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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='oldslapper' timestamp='1328779539' post='1532422'] One last thing, you're not only investing in the 30-60 minutes you spend in the lesson, it's the days in between that are just as important. It's boring to say but, it's a waste of your money if you don't practice what you've been set. And that doesn't mean a 2 hour "cram" the night before. It also becomes very boring for you and the tutor if you're going over the same thing in a lesson week after week because you haven't bothered to practice in between. [/quote] Great post oldslapper! As a learner myself I would agree with all that. I am really lucky to have found a great teacher who ticks all the boxes you mention! Also your point above about what you do in between being really relevant. I don't think I would ever have had the self motivation to practice so much if I hadn't been going to lessons. I would feel too shamefaced to turn up not having improved at all since the last time, so I an quite dilligent with the practice. I am motivated by praise and I always get a little 'pat on the back ' for practicising which perks me up no end! That said, at my next lesson on Sat I am going to have to confess that I lost the handout he gave me last time and so haven't been able to practice anything on that! But I have been practising some other stuff instead.
  2. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1328703754' post='1531340'] Thinking. Of zep, reminded me a bit of Abba. The longer they went on , the worse they got. IMHO [/quote] I think the same could be said for quite a few bands actually.! But that's probably a whole nother thread..
  3. Many thanks for all your replies folks! Even the dubious pussy references! The pussy under the carpet is anothe black and white one! They get everywhere! On to more sensible matters. i'm not in a band yet, but that is my deferred new years resolution. Deferred until April as I'm too busy with rehearsing for a play before then. I reckon it might take me a while to find something due the unfortunate combination of (old!) age and inexperience. But I recekon I'll just have to persevere. @beengreen II don't think you're alone feeling uncomfortable in music shops. I've seen posts on here from experienced musicians who've had unhappy experiences! Luckily there's a small shop near me where the guys are really nice. I still felt like a right burke when buying my Fender though, and just did a few scales!
  4. 'A year ago I cudn't spel bass playa -and now I is one!' Yes, it's now been a year since I nervously walked into the studio for my first bass lesson. Feeling really conspicious carrying the bass - felt like it belonged to someone else. Felt that everyone would sneer at me for being too old, too female and not cool enough. Within moments of meeting my lovely teacher though, all my fears were dispelled! Came out ot the lesson completely hooked and determined to practice every day! A year on and I can't believe how much I've learned and I can't believe I actually stuck with it. Big thanks due to: The Ex for getting me my first bass, giving me the motivation to get started and lately allowing me to do a couple of little gigs with him. To Mark my awesome teacher for teaching me everything I know with infinite patience and good humour. And of course to all you lovely Basschatters for information, advice, knowledge and much silliness Thanks everyone!
  5. Always skip that one. Not worthy of 'em. (Although you could say it's just a bit of fun. A bit like 'Boogie with Stu' which I love!)
  6. [quote name='merello' timestamp='1328592798' post='1529587'] If you are terrible - join my club! [/quote] I'm also a member of that dishonourable club! Ben - hope you can find a good teacher in your area. I find that lessons are really motivating.
  7. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1328619297' post='1530031'] So we'll be visiting the stands where you guys are helping out, both to meet you and obviously to check out the gear, and hopefully by then we'll be able to know where the after-show drink will be held, and whether the rest of us can attend, if I understand correctly. Any other thought or suggestions? [/quote] If you want to chum up with another girlie for any part of the day let me know. Maybe we can meet somewhere there. Will there be somewhere you can get cake..? I'll PM you later. S
  8. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1328174426' post='1522881'] Me bums already shaved, im up for it [/quote] Keyboard ruined
  9. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1328125457' post='1522325'] Here we go, the album cover & track listing: [/quote] Brilliant! Thanks Rhys. My fave track was Captain Coultson. I remember liking Spirogyra too, but I've forgotten how Captain's Log goes. Can't hear it in my head any more
  10. @ timo -- Respect! @RhysP - 'Clogs'! I'd forgotten all about that one. An old school friend of mine had it and we used to play it all the time. Lovely little album. Next time I see her I'll have to ask if she's still got it.
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1328096363' post='1521629'] I That's the spirit Shell, pics please! [/quote] I will, of course, be wearing my liberty bodice
  12. They look great, but I'll be waiting for the tees. I know you can't please all the people all the time but...I'm hoping the tees won't be the sort with a really high small neck hole. My yardstick is.. if I have to take my specs off to get my head through the hole it's too high. I feel all bundled up and it doesn't look too stylish on a girlie. Anyway, if I don't like the look of the tees I'll buy some stickers and stick them on me chest.
  13. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1328035265' post='1520706'] From the ticket page: [/quote] Simultaneous post! Thanks Bluejay
  14. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1328034364' post='1520680'] I'm heading there right now to skim your card details [/quote] Well I didn't put them in because I was a bit concerned about it. So I haven't booked yet. I'm not to au fait with all this.. am I being over cautious?
  15. I went on line to order my tickets, but when I got to the page where you enter card details I noticed that the address didn't seem to be 'secure'. I was expecting to see https/ etc etc, but instead it was just http/ Did this happen to anyone else? Am I right to be cautious about this?
