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Everything posted by dc2009

  1. Bugger me, I apologise, I skim read top and bottom and not the middle. I'm tempted, I'm planning a project this summer. I'll have a think. :-)
  2. dc2009

    Bands Wanted

    Heard nothing either...
  3. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1257465' date='Jun 5 2011, 04:58 PM']That's how they try and get ya. I play guitar too. How loopy would I sound if I insisted on playing only guitars that had my preferred bass settings (should such a thing exist)? String spacing generally refers to the dimensions at the bridge but if specified can mean at the nut too. Measured centre to centre - if you do this, it soon becomes apparent that with the differing width in strings that the preciseness (and therefore part of the theory) kinda goes out the window... I prefer to use it as nothing more than a guide.[/quote] Well yeah I am very inclined to agree. As a guy who has an acoustic and electric guitar (I'm not very good but I enjoy them), along with 4 and 5 string basses of varying make etc, I am aware that it takes me a bit of adjustment if I pick up one after playing lots of another, but I can't say I massively prefer one over another, I sort of just pick up and play. Though I do like mcnach's first sentence, I think it would help me make more reasoned decisions when considering a bass, obviously it isn't the be all and end all, something can have my favourite string spacing (if I have one) and still not feel right, and vice versa, though it might help me narrow down my searches a lot more methodically and with a little more reasoning behind it!
  4. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1257444' date='Jun 5 2011, 04:27 PM']Hmmm ... oh alright then, not "unplayable" but just not so easy or as much fun. When I play a 5-string with 17mm spacing, for example, my playing is all over the place and I'm constantly brushing strings that I didn't mean to touch. That's not through unfamilarity. I've owned basses with 16.5mm and 17mm and 17.5mm string spacing, and I played them all for a while before deciding to move them on. For me, it just didn't feel right. It's worth mentioning that I've never had a problem switching from 1 1/2" at the nut to 1 7/8" which I know many are sensitive to. For me, it's the [i][b]right [/b][/i]hand that defines what feels comfortable on string spacing.[/quote] Yeah see this kind of personal idea I find interesting. Though as ou7shined says, perhaps I don't want to get into caring, because it will narrow my choices, but then I understand the flipside that is that if I play only basses with a narrower tolerance of such measurements, perhaps my playing will improve and be more consistent as a result. Also what is the string spacing definition? I assume it's centre line to centre line?
  5. Hi all, Just been considering string spacing as I see it is mentioned a lot on here. It has also got me thinking about neck width at nut, fingerboard radius and neck radius/profile. I have realised that I have never even bothered looking at what this figure is for any bass I have looked at or even bought. I have always considered 5ers to be much of a muchness in these departments and never really thought much more of it. Now, trying to find out what the string spacing, neck width and radius are, I am struggling to find the information, even for my Warwick. So I guess I'm asking a) where can you find such information if the manufacturer's site doesn't make it obvious, is there a comparison site? How much do these figures affect play, are certain numbers better for certain playing styles, and is one manufacturer known to make, really wide necks, or really closely packed strings, for example? I know I dislike the thick neck profile on fender p's, but is this down to the shape profile, the radius, or a mix of both, and where can I find information about this on other basses? Thanks in advance, Dan
  6. [quote name='Randy_Marsh' post='1256506' date='Jun 4 2011, 02:45 PM']Thanks for that Evil Undead. I might have to wait a few months then, but at least I know something is coming my way, as it sounds like a great bit of kit. Randy is a personal hero of mine. Glad to see he has a few fans on here [/quote] and another one here
  7. I've just spied a tasty bubinga bodied crafter bass on the net i might get as a project bass, thinking of gutting it, giving it a decent neck, pups, electronics and bridge, is this kind of thing very feasible and easy enough to do?
  8. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1256176' date='Jun 4 2011, 07:46 AM']Handlaid jewels??? Looks like sequins to me, I didn't know fender hired primary school children.[/quote] Yeah it's from their Mexico factory, where they do....
  9. so what do these do? i have an iphone, and would like to make it useful!
  10. [quote name='ZMech' post='1254599' date='Jun 2 2011, 09:00 PM']I'm a multi-instrumentalist, I can play bass, kazoo, and this thing: It's a unique instrument that I think would really thicken up your 'sound'! I'm studying in bristol, but will come to rehearsals the odd time i come home to london (a weekend every few months). Just let me know[/quote] That guy has skills, wowzers.
