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Everything posted by dc2009

  1. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1261773' date='Jun 8 2011, 08:29 PM']Sounds weird - My Pro-V sounds pretty even across all strings with TI Flats. Do the strings match? perhaps the E has been replaced with one of a different type?[/quote] What a great call, I've just glanced to my left, and noted the E string has red silk over the ends where all the others are plain. I assume that makes it a rotosound jobby. Is there any way that I can find out what strings are on it? IMO I really liked the feel of the other strings, no idea what they are! And also don't want to restring it needlessly. I never knew oddly mixed strings made such a difference, is there a decent scientific explanation for it/way to make sure it doesn't happen (asides always playing with the same strings and having those as your backups too) - which I don't want to do because I've yet to settle on my favourite strings, or even try all of them that are out there!
  2. [quote name='bassbluestew' post='1260774' date='Jun 8 2011, 09:28 AM']Now slightly OT but please bear with me. I was recently down visiting Phil Nixon at the wonderful Bassgear.co.uk and having a go on a luvverly Avella Coppolo ( hope I've got the spelling correct - too many sets of double letters!!! ) and this very topic came up. He reckoned the AC's really sang later in the set as he was digging in a bit more. I normally play with a light touch ( arthritis makes anything else a very real pain ) but on Sat's gig really went for it and crikey but it sounded very different. So what am laboriously trying to say is that digging in ain't necessarily a bad thing at all. It can actually bring out the signature tones of some basses as I have now heard for myself. S for Stewart - not Softie[/quote] Interesting. I play a Warwick mainly, which gets ever so throaty when you dig in, properly growling at you if you give it some oomph. And now with one thunderbird soon to be joined by another, I'm not exactly mr jazz, but perhaps I should learn to be. IMO I do think what bass you play affects how much you dig in though. I once had a few practices on an all graphite status, and I played that thing in a featherlight sort of way, it was all it was asking for, beautiful, crystal clear sound too.
  3. So I've just plugged her in for the first time, and I'm in for a bit of a shock. Tone wise she sounds fine and she plays beautifully too, but I have a serious volume issue. The E string is noticeably louder than any of the other strings, (I think a bit bassier too but volume is the issue), I'd also argue the three high strings are marginally louder than the low B, but that's insignificant next to the E issue. To check I wasn't hearing things I ran the bass and amp EQ completely flat, turned off the sansamp, and still the same problem. To absolutely eliminate anything, I took the sansamp out of the chain, turned the amp eq and pre-amp sections both off, and then used the blend control to check each pickup. At both pickups the E was equally loud, and the other strings were equally quiet. Anyone know what this issue is? Thanks, Dan
  4. I sold my pro-iv to mark (ahpook) to cover as much of the cost of this as I could. She arrived at 9am sharp today, and from 10 minutes playing, it is evident she is just plain lovely. It's used, bought from a guitar shop's ebay store, however, it looks mint, there is not a ding or mark I can find on it, only wear seems to be the fade of the pickup lettering. It's a newer model with the neck strap button in the proper place, and it doesn't neck dive one bit, balances beautifully! Got a maths exam at 2, but will give it a proper run through and get some pics up when I return this evening! Dan
  5. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1260559' date='Jun 8 2011, 12:07 AM']Sorry DC2009, I'd also have to disagree. If you're having trouble with "Digging in" then you need to turn your amp up & play with a lighter touch. How hard you're playing with the right hand is just as important as what frets you're holding with the left IMO. I'm not dissing compressors as some folk like what they do to your sound (I do too sometimes), but I wouldn't use one to try & rectify poor technique.[/quote] Yeah, re-read my post and it really awfully explained what I was trying to say. IMO rock music isn't about a light touch when you want to dig in for a really solid bassline, it's why I tend to move from the bridge up towards the neck for digging in purposes. I have the problem at practice lately, the amp is poor (not mine) and I can't push it to the volume I want to play lightly, so everything is having to be played that much harder, and ruining my fingers after a half day practice. Bit hazy on some of what's been said, but if playing heavily is what's being classed as poor technique then I'll be the first to say my technique is awful. The main reason I dig in a lot compared to a lot of players is IMO it sounds infinitely better. I ofc make mistakes like anyone else, but it seems like mistakes and poor technique have been muddled up somewhere here (if they haven't it's just in my head) and I don't think they're necessarily one and the same. Out of interest, how are limiters best used? I know that the only time one has ever affected me was in the studio, where the one small part of slap bass I had, has disappeared off the mix completely (I didn't rate the engineer, but perhaps it was my fault).
