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Everything posted by dc2009

  1. I feel like we should all offer him our membership number (in cents not dollars) and see what happens to the listing.
  2. [quote name='silddx' post='1307762' date='Jul 18 2011, 01:04 PM']They are the ugliest things known to man. I know GarethOx on here has one, and is immensely proud of it going by his avatar, but I'm sorry mate, it's a design-distaster, an aesthetic fail of unrivalled epicness.[/quote] I reckon the Warwick Dolphin would give it a run for its money in the ugly contest.
  3. [quote name='coasterbass' post='1307429' date='Jul 18 2011, 08:58 AM']Count me in. I missed the last bash so will be good to see peeps and generate some new GAS. I hope some other lefties can make it otherwise I'll have no toys to try out Ummm, what shall I bring? Eden Navigator preamp and SVP-Pro, Mesa 1x15 RR, Warwick $$ Streamer (Lefty), Stingray (Lefty)[/quote] Just the amps?.....
  4. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1307437' date='Jul 18 2011, 09:07 AM']Both myself and Bassassin own Talbo Basses. They are listed on the [url="http://www.tokai-guitars.co.uk/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=17&category_id=6&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=31"]Tokai UK web site[/url] so you should be able to get a Tokai dealer to order one for you. They're not cheap though with a list price of £899. However all the Talbo Basses I've seen for sale new in the UK have what I consider to be excess casting marks on the body (compared with the ones I've seen in Japan) which make me wonder if its the less than perfect examples which are being imported. I bought mine second hand from Ishibashi and the body is much cleaner than the ones I've seen in the UK. The other thing to watch is that the aluminium body is hollow and although it's packed with foam can be prone to feedback which is something that has been a problem for Bassassin. I've not used mine outside the studio, so I've not come across this. The sound is big and punchy, but I think that's more down to the pickup and pre-amp fitted rather than any inherent total qualities of the aluminium body. It's got a nice fast neck and balances nicely and of course looks great.[/quote] Ouch, was hoping for under 500 but I guess that was optimistic to say the least. I'd love to try one of these for a future GAS attack no doubt - are you or Bassassin coming to the surrey/se bash?
  5. [quote name='Fat Rich' post='1307703' date='Jul 18 2011, 12:33 PM']I'd say that graphite necks have more bite and note definition than wooden necks. Mine have an astonishing amount of sustain and ooomph, and the harmonics really ring out clearly and are easy to find. I also find graphite neck basses seem to take on the character of the strings more than wooden necked basses, sounding very different if I put Slinkys, DRs or Hotwires on. There's pretty much no way you're going to get a traditional Fender / Stingray / Rik / whatever type sound out of a graphite necked instrument which is why I have a Fender for that. But for a modern sound graphite can't be beat in my opinion, shame it's so expensive![/quote] Have to agree with all of this - never owned one myself but have had enough playing experience with them to agree.
  6. dc2009


    I'd gladly take a behringer combo over the equivalent ashdown - despite the raving that goes on about the little ashdowns on here I'm really not a fan
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1307324' date='Jul 18 2011, 12:09 AM']I'm a big fan of non-conventional materials for guitars and basses. Carbon fibre over cedar: [url="http://www.gusguitars.com/product.php?model_id=7"]Gus G3[/url]. Aluminium neck with a wooden body: [url="http://www.vintagekramer.com/alum.htm"]Karmer 450B and XKB-10[/url] (I've also got a Hondo copy of a Kamer Duke). [url="http://www.samsontech.com/products/productpage.cfm?prodID=45&brandID=3"]Hartke XL-4[/url] Aluminium body with wooden neck: [url="http://www.tokaijapan.com/talbobass.html"]Tokai Talbo B-135[/url] All aluminium: [url="http://borntorock.com/f4b.html"]Born To Rock F4B[/url] Acrylic body, wooden neck: Wesley I've written about some of these basses in [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=66328"]this thread[/url]. I've also written about lots of other basses made out of unconventional materials [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5525"]here[/url]. HTH[/quote] That Tokai Talbo looks sweet as a nut - did they make any, and can you find any nowadays?