  11. [quote name='Eight' post='1215628' date='Apr 30 2011, 11:21 AM']You've spelled Metal wrong in the drop-down box on the loop search on the front page. Not being picky - but it's like having visible snot in your nose, I would prefer someone told me than spend the whole day unaware. Cool idea - I'll spend some proper time on there as soon as I can.[/quote] Hehehe lol. As for recording stuff into my laptop, what is the best way? I have a trace head with a lineout, and my sansamp, but nothing else to go between that and laptop, ideas?
  12. [quote name='mcnach' post='1254661' date='Jun 2 2011, 09:49 PM'] not sure if it's toilets in France what it makes me think of, but there's something... "off" there, isn't it? yet, alluring. cream guard with cream pickup covers sounds interesting too, hmmm.[/quote] why not just dip the whole bass in full fat double and be done with it? Jazz basses can be without pickguards if they have a nice figured wood top, or perhaps a sparkly razzle dazzle finish at a push, otherwise, pickguard stays on.... and pickup covers stay black.
  13. Mark came round and tried out my Thunderbird Pro-IV today and liked it enough to buy it on the spot. A thorough gent with excellent communication, kind words and interesting chatter throughout. Always trust this guy, friendly and arrived on the dot when he said he would too! Pleasure doing business with you!
  14. [quote name='paul_5' post='1255879' date='Jun 3 2011, 07:58 PM']Aw shucks, you guys are the best [blush emoticon]. Cheers for the bump. How's that Bassballs treating you?[/quote] I've not used it for anything other than bedroom noodling, and it's been just great for that! Now on the lookout for a Russian muff, if I don't find one soon I might just have to go to on hols to moscow and get both kinds....
  15. Oh my god I am going!
  16. I'll be doing some recording for Fredde and this project the week after next, I'll happily do a harmonics add on once I sort my intonation to perfect levels. Though of course there is far much more tonal variety in a harmonic, a) which kind of harmonic do you want, and how soon do you want the finger lifted?
  17. [quote name='Doddy' post='1255351' date='Jun 3 2011, 12:39 PM']At least they aren't interviewing Jamie Cullum.[/quote] +1
  18. [quote name='tony_m' post='1255699' date='Jun 3 2011, 05:05 PM']And just so we know where we all stand... [url="http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/worlds-best-guitarist-seeks-rockin-awesome-band11-t213418.html"]WORLDS BEST GUITARIST SEEKS ROCKIN AWESOME BAND!!!!!!!11 [/url] [i]I play guitar. lead guitar only. rhythm and bass are for pussies wid no talent. i like slash so will only play gunns n roses or metallica. or bands that sound just like them. will not play a song i do not like (which is anything that is not BR00T@L M3T@L!!!!11 ROCK ON!!!11) [/i] And that's just for starters! I don't know, kids + computers = never a good idea... [/quote] I think you'll find Nicklas Bendtner posted that...
  19. [quote name='Muzz' post='1255576' date='Jun 3 2011, 03:35 PM']Is it just me, or do these have more than a whiff of Cort about them? That's not a derogatory comment in any way, BTW, I had a really nice A4, and the build quality was terrific. Anyhoo, bump in a If-I-had-the-spare-cash kinda way... [/quote] Bass factory in Korea = the cort factory Makers of Corts, Deans and a whole host of others.
  20. Mark (ahpook) has been and bought it, thanks to anyone/everyone else for looking. Hope he's happy with the bass, was a hella nice guy to deal with too!
  21. [quote name='paul_5' post='1255419' date='Jun 3 2011, 01:30 PM']Hi all, I'm selling my 24v EHQ q-tron plus. Modded with a master volume control to control the infamous volume spike. Wooden box and 24v PSU (original) included. Looking for £75 posted. Cheers, Paul photos to follow.[/quote] This is a great buy someone should snap this up. I have one without the mod Paul has got on his and it set me back slightly more and is still worth every penny, I love mine. Grab yourself a great pedal off a great guy - I've done business with Paul before and it's nice and easy!
  22. Great ad, I'd hire him. I'm sure he isn't all that bad and is doing it a little light-heartedly, nothing like some good musical fun, you should see my band's gig rider!
  23. [quote name='ahpook' post='1254492' date='Jun 2 2011, 07:56 PM']you just made my t-bird GAS very bad ![/quote] Ahaha, as TBs go, they're as good as Epiphone make them! Why not buy this one, she's a great worker, really really nice? Given you're in London you can also come over and test her out if it helps the decision ;-). There are a few photos here, taken from my one gig with her: [url="http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150311368848975.411319.83079253974"]http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1...319.83079253974[/url] You might need to like the band to see them, not sure, but that won't hurt I'll upload proper photos later, light isn't great in those. EDIT: And note it is that red hunk of sh!t I'm smashing in the last photo, not the TB.
  24. [quote name='ahpook' post='1254465' date='Jun 2 2011, 07:30 PM']stop it. please.[/quote] I'm sorry?
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