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Everything posted by dc2009

  1. Final price drop, real bargain here. Someone snap it up!
  2. [quote name='Shonks' timestamp='1320492027' post='1427466'] thanks for the offer, but they give me wind something rotten! .....and nobody wants magic wind...[/quote] She really is a beauty mate, unfortunately I've got nothing worthy of offering, best of luck with your quest though!
  3. Wow, she's a stunner. 10 magic beans?
  4. Mine would of course be this beaut: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=88747"]http://basschat.co.u...attach_id=88747[/url] EDIT: how do i embed this pic from another BC thread?
  5. o.O is that an Alex Webster? It looks siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiickkkkkkkkkkkkk!
  6. my teacher was a guitar teacher teaching bass, but he used to tell me I was trying to do too much. I remember once he left me grooving over Beat It by MJ. A really simple bassline that you [i]can[/i] throw fills into but don't [i]need[/i] to. I then realised that fills aren't about blasting out 100 notes per second (though I do enjoy that nowadays), it's about making it sound good at first. Fills involving rests and longer notes, i.e. less busy, will really help you keep the groove of the song. Once you have this down, you can work on the fiddly twiddly stuff for the next x years. I learned playing along to Muse and Nirvana on CD too, used to get my timing fairly well IMO, keep that up and you'll go far.
  7. The mono looks far better, though I have no experience of either.
  8. well this is lovely, have a bump on me!
  9. Any interest in my Bartolini equipped Dean for trade? Link is in my signature. I could possibly drop to a straight swap. Edit: just seen you want maple so perhaps you aren't that interested but let me know anyway!
  10. any shots of the LEDs? this is verging on pornography
  11. For that money I'd say look at Ritter's, or get someone to make you a custom fan fretted spectacular. Or spend it on a great amp!
  12. I just wish they did a Gibson Thunderbird V in white. I saw the Edguy bassist play an off-white, almost cream-coloured one at Hellfest back in 07. Gibson were a big sponsor of the event and it seems many artists got chucked Gibsons to play with if they wanted to try them out, so I'm not sure whether it was his bass or not.
  13. just bought an expensive iPhone bump
  14. I'm with Pete here, I have played some truly terrible five string basses at that price, but there are some decent four stringers to be had there for sure.
  15. Hi Phil, Can't say I've hear of it, which isn't ideal. Immaculateness isn't something you need to worry so much about for a first bass. You're far better off getting a second hand bargain, and that way it doesn't matter if you beat it up a little! IMO you're better off shelling out that much for a second hand Ibanez, Yamaha, or if you can stretch a bit more for the right SGC Nanyo. These basses are known to be consistently solid in build and perform to a perfectly acceptable standard for the money. Cheers, Dan
  16. Some idiots pay for some pleb to 'roadwear' their bass. At least this is sort of a 'something-you-can't-do-yourself' finish, unlike roadworn, which anyone with a chisel can do.
  17. I'm a big endorser of small Boss stomboxes. Get yourself a CEB-3, an ODB-3 and use them sparingly but where necessary, behind solos is essential. Make use of your octave thingy if you're playing higher up basslines.
  18. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1319227059' post='1411668'] It's commonplace for a headline band to have their gear onstage whilst the support sets up theirs infront. It's easy to play a set without damaging the other bands equipment. [/quote] 100% correct. I've never seen anyone trash any of my gear if they've been supporting my band or vice versa. These guys are quite evidently, pricks. I will try and avoid.
  19. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1319224015' post='1411623'] Interesting that while the Yanks say "Aloo-min-um" and we say "Aluminium", they say "Nee-oh-die-nee-um" whilst we say "Nee-odd-mee-um". [/quote] I say Nee-oh-die-mee-um, I think just because that's what seems logical when I read it. Anyone in this thread ever come across Nyquist plots? I had an interesting lesson in the pronunciation of that the other day. (I came across it analysing various mass idealisations for vibrations on an aircraft frame, but it's apparantly useful in Physics too).
  20. Get something like Guitar Pro, I find the speed trainer really useful, especially for some of the ridiculous metal I listen to and then try to play sometimes. It basically lets you really easily select which bars (or the whole song) you want to practice, and increases the tempo each time (or after however many times you dictate), by an amount you dictate, from an amount you dictate to an amount you also dictate. Playing a 16 bar pattern at 120bpm and then again at 122bpm, with only a metronome as guidance can be really hard to nail. Well worth the practice IMO.
  21. My Bartolini equipped Dean. The link is in my signature. It's a fantastic bit of kit, and I moved onto it just like you (from my first bass, a budget Crafter MusicMan copy). If you're anywhere near London you're more than welcome to come and try it. Wonderful thin neck and a fantastic sound. Nice and lightweight too!
  22. The Chinese government sell about 58% of the world's rare earth that is mined and exported each year? o.O
  23. I always wondered what Sandberg I'd like when I get around to getting one, and now I know it's this one with an extra string. One b-e-a-utiful looking bass here, best of luck with the sale.
  24. You know I'd be all over this if it wasn't a string short of a bass I can actually play Good luck with the sale mate
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