  6. Hi guys, Thought I'd put this in here as it's a rather similar sort of question. I have DI on the front of my head, and now I have my Sansamp PBDDI. The last gig I used (didn't have the sansamp) my head through someone else's cab, both mic'd and DI'd. Now my drummer is getting a van soon, but for some of the gigs coming up in the meantime, a couple of the venues have their own bass cab but no head. Now a head isn't too much to carry, but on public transport I'd rather not bother. So, question is, can I just take my Sansamp to the next gig and run through the PA, do I lose anything that way in your guys opinions? As for wireless, truckstop, I have one, and it's so far been used once, but with gig bookings it's got another 5 usages coming up. Given I have a coupla pedals running leads to the front of the stage, it's nice not to have your instrument lead tangle up with those. I used to gig a lot before and this was never a problem, but then I rarely played with pedals before. If you're careful, you'll be fine with leads, I even played a gig where I went into a small moshpit with a bass leaded up. If you use a lead, make sure you tuck it through your strap though - makes it easy to retrieve if you lose it. My sennheiser wireless was £80 s/h on here and I'd say it's well worth it, takes all 5 strings comfortably, and I was able to get some distance out my front door before the signal cut out!
  7. [quote name='algmusic' post='1259942' date='Jun 7 2011, 05:13 PM']I personally, think you could spend that money on maybe 3 bass lessons with a good teacher to give you some pointers on keeping a consistent groove. I bought a compressor and have ended up not using it.. good technique is the key. It's about learning to relax.. and keeping the notes consistent the more you rely on them the worse you playing can get IMHO The MXR Dyno Comp is a good compressor, but Like I said.. used mine last year..[/quote] Gotta disagree for the point of view of live playing. You very often don't hear what the audience hears (you are typically behind the PA speakers, with yourself turned way up in the monitor), if you want to play with any feel I think you need to get 'excited' to really dig in on the louder and more forceful parts of the songs, but how much you start playing harder or faster or whatever is down to you, and yet it won't sound the same to the audience anyway. If you play uniformly all the way through just listening to your monitor I think the bass would sound stiff and get lost in the big parts.
  8. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1260071' date='Jun 7 2011, 06:40 PM']I think you might be able to get the MM logo's on ebay [/quote] Dude I think the body of mine is made out of concrete, whatever it is I swear it weighs 10Kgs, I'd never get away with it!
  9. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1260032' date='Jun 7 2011, 06:16 PM']Just a self styled expert, No more , No less and too much time.[/quote] Very jealous. I'd love to be that knowledgeable about something. So knowledgeable it bores most people but comes useful at occasional moments like this one! Perhaps that's why I'm studying aeronautics, there isn't much that's nerdier . I've still never played a proper stingray, will have to discover what the fuss is about someday I spose. Well I guess I have my MM copy, it says crafter on it, I guess that makes it a crafter..... :-(
  10. Sucks man, hope you get them back. Two lefty warwicks are suitably rare to be noticed when they come up for sale. Warwick's have such funky bodies anyway these morons won't know they're lefties until they take them to a crack converters, check ebay too, they may go there if they get turned away from crack converters, look for listings with poor english .
  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1259998' date='Jun 7 2011, 05:53 PM']Busted [/quote] Dude you found that one of a kind Pre-EB neck that was the first run off the production line, made out of an offcut of wood used for the presidential desk, set with frets made using metal obtained from smelting Napoleon's favourite sword. It just so happened to be that it's attached to some hunk of crap body, so you thought you would get this one of a kind item by rubbishing the listing. Looks like you thought wrong pal! You would've gotten away with it too if it hadn't been for those meddling EBMM guys! And I am highly impressed by your knowledge above and the detail in which you know it. Fair play to you man that takes dedication, or a lot of time on your hands, I'm not sure which .
  12. [quote name='ficelles' post='1259885' date='Jun 7 2011, 04:29 PM']Has anyone asked Martin or are you just asking me? I don't have the email (I'm assuming it was an email), and while I'm happy to defend a friend in here as he doesn't read forums to my knowledge I'm not running around gathering evidence... if you want to see it, contact him through fleabay and ask if he's got a written response from MM and can add it to the listing. ficelles[/quote] I'm not interested in it, and therefore haven't asked the guy to see it. I just thought it seemed like a logical idea to bring up, as it can prove or disprove his case and perhaps someone on here will get the neck they want, your mate will get a coupla hundred nicker, and saves you fighting his corner on here - conversely if it doesn't exist, it gives any of the people here the right to report the listing to ebay. I assumed you were relating most of this to him, and I would also assume he is aware that a print screen of the email (or photo of the letter) whatever, will prove that EBMM do say it's a MM neck, and stand him in good stead to get the money he deserves for it! In this guys defence, if the neck is as old as he's essentially saying it is, it could quite easily have been sanded down at the head end, or modified in various ways, especially if it's been put onto another bass.
  13. [quote name='Doctor J' post='1259815' date='Jun 7 2011, 03:40 PM']To be fair, all anyone has asked for is confirmation of the exchange with Ernie Ball and some higher res pics.[/quote] Exactly. As I said above, it's not hard to put a print screen up for the sake of a few hundred quid.
  14. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1259749' date='Jun 7 2011, 02:50 PM']Lets see this response from EBMM if it exists[/quote] Agreed, like I said, a print screen of a genuine e-mail will suffice I'm sure. And it is worth your guy doing (rather than burning the thing) if he is telling the truth because then he stands to make a coupla hundred quid out of it, if not, I doubt people will buy it, even at that price,
  15. Wow, the first video has that sound as if he's really digging in, yet you can see his touch is seriously light. I can't comprehend how he is able to play PoT that quickly and remain clear, and his harmonics sound unbelievabubble. I do like the melody of PoT too, so nice.
