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Everything posted by seashell

  1. I am so ancient that I have barely even [b]heard[/b] of anyone more modern than Krist Novoselic! I do keep meaning to try to re-educate myself though. Basschat would be a great place to start... look up some of the names mentioned in this thread for instance and try and have a listen. In between practising myself and listening again to my entire record collection to concentrate on the bass lines. So much good music, so little time.....
  2. Love your username. I'm a fan too I'm also a new bass player (well, it's been a year now), and have picked up many tips and fascinating facts here. It's great!
  3. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1329408838' post='1542069'] It's a Fender strat with the whammy bar being abused so much you can hear the springs straining coming through the amp. [/quote] Interesting. But in my head it will always be a staircase accident!
  4. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1329406762' post='1542018'] There had been many 'moments' before this and many after but I always recall the first time I listended to Zep's In Through The Out Door album. The song 'In The Evening' has two of them, first when Plant finally comes in with the opening line after a long long buildup. Then later just as Page starts his solo he kind of launches into it with the most over the top racket that sounds either like some huge piece of machinery cranking into life or something being dropped down the stairs. But it works. [/quote] Ooh I love that 'dropped down the stairs' moment as well! I always imagine it's Bonzo kicking his kit downstairs. Or more likely Bonzo kicking an innocent bystander downstairs! But sadly, I think that is the only good track on that album.
  5. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1329404622' post='1541964'] Her you go, Si and Lozz, I've added you to the wandering about category! [/quote] In fact there wil be probably be loads more wanderers so I'll probably not bother to add everyone indivually unless they are going to be on a specific stand. Just keep muttering the password as Lozz suggested earlier!
  6. Her you go, Si and Lozz, I've added you to the wandering about category! [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1329309525' post='1540351'] OK, so this is what we've got so far if we want to know where to bump into people during the day: [b]Where[/b] BassDirect -- Dbass, Darkglass Bassgear -- Molan, TomKent and various others Hartke -- Dood Wandering around -- Ped, Sibob, Lozz196 Feel free to add to the above. Or just post where you'll be and I'll add it to the list. Bluejay and I will meet up at some point and time tbc, for female bonding. (And if Discreet's reading this that [b]isn't [/b]a euphamism!) [/quote]
  7. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1329400112' post='1541854'] I went to school with a guy who played both guitar for Gary Numan and keyboards on Sham 69's [i]The Game[/i] album! P [/quote] Ooh, spooky, we must be related !
  8. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1329399088' post='1541832'] The Rite Of Spring (LSO Claudio Addado???)- I know it's a bit passe nowadays but I still love it. Obviously this is a great thread and I could go on for days [/quote] Totally brilliant and caused a riot when first played. If I could go back in time, that would be a moment I would have loved to have seen!
  9. This has got to be the best thread title ever! Never thought I'd see Frank Ifield get a mention on BC
  10. Great thread! The sublime moment that leaps to my mind is actually a classical piece. Profiev's Romeo and Juliet. NOT the Knight's Dance bit which has sadly been done to death with the Apprentice and all that. But the Tybalt's Death sequence which is really spine tingling. The strings go so high and there's a wierd sort of dischord at the end. Thrilling. But if we're talking about popular music, m'lud, it's gotta be Bonzo's stupendous drum fill on Misty Mountain Hop by Led Zep.
  11. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1329391331' post='1541634'] so you're a Cougar. [/quote] Either that or a good actor! You decide... Anyway enough about me.. let's see some more pics of you guys and gals playing yer basses. (But maybe not you Johnston, I think we've seen quite enough of you already )
  12. I went to school with Gary Numan. And my cousin went to school with Jimmy Pursey.
  13. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1329389259' post='1541573'] You're a man? [/quote] Lol, , no that's me on the left, bothering that young chap.
  14. Here's one that will confirm all your worst suspicsions: [attachment=100070:negligee.JPG]
  15. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1329378288' post='1541369'] I'm also after a lift for this year if anyone is passing Birmingham on the M6 ! Fuel/parking will be contributed to . [/quote] Sorry, I'm going down the night before to stay with my Dad. And not going back up to Brum until the Monday.
  16. OK, so this is what we've got so far if we want to know where to bump into people during the day: [b]Where[/b] BassDirect -- Dbass, Darkglass Bassgear -- Molan, TomKent and various others Hartke -- Dood Wandering around -- Ped Feel free to add to the above. Or just post where you'll be and I'll add it to the list. Bluejay and I will meet up at some point and time tbc, for female bonding. (And if Discreet's reading this that [b]isn't [/b]a euphamism!)
  17. If it wasn't on a Thursday, I'd be up for it. Alas I have play rehearsals on Thursdays and don't want to end up in a thread on 'luvviechat'. 'Excuses for missing rehearsals'!
  18. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1329251419' post='1539682'] Haha imagine legolas from lotr but with daft muscles, and you're pretty much there... [/quote] Shame you're in Aberdeen, I want to meet this guy!!
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1329239748' post='1539420'] Can you drive a boat? Unless 'driving the rescue boat' is a porn euphemism, obviously. [/quote] Every sentence containing a verb sounds like a porn euphemsim to you, mate!
  20. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1329235133' post='1539282'] I keep getting your avatars mixed up! I thought for a second one of you were talking to yourself lol. [/quote] Me too! Sometimes I think I am talking to myself. And sometimes I think our cats are talking to each other
  21. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1329217069' post='1538826'] A drummer I knew would leave it until the time the gig/rehearsal was about to start, before saying "I guess we'd better load the wagon. let's have one more spliff first". This was tolerated as he was a most excellent drummer, but we got around it by telling him the start time was 90 min or 2 hours before. So if we wanted to start at 2030 we'd tell him 1830 ... [/quote] Ah, so you've met my Ex then!
  22. Well it's probably a bit of a bass cliche, but I'm learning 'Money' by Pink Floyd. Cos my teacher decided it was going to be part of my last lesson. I bloody love it, it has really perked me up. Just can't stop playing it now. It's a great way to beat the February blues.
  23. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1328990593' post='1535847'] One of the bad ones, and not in a way that I ever expected. We play a once-a-month slot at a local pub and have built up a healthy crowd. Last night I had to make the announcement that we were a duo, rather than a trio, because the drummer's wife had died two weeks ago. She was 32 and collapsed and died at home, alone, due to a blood clot. Totally out of the blue. Craig, the drummer, is devastated, as you would expect. Particularly as they'd only been married 18 months. She always came to see us, and we dedicated the gig to her. [/quote] Only just saw this post. What terrible news, Len. So sorry to hear about that. (( ))
  24. [quote name='Mrs Tinman' timestamp='1329091720' post='1537153'] I saw the pics of Ped and did a little sex wee! Ummm, Im confused now! Are Shell and I getting our bongos out so peeps can put stickers on them? [/quote] Agreed, I think Ped's 'teacup' pose is very sophisticated. Stickers on me bongos would be less sophisticated, however. And could be quite painful when you rip them off !
  25. After a year of lessons I can read, but very slowly. I find it invaluable because my memory is so useless I'd never remember anything if it wasn't written down in some way or another. I'm starting to prefer the dots to tabs if there's time to sit and figure it out. You get the time signature as well. Also you can work out for yourself whereabouts on the fretboard you want to play it. I am a girly swot though.
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