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Posts posted by JPWebb

  1. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' post='1215035' date='Apr 29 2011, 03:55 PM']I use mine with gain at 12 o'clock and (preamp) volume between 3 o'clock and max. I also use a active bass and a pedalboard with a bit of gain boost and never saw the lim LED on! Maybe you're digging too much on your bass (i'm a light-hand player) or have the pickups too close to the strings! Try turning the volume of the bass a bit down.
    I play with a single 12"er and never got the master volume passed 11 - 12 o'clock.[/quote]
    Good point about the pickups! I've altered the height a few turns and there is an improvement already. Thanks. I'm now off to look up the word "tweak" :lol:lol!

  2. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1214871' date='Apr 29 2011, 01:44 PM']Yep +1

    Also by the sounds of things your already sending a lot of gain in from an active bass and a pedal board, Where is your input gain at? Sounds to me like you need to lower the gain but keep the volume the same (both of mine are at 12 oclock but with no effects at all) ,play it so the input o/l is just flashing when you give it some welly then use the master volume to suit the room and without the clip led coming on much if at all.[/quote]
    Thanks that sounds simple! I like simple.. The best bit of advice in a way is to mostly ignore the LED's. I've got perhaps a bit of experimenting to do with and without the pedal though. I don't really do technical, I'd rather just play, but I suppose it's not too late to learn..

    Thanks again for all the quick replies

  3. Just to compare notes with other shuttle 9.0 users, the limit LED flashes furiously even though the master volume never gets above ten o'clock. Then as soon as I give my guitar some "welly" the amp starts clipping. I currently send the output of my multi effects into the output stage of the amp. When I try reducing the output level of the effects unit and turning up the master volume I get more of the same. As for using the input stage, well that's another story, just far too easily overdriven.. the over-load LED screams at me every time I get close to a sound that I like. Then I read the manual and it tells me that I might "desire" an overdriven sound.. well.. not yet mate! more frustration. An active bass shouldn't really over-load the input of a top class amp should it? I hope that I'm only missing a trick or two that someone can help me with.

    Any tips (from shuttle 9.0 users) would be gratefully received, thanks

    I'm using 2 x AE112 bergs, a sandberg california bass and a line 6 pod xt live. Also I'm in a LOUD four piece band with a drummer who is not going to get any quieter!

  4. [quote name='JPWebb' post='1200339' date='Apr 15 2011, 10:00 AM']I've just found out what a tyre kicker is.. and this feller is one of those :) :) :lol: :D :P[/quote]
    Con respecto a tyre kicker: Me olvidé de agregar - acosador. No, acabo de decir .... Stalker. Tal vez incluso una falta de respeto, no estoy seguro, no he utilizado español desde que estaba en la escuela. :lol:

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