  16. Story of Sunday evening's gig: Freezing cold outside and somewhat draughty in the pub. Plus a feeling of resentment amongst the few punters that were there, due to the fact that one of their friends had apparently been barred. Not very good as an atmosphere for the hilarious comedy songs to which Dik and I were going to treat them.! Had to sit through 3 acts before we went on. The first 2 were a bit dire. Unsurprisingly, they were the ones who pissed off as soon as they were done and didn't bother to stay and see us. Although they did wait until after the raffle had been drawn. Next up was a local singer songwriter who is a good bloke and stayed to the end. Dik was rather disapointed of course, as the laughter from about 6 people rang out rather feebly in the (albiet small) room. From a selfish point of view, I was OK as it was only my third gig and it was good to get in some more experience. We did about 5 songs and I felt really happy with 4 of them. Didn't make any mistakes and managed to put a bit of welly into it this time. Unfortunately I did lose my way in the middle of one song, but just stopped and picked it up again when I could. Didn't laugh nervously and apologise (unlike the first bloke we sat through, I'm proud to say!). Dik forgot his kazoo, which is an integral part of the act! So my greatest achievement all night was to announce that we would be playing air kazoo, and then join Dik in making kazoo sounds into the mic to the tune of Scotland the Brave. And keeping a bass line going throughout!! Hopefully there will be more when the weather is warmer, and the regulars have got over their strop about the person that was banned!
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1326711532' post='1500695'] I'll be wearing Doc Marten boots, a kilt, a bowler hat and carrying a large white Asprey handbag and a ukulele. [/quote] Are you sure they'll let you in with a ukulele?
  18. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1326583348' post='1499276'] I may or may not get a top, but I'll be there, and I'll soon start pestering everybody in a new thread so that we decide where, when and how to have a Basschat meetup at the show and/or after it [/quote] Don't think I'll be getting a top, but I'm willing to wear a red carnation and carry a rolled up copy of the Financial Times
  19. Well my Ex was a drummer and I never managed to train him to do anything properly! Although he could be tempted into something resembling co-operation if provided with food. Especially anything involving large quantities of gravy. (I have to admit he was a sh*t hot drummer though)
  20. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1326229044' post='1494227'] Haha, me too. Then a giant musical catharsis happened. My best friend (he still is) introduced me to Hemispheres by Rush when I was 15. He'd brought the album into school for English as the teacher wanted examples of what we thought were great lyrics. I looked at the cover and found it slightly dangerous and deeply intriguing, the three characters' photos looked amazing and instead of pretending to be Ian Wallace while playing football, suddenly I was Alex Lifeson! I was obsessed and it was about two months before I heard the album. My mate loaned it to me. I remember putting it on, and feeling even more overwhelmed than I was at age four with Lily the Pink, from the first chord I knew I had to be a guitarist. I played the album constantly, insisting my mum and dad listened too. They sort of liked it. I still love that album. I got a cheap guitar and learned stuff. I got some lessons for a few months. He taught me the chords to Hemispheres, and how to learn lead. I could actually PLAY Hemispheres!! When he showed me that opening chord and I first gingerly played it myself, I felt pure, unadulterated joy, a euphoria that no drugs can reproduce. [/quote] Ah, that breakthrough when you first hear an album and something inside goes 'Yes! [b]This[/b] is it...' Aged 12, I was visiting my cousins. Cousin Stuart then aged 16, put a record on their new stereogram and said 'You shouldn't be listening to all that stuff on Radio 1. This is what you should be listening to'. It was Led Zep II. The earth moved...
  21. What an interesting question. Like Lozz said, it's difficult to put into words.. Music has always been a big part of my life even though I've only recently been attempting to play an instrument. I've been dancing since... well ever since I can remember really. The feeling of experessing music through dance is incredibly uplifting. I get a similar feeling when I'm playing bass. Especially if I've been practising something and it sounds rubbish, and all of a sudden you hear something half decent coming out of the amp and you think.. blimey was that me? And then there's the performance angle as well. You want to share it with an audience, to make them feel good and of course to show off as well. I wonder if that's one of the reasons I felt really motivated to learn bass at my time of life. I still go to dance classes but am far too old to perform in a chorus now. I've got my acting of course, but it's great to be able to do something musical in front of an audience. (Of course I'm not in a band, but I feel I'm working up to it. I've got another gig coming up in a duo with me mate, but that's another story)
  22. It would be OK if we could confine them to a subforum, but they might escape out and roam free in the other forums, spoiling things with their flambouyant ways.
  23. She's saying 'And don't even [b]think [/b]about touching my guitar!'
  24. My late Mum was a dancing teacher, so I have had the benefits of exercise drummed into me from an early age. I like going to exercise classes - dance, aerobics, weights - anything really as long as it is to music. One class I go to is Body Pump (weight training to music). I have changed one thing with that since taking up the bass. I no longer do squats with the bar balanced across my shoulders, I just hold a 5kg weight in arms folded across my chest. I got the feeling that the weight on my shoulders was compressing my spine down a bit too much. And being a woman of a certain age you do need to consider oesteo-whatever-it- is (where bones become weaker). It wasn't anything I had read or been told about that particular exercise that made me change, just a feeling I got from my own body. it just didn't 'feel' right somehow - left my back feeling a bit stiff and, well, compressed. I believe sometimes your own body knows best, so that's why I changed the way I did that exercise. But I'm hoping all the other stuff I do will help strengthen my back (including core exercises as mentioned by ead, above).
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