines! Best of luck with it all. Look forward to hearing how it goes.
  21. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1330426998' post='1557134'] Currently in bed with flu, hope I feel better by Saturday! [/quote] Oh no, that's really bad timing! Still there's never a good time to have flu. Hope you make a quick recovery!
  22. This is great news and an inspiration to another middle aged beginner! I've been playing for a year and have done 3 gigs now in a duo with a friend, but I am really hoping to be able to join a band one day. Try not to get too nervous! I'm a complete bag of nerves when playing. But I hope it doesn't show too much. When is your gig?
  23. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1330018669' post='1551577'] Only a bit? Must be one of his good days. [/quote] He looks very cheerful these days though, doesn't he? Lovin the new avatar.. who [b]is [/b]that genial young chap! ?
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