  8. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='1299753' date='Jul 11 2011, 11:30 AM']No hat! First hatless gig in forever. Made up for it with stupid shades though. [/quote] You don't happen to play for a young blonde girl in an acoustic trio with a session drummer do you Low End Bee?
  9. Carbon fibre = super expensive Johnston
  10. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1306940' date='Jul 17 2011, 07:06 PM']The list will be incredibly long. As long as the head is pumping out real watts in a region of around 300 up you'll be fine with the midget or pushing it to the compact. Had a SVT-3 pro putting 350watts into a compact and it felt rather under powered, yet I had a OTB running in 4 ohm mode into it Whig should be about 300-350watts an it was ridiculously loud still. Markbass tend to be good companions, as are the TC heads, I've used both with a variety of Alexs cabs and they both sound wonderful at serious volume. A lot of praise comes from the harkte LH500 aswell. I always tell people you get what you out what you put in sound wise, as long as the watts are there to drive it.[/quote] Not a Markbass fan but if I got sick of my Hartke speaker bit I could always try the head bit through one of these cabs. Of course I'm sure many amps will work well, but was just wondering if Alex perhaps had a personal preference (or what does he/do most of his employees use)?
  11. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='1307032' date='Jul 17 2011, 08:28 PM']Not even a scratchplate? And, more generally speaking, Perspex basses I recall; Wesleys in varying shades. Ampeg Dan Armstrong Sandberg Plasma- is that the aforementioned model?[/quote] Wesley, that was the cheap one. Sandberg Plasma is what they called their Oliver Riedel sig for a while or it's the other way round I'm not sure. As for Ampeg Dan Armstrong, not a clue about it.
  12. [quote name='bartelby' post='1306993' date='Jul 17 2011, 07:51 PM']Does the Ampeg Dan Armstrong not count as pro-level?[/quote] I said ones I can think of? And that thing I've never even seen before.
  13. Obviously opposite ends of the spectrum, but I used to borrow basses (and loan mine out) to friends for band practices a few years back. The two basses I had experience of were an all carbon fibre Status headless and some form of budget perspex thing (tinted blue or pink I think). The Status was probably the best sounding bass I have ever played. Every single note rang true and clear, more than I have ever heard any bass do (and this was through an average at best amp). I should make it clear that this bass was all one piece of fibre, not one of the wood bodied ones, though from my brief experience with Modulus basses, I would say that these sort of do the same job of making it very clear, just nothing like as crystal clear as the all-CF Status. This bass also cut through the mix just right, without being very loud. I would say that it shows up any mistake you make terribly, you would never get away with sloppy playing on one of them at a gig. The budget, perspex thingy was heavier than your average nuclear submarine, and had terrible tone, playibility and overall sound. The only pro-level perspex bass I can think of is the Oliver Riedel sig that Sandberg (used to - I think) make. Very cool looking thing, check it out on their website (note it might be in the custom shop section), not a clue on the sound though. On a side note, that distinctive carbon fibre pattern looks the canine's testicles.
  14. I assume this went on ebay?
  15. limiter enhancer still there?
  16. [quote name='alexclaber' post='1306715' date='Jul 17 2011, 02:44 PM']Aha![/quote] Hi Alex, Finally found the time to read through all the technical gubbins you linked me to on your site! Very impressed - clearly explained and not too waffley, and cleared up a lot of stuff in my head. Out of interest, what would you say (based on your opinion and experience) is the head that works best with your gear?
  17. In that case, I very much prefer the sandberg being made to sound like a stingray than the stingray sound itself.
  18. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1306326' date='Jul 17 2011, 12:39 AM']This thread is awesome and it hasn't even started yet.[/quote]
  19. dc2009


    You must have a PA in a church (I assume there are mics). I'd rather recommend something a lot less powerful (and therefore cheaper and lighter) and investing in a decent bass amp mic (or DI ofc). You could also always rely solely on the PA and just get yourself a Sansamp. On the behringer note, I will say that I've heard a lot of people slate their gear, but to my ears and knowledge it's always been alright for the price. Thing is, I would never say it is more than alright. It does the job just fine but you'll never hear anyone rave about it.
