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Everything posted by Andyjr1515

  1. Great, great bash. Many thanks to @jebroad for taking this on and sorting it all out And thanks to @jebroad 's delightful mum for all the hard work too! Great to catch up with folks I've met before and folks I met for the first time. What a pleasant, friendly, talented bunch you are
  2. Was there another one doing lightweights? The blighter!!!! Andy By the way, your Fender Performer was simply divine...
  3. @tauzero - save us all! The devil makes work for idle hands - and I think they've got hold of the keys to the asylum!!!! Hope this week has gone well ( @tauzero has had a very busy week ). At some stage if you get a second, let them know what you think and maybe that will spare us from any more poetry or, god forbid, a song!
  4. No harm in having it in your boot. And yes, I fully understand your observation
  5. For reasons that will become clear, I would like to fix an actual time for my 1/2 hr (including questions) spiel on weight reduction for those who want to listen to the drivel. Anyone object to me nabbing a 2.30pm slot?
  6. How many passes of the CNC router do you need to do to to reach that depth? Nice clean cut.
  7. Yes - exactly that...and just the same as how the master tone connects to the master volume of the original circuit except that, now, each volume pot has its own
  8. Hopefully these two pictures explain a bit better This is the standard circuit: And - for the volume pots of the stacked pots, this is what the amended circuit is basically doing:
  9. I'll do an annotated pic later this eve just to explain what my assumptions are Andy
  10. Just a small diversion for @Jimothey With credit to guitarelectronics.com whose diagram I've tweaked (theirs had a master tone), I'm pretty sure this circuit will work. Bear in mind that the stacked pots are just that - two standard pots on top of each other: And @vinorange - the tone pot connections would be pretty much the same on yours. Both - I've shown an earth wire connecting the two pots of each pair - but they usually earth each other in which case this is just belt and braces
  11. This is the corrected one. I've also added a missing earth on the second volume pot. Anyone else agree or disagree this should work?
  12. I might have the two wires to the volume pots the wrong way round. It might be feed into the middle lug and out to the switch from the end jug rather than how I've drawn it of feed into the end lug and out to the switch from the middle lug...
  13. Isn't it just this (for clarity, this is just the volume pot bit of the stacked pots)? This: Becomes this: So just to clarify, the two hot wires from the pickups, instead of going direct to the 3 switch cluster, go there, instead, via their respective volume pots. Then the blue feed out of the 3 switch cluster can go straight to the single switch on the top left instead of going via the master volume pot. Does that make sense?
  14. OK - I think it's pretty straightforward. Let me check my logic a bit first, but at the moment I think: The pickup hot feeds go to the three switch cluster The output of that cluster goes, via the blue wire, to the volume pot The adjusted signal comes out of the volume pot and goes, via the yellow wire, to the other switch trickery and ends up eventually coming out via the green wire to the jack So I think all you have to do is have each individual volume pot placed between the pickup and the three way cluster? So basically, the volume pots go in BEFORE the pickup feeds reach the 3 way cluster rather than AFTER the 3 way cluster as it is at present. Then, because the volume is already taken care of, you effectively join the blue wire and the yellow wire left dangling when you desolder the master volume (in reality, of course, you would simply route the blue wire coming out of the 3way switch cluster, directly to where the yellow wire attaches to the top left single switch and remove that particular yellow wire altogether)? I'll see if I can use the magic of Inkscape or maybe even just Powerpoint to amend the wiring diagram.
  15. No problem. Do you want me to find you a circuit diag?
  16. Ah - OK. That makes sense I'll sit in a darkened room for a bit and try to work it out, but yes, essentially, the two outputs from the new volumes will join back to where the yellow eventually goes...
  17. Scrub this - two different people with two different requirements I shouldn't try to read this stuff on a small tablet!
  18. Sorry - I had misunderstood. Are you planning just pickups and two stacked pots and no switches at all? If so, that is very straightforward - I'll find a wiring diagram or sketch one out. You threw me with the wiring diag you posted - that particular arrangement is one of the most complex anyone is likely to encounter on a bass. The two are on opposite ends of the scale, so hopefully it's the former rather than the latter you're planning
  19. It will be a case of delinking the two feeds from the three switch cluster (top right on your diag.) and sending the output to each volume pot. Then the output from each pot will go back to the switch on the top left. As the diagram is shown , just confirm what each of those three switches do? I am assuming they are pickup on / off switches?
  20. Just a thought, folks. These kinds of events tend to need extension leads. If you have an up to date PAT tested lead, probably worth popping it in your boot.
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