  16. [quote name='Machines' post='1259681' date='Jun 7 2011, 01:50 PM']The problem I have is as soon as anyone is endorsed, anything they say about their gear is instantly biased - I can't take them as seriously.[/quote] Perhaps, on a public forum they have to sing it's praises, but in private I'm sure they will be honest. I spoke to a bass player the other day, his band were supporting Amon Amarth, Children of Bodom and Ensiferum (very big metal bands of today for those not in the know). He had played a Sandberg for the set and I asked him if he was getting it on endorsement, and he said that he was endorsed by at least 3 other bass brands, but not sandberg, and yet was still playing that one for the european tour, thereby saying his endorsement basses weren't actually all that.
  17. Some really interesting and useful insights there, thanks man Dan Hope you enjoy the sanberg
  18. [quote name='ficelles' post='1259594' date='Jun 7 2011, 12:51 PM']There are several thousand musical instrument listings that need to be reported then! I particularly hate the "Gibson Les Paul by TangleVintage" style usage. Martin's ad title is clear - it's a [u]copy[/u] of a MusicMan Stingray. You can't identify the original without using the brand name in this instance. Anyway I am seeing him later so will offer (in the event that it doesn't sell) to take the thing apart and post detailed pics in here. Assuming he hasn't got totally put off by all the b/s re this listing and burnt it. ficelles[/quote] I know it's clear, but I'm saying it's not allowed. I know there are plenty of other listings that do the same, and I wish ebay did a better job of covering it, largely because I don't want all the crap that comes up when you try and search for something decent!
  19. [quote name='risingson' post='1259573' date='Jun 7 2011, 12:36 PM']All you need to do is contact the distributor of Sandberg in the U.K. I contacted Sandberg directly a few months back and they passed my details on to Synergy U.K distribution and offered me a good deal on any custom build I wanted with a really good discount but I decided not to take them up on it just yet. You don't need to be incredibly big; what they want to see is you promoting the Sandberg brand in any way you can and it always helps if you're a touring artist as well so that the brand can make the link to your fan base. As far as I can gather, Sandberg are a good brand to be tied to and offer a good amount of discount, providing you do the best you can to push them.[/quote] That's really helpful, looking at some tours soon, so will maybe get onto them when they get confirmed. I play Thunderbirds for this band, though I can't say I particularly want/need any more from Epiphone, and I think Gibson might be pushing my luck. I'll wear sandberg everything 24/7 if they give me a decent discount Looking to get a Sandberg as the next bass if I can find one at a sensible price, only thing GAS-wise that might dissuade me is a Modulus Quantum V or an all graphite Status, not a fan of their wood things.
  20. Congrats, what a great brand to get an endorsement with. So out of interest, how do you go about getting one of these, how big do you need to be etc? There are plenty of bands I've never heard of that get endorsements, yours being one of them (though I did just go have a look on your website and I guess I have now), so how big do you need to be for them not to scoff in your face and not even reply to you. Are you guys signed and doing headline european tours, with record sales in the tens of thousands, or not at that stage - just curious ?
  21. [quote name='ficelles' post='1259474' date='Jun 7 2011, 11:18 AM']Secondly the listing states it's a copy but then in the text repeats the info [u]provided by Music Man[/u]. There is no intention to mislead. Only a moron would think the listing was attempting to pass that guitar off as something it isn't.[/quote] From Jean-Luc: "the title is still unacceptable even with the word 'copy' thrown in. It is against ebays rules to use a brand name in the title to describe a product which is not made by that manufacturer." The copy bit means it needs reporting, unless the info from Musicman is genuine, if so: I think a printscreen of the email from EBMM would serve as proof, given it will have come from an EBMM address, and not [email protected] If he shows that, he might stand a chance of selling it for a lot more too, look how many people are interested here, why not just do that and avoid all this fuss?
  22. [quote name='Ian Savage' post='1259304' date='Jun 7 2011, 08:39 AM']...but you must [/quote] If it's still here come the end of the week I may well take it, there's an ebay listing for a bass I'm interested in, probably can't justify them both . Don't hold it on my account.
  23. [quote name='Scotticus' post='1259370' date='Jun 7 2011, 09:54 AM']Fair question. I'm 100% with you that sound-wise it's an awesome bass. I've talked myself into trading because I'm spending way more time down low nowadays so could probably do with 35" scale, and there are plans afoot for my band to make a video next month so it's probably time to do something about the fact that Corvettes don't push the gearporn button for me quite as often as Streamers do.[/quote] Aye, if I could change one thing about it it'd be the body shape, which I just find a bit average, though it is nice and unique. You should have a look at fanned frets if you're that serious about scale length! My $$ managed tuning down three semitones just fine, (low Ab).
  24. Mine's blue and it ain't going nowhere. Why're you guys getting rid of these, they're amazing?
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