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Everything posted by dc2009

  1. [quote name='StigVR' post='1350938' date='Aug 25 2011, 01:36 AM']I suppose it is a bit of a trek....but you never know...might be worth a look. In any case, keep us in mind and thanks for replying.[/quote] No car I'm afraid. I also have access to the world's cheapest (non-free) rehearsal space half an hour from my house. Let me know if you guys move into central london ever! Good luck with the bass player search. Dan
  2. TRBs are hard to shift it seems, at least you'll struggle to get for them what you'd probably like, and what people may have paid in the past. It's a 4 string though, which believe it or not seems rare for many TRBs so if you find the right guy you'll get a good price. Not wanting to be offensive, but does anyone here with more idea than me know if the SUB 5er you listed the other day is a reasonable figure? Someone was saying the other day they picked up a 4er for as little as £250?
  3. These look alright tbh: [url="http://www.dhgate.com/bass-4-strings-bass-in-cherry-red-colour/p-ff8080812f58200b012f68ca7b746a5d.html"]http://www.dhgate.com/bass-4-strings-bass-...ca7b746a5d.html[/url] [url="http://www.dhgate.com/4-string-bass-natural-wooden-colour-electric/p-ff8080812f5755e5012f68c53d7a38c9.html"]http://www.dhgate.com/4-string-bass-natura...c53d7a38c9.html[/url] [url="http://www.dhgate.com/5-strings-bass-music-man-stingray-black-electric/p-ff8080812f55c22a012f6e60e4cf1b84.html"]http://www.dhgate.com/5-strings-bass-music...60e4cf1b84.html[/url]
  4. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1356036' date='Aug 30 2011, 10:40 AM']In fact, I think Ampeg have really started to pull back into the market, but again, I hear all the repair issues on the new Micro VRs, PF350/500s and the 7 Pro, and it puts me off. What they arent so great at is testing these amps fully before they hit the market.[/quote] I remember doing work experience at a very high end PA company, and they ran something like 2x50hour tests including a minimum of like 20 hours running at full power etc etc, it would surprise me if Ampeg weren't running something similar, which should test it all fairly fully.
  5. [quote name='Dubs' post='1356024' date='Aug 30 2011, 10:30 AM'] Or Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rolling Stones, Pendulum, Prodigy, The Pixies, Oasis, Guns N' Roses, The Beatles (to a certain extent)... just off the top of my head. Is it really that much of a bad thing?[/quote] The red hot chilli peppers have a whole range of different instrument styles (all four of them, including the vocals here) on most of their albums, all played by the same guys. Flea will slap or fingerstyle or pick all in the same album, guitar tracks like Cabron, Under The Bridge and Fortune Faded all have a completely different feel to them, the drums and vocals etc are similar. So don't chuck RHCP into a bunch of sh1t (IMO) bands! (One exception)
  6. IMO it always makes sense to have as much bass as you need coming through your amp, and as much bass as the crowd needs DI'd or Mic'd through the PA. You should then have all the other instruments coming through your monitor(s). IMO this goes for everything right from the pubs I play in to Reading fest...
  7. dc2009


    [quote name='BigJim' post='1355130' date='Aug 29 2011, 12:03 PM']Hows it going?[/quote] Neither shifted yet unfortunately. Also don't hold out for me actually, as I've only just realised this is a bit too short a scale for me! Sorry and good luck with the sale, Dan
  8. Any interest in a bass + cash trade for my Bartolini equipped Dean 4 string. Very lightweight, great thin neck and a nice quilted maple top too. It's listed up as a FS/FT trade on here. Let me know!
  9. Keep it as a project bass. Ripping the frets off it and upgrading the pickups and circuitry are all things that you could do. Definitely not worth selling if you don't need the cash, and barely worth it if you do.
  10. Welcome mate. I'm gigging in Clitheroe on friday, not a clue where that is or what it's like, should be fun!
  11. [quote name='risingson' post='1354894' date='Aug 29 2011, 01:05 AM']When I sit down in in a music store to try out a bass guitar, I often realise after a while of noodling round and thinking "yeh this bass sounds great" that it is a totally moot point what the bass sounds like by itself because I play in a 5 piece band and what I need from a bass guitar is for it to sit nicely in the mix. Of course, I would probably guess that for 80-90% of people that go into a guitar store with a view to purchasing a new guitar/bass, this is not what they take into consideration when they buy a new instrument. They just want it to sound good there and then, which is understandable. I do care what I sound like, but I try and remind myself that I'm the bass player and for the most part what I need is a purely functional and usable sound that will work well with the rest of my band, and that sound will always be something thick and substantial.[/quote] Great point, but I own about five basses or so, and there is only one that gets used with the band (a different one for the acoustic sets, but those are rare) - it was purchased for it's place in the mix as you have described. The rest of them are because I like the look, sound and playability of them (not in that order at all). I would also say that I tend to dislike one-trick pony basses. I would think twice about a bass that had minimal tonal variety if I wanted to buy it for a band. Even if the tone is right for your band, you may get to some venues where it just doesn't cut the mustard due to circumstances beyond your control. I think tonal variety is important, though a preamp with various presets can be a way around this if the bass is tonally fairly limited.