  20. [quote name='escholl' post='1306267' date='Jul 16 2011, 10:56 PM']There is a way to connect a line input directly to the soundcard -- in fact, usually just connecting it straight in with a mono jack will work. You may need to go to control panel --> sound and turn the gain down however, else it might distort beyond all reason lol. There are also some reasons why it might not work, so if you can't get it working let me know.[/quote] Will do. I assume I need cables for this. Are you suggesting the line out of my DI? or the line out the back of the head that goes into the cab? I guess I would need a 3pin female DI jack to 1/4" jack lead, then a 1/4" jack to 3.5mm jack connector?
  21. [quote name='Dandelion' post='1306164' date='Jul 16 2011, 08:42 PM'][url="http://www.chasedirect.co.uk/ViewProdDetails.asp?prod_code=PON09I000019&Prod_name=CHASE+GUITAR+BASS+ELECTRASONIC+VEGAS+EKVEGASS4SBLK&CAT_CODE=52&SUBCAT_CODE=309"]http://www.chasedirect.co.uk/ViewProdDetai...SUBCAT_CODE=309[/url] I likes!!! [/quote] me too!
  22. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1306112' date='Jul 16 2011, 07:41 PM']Congrats Dan Looking forward to hearing some of your Warwick through it. BTW, what's that square piece between the DI & the power switch? From the pic it looks like a flip out car ashtray. [/quote] Thanks mate :-) I tried to record a sample using my Warwick through it last night. I'm preparing a little piece for you all, and was just testing it out how it sounded played back on record. The piece for certain needs some ironing out and more practice, but the sound is rubbish (recorded through my crappy little in-built laptop mic), it's auto-distorted and sounds terrible. I need a smart way to record, can I make use of the amp DI or my sansamp and somehow plug them into the little 3.5mm microphone jack on my laptop and use that as an input? Without exploding my laptop/sound card ideally? The little piece you are on about also made me have to look in the brochure. It's the fan filter, which I assume is a very smart way of preventing the amp innards getting dust on them due to the fan drawing air through. I assume the little lip at the bottom is there so you can take it out for cleaning once in a while. 3 band eq is seriously all you need though, even the activeness on my basses is becoming largely unnecessary.
  23. [quote name='Doddy' post='1305723' date='Jul 16 2011, 01:06 PM']No......it means that all the bravado that people have when they say they can hear a specific bass a mile off goes out of the window. I've always said that the player is more important than the bass,and this thread is really supporting my thoughts.[/quote] Plus about one million. Also, it's not just the player but how the player chooses to set it up, whether he does various things to the pickup selection etc, and also simple stuff like having a sansamp in the mix, or a different amp, will clearly alter the 'stingray sound'. If the guy you responded to thinks that to have the stingray sound, you have to have it set up in a certain way, then it's a BS notion in my mind.
  24. [quote name='Evil Undead' post='1304604' date='Jul 15 2011, 11:58 AM']Thanks for the recommendation mate. It looks like you own one of these beasts, so you probably know how upset I am to have to sell it! But needs must. Sounds silly, but I can't even bring myself to open the case and look at it or play it, as I know it will make me feel even worse about letting it go [/quote] I feel for you man. I think I've just come to the point of selling mine, only to buy exactly the same bass (with some wood and finish differences) as a replacement, and even this decision has me wondering, these things are beautiful!
  25. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='1305377' date='Jul 16 2011, 12:37 AM']As pleased as i am for you, this reminds me that i never win anything haha Hope you're enjoying that beast![/quote] Buddy, I've never won anything ever, and probably never will again either, sometimes you just get lucky!. And Dood, please do tell him, I'd love to communicate my gratitude to him personally too (PM me?). I was hugely chuffed on the night, still don't quite believe it, my room is getting crowded! (marshall is provisionally sold though thankfully). Also, shameless plug, but if you guys haven't tried these cabs yet, or the old fully aluminium ones, just go and do it, the sound is unreal. Also, this thing is a 500W monster with an all valve preamp, it doesn't come much better than that!
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