  12. Last two gigs I've done were through someone else's amp and a) I didn't want to change it too much, and b ) I couldn't hear what the hell was going on bass tone wise anyway...
  13. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1354806' date='Aug 28 2011, 10:34 PM']Unfortunately like others I've clocked them for sale for significantly less than £600, so I'd not be disappointed that you aren't getting that for yours! Just out of interest how much were the MM basses when new? You generally can expect to lose anything from 30%-50% when reselling a used item that you purchased new; if the MM basses were £600 new then used you could reasonably expect to get £300-£400... if they were £1000 new (which I doubt) then £500-£700 could be the going rate. It's basic economics. [/quote] I think £850 is the going new rate, and I bet you could talk a shop down to £750 if you had cash/were a regular etc.
  14. Wow that sure is beautiful, I do love a Sandberg. I'm up in York on thurs collecting my new bass incidentally. Congrats on the purchase my man!
  15. [quote name='AaronScho' post='1354763' date='Aug 28 2011, 09:30 PM']I DONT KNOW BUT I CANT EVEN SELL MINE FOR 600!!!!! woops caps -- im not that angry[/quote] 550-575 seems to be the going rate, and as you've seen above one guy got one for 450! obviously this is variably depending on condition, colour and presence of a case, whether you are offering insured shipping. It'll sell, these things always do.
  16. terrible football performance bump
  17. Tried a few in shops and IMO they're the best basses fender make (only tried the 4 string MIJ versions), never experienced this hum. I've never owned one though, so perhaps it's a prolonged usership problem.
  18. [quote name='Fullmetal' post='1353927' date='Aug 27 2011, 10:18 PM']Ebay is averaging around the £1k mark for an MIA Jazz Deluxe :S Havn't seen any posted around here recently. And thank you for pointing out that the Marcus Miller's are MIJ, always thought they were MIA which is why I was confused. Since they are MIJ, doesn't that mean there is a significant difference (reduced quality parts and build?)[/quote] The marcus miller v's are MIA, hence the horrendous increase in price for one of those versus the 4 string model, and relative rarity
  19. [quote name='Dogz73' post='1353521' date='Aug 27 2011, 12:52 PM']Thanks man. Really thought this would have been snapped up at this price.[/quote] Same - I literally have no need for it, otherwise I'd have taken it just because it's a bargain!
  20. [quote name='DirkThrust' post='1353286' date='Aug 27 2011, 07:19 AM']Do people really spend £1000 on a bass and then another £250 to get it sprayed a different colour. Not a chance. For that sort of money you are getting close to Boutique builder territory. Fender are never going to offer the J or P in sparkly orange, because Fender are all about tradition and I would bet that sunburst is still their best seller. If James Jamerson played a sparkly orange Precision then it'd be in their catalogue.[/quote] Well quite, only a mug buys a new fender nowadays anyway, or someone with more money than they know what to do with. As for the tradition, I think it limits them sales. I'd never buy a bass only based on colour, but personally I find sunburst and plain black fairly boring (I'm aware I own two sunburst basses and a trans-black bass), I'd definitely rather splash £800 on a S/H bongo 5 in sweeeeeeeeet sparkly orange than a black mia fender...
  21. Mel bought my beloved Warwick 5 string corvette $$ custom shop model. Mel has always been great to deal with and a long time $$ afficionado, the communication was great and the payment instant. A pleasure to do business with and I know my old bass has gone to a great new home.
  22. [quote name='SidVicious1978' post='1352946' date='Aug 26 2011, 07:56 PM']is pickup ok[/quote] Of course mate, will knock it down to £90 for you in that case! I'm in West Brompton, SW6 1SJ is the postcode. Drop me a PM if you want to buy etc, so I don't have to disclose my full address on a public forum
  23. I'd get one if I had a roadie to move the fecker for me, for sound and looks. I remember once asking the guy in Mansons why the brand new looking cab next to me had a S/H tag, mistake etc? Nope, but the bloke who bought it couldn't fit it through his front door :-s
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