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Everything posted by Andyjr1515

  1. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1501750644' post='3347042'] Cool! Following with interest and awe, as usual. No pressure, Andy, but everyone's watching [/quote] That can be quite a beggar when the chisel slips and takes off the headstock.....
  2. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1501755016' post='3347105'] Is there any reason other than complexity to stop you from doing fanny frets? [/quote] If I was doing it simply for myself, I would probably go multi-fret. Yes, it's a bit of faff but only adds a day or so to the build times. But if this is more like a demonstrator, then straight frets will tend to scare less people off. They're quite a conservative bunch are electrics-players IMHO ...
  3. Hi I said in the other thread that I was kicking off a second 6-string electric build in parallel. It's a bit of an experiment and so I'm building it for myself. Remember the piccolo bass for Pete? Those who followed the thread might remember that it is essentially a 4-string electric. Same pitch, same scale length(s), even same neck width. And it weighs less than 6lb! The curved back (notice a theme developing here?) also makes the neck to body transition super slim. This thing is a delight to play. So ... a couple more strings .... another pickup - surely this has the potential for a 6 1/2lb electric... With increasing numbers of born-again and never-went-away players suffering arthritis, and increasing numbers of women players and young players looking for something just a bit lighter - well, you never know. It will be pretty much the same construction, but the neck will be from the laminated beam I'm also using for Tim's Alembicesque: ...and the top is likely to be using this wonderful (but eye-wateringly expensive) piece of Amboyna from Kirk at Exotichardwoodsukltd.co.uk: Probably go for ebony fretboard and non-multiscale frets. So - here we go again
  4. Thanks, folks The neck laminations have glued up nice and tight and gap-free - this will now be tidied and squared up. I will be getting a neck for both builds from this one bass-length assembly (one of the reasons why I'm breaking a rule and doing two builds in parallel. Excellent quality from David Dyke as usual - and an added and unexpected bonus...it's birds eye!: In the meantime, Tim has sent me a bridge to use on it....and what a bridge!: I'm a fan of Schaller products (and service!) but this is something else. It just oozes quality...
  5. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1501695093' post='3346684'] Had some time off?? Outrageous!! There are BCers out there in build following withdrawal and you build a [i]6 string guitar[/i]?? I bet you think that it's OK...shame on you!! Well at least it isn't a Strat copy I suppose...and the idea of [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]bookmatched camphor laurel burl and enclosed semi acoustic body will be interesting. We all know that Tim (not [i]the[/i] TIM is it??) will be more than happy, not sure if he deserves it though, after all he is a guitarist ([i]spit!![/i])[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]OK, we'll let you off this time, but don't do it again!![/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color] BTW love the Psilos!! [/quote] And no - it's not [i]the [/i]TIM
  6. Hi and welcome There are a few of us Derby and District members here. I'm Duffield, Len_Derby is Allestree. Spondonbassed is, well, Spondon, Chris Sharman is Belper and, no doubt, there are probably many more. You'll find yourself in good company whatever your age, genre or ability level Andy
  7. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1501688071' post='3346589'] 2 builds! Lovely! I have to say it's mainly your build threads that keep me on this site... [/quote] You say the nicest things, bartelby
  8. Hi I know, I know, I know....it's not a bass. But I HAVE done a lot of basses in the past year and one or two of you DID say that you would forgive me doing an *spit* electric build as long as I did a build thread for it, and so that's my excuse I am pushing it a little, though, because I'm building not one but TWO electrics - this one for a guy from one of the other forums and another one for myself - which I will start on another thread entitled, imaginatively, "To the dark side Build Two" So this one... Alembic build fantastic bass guitars. But they also build 6-string electrics. What Tim has asked me to build is an 'in the style of' build. Definitely not a clone - an Andyjr1515 custom build but with some respectful tugs of the forelock towards that impressive range. Basic spec will be: Closed top semi acoustic construction. ie, fully chambered but no 'f-hole' Fancy burl top, cutting through into mahogany back 5 pieceThrough neck, but only visible from the back. I'm going maple/purpleheart/mahogany/purpleheart/maple Piezo saddles and 2 humbuckers, with the associated electrics A couple of Andyjr1515 features that I will outline shortly So, the body shape will be : The top will be bookmatched and will slim down to reveal the wenge demarcation veneer and the underlying mahogany back at the arm relief and the edges. Got a nice piece of bookmatched camphor laurel for this: The figuring will contrast even more than this when the finish has been applied. The neck is presently being clamped while the glue dries but is being laminated like this: As I will be doing two builds in parallel (something I generally don't do) this will take a touch longer than normal, but I'm still hoping for a timescale within three months
  9. [quote name='scojack' timestamp='1501493312' post='3344943'] Needed a slightly bigger control cavity cover so thought i'd share how i make a set of templates. First i make a new cover plate in mdf, i will then copy this with a flush trimming bit which gives me a better Master Template with nice square sides. I now need to make a routing template for the new cover. So roughly hack out a hole in some mdf that is 4/5 mm bigger than the cover template, I then add a few layers of sellotape to the cover plate template edges. This will help to make our routing template [i]slightly[/i] bigger than the cover plate. I don't want it too tight. Cover [u]this[/u] tape with silicone or vaseline to stop any resin sticking to it. I have also sealed the bottom what will be the 'mold' with sellotape.... Flip this over and sit the Cover template inside. This now gives a seal around the whole assembly. Nip to Halfords...get yourself some fibre glass resin (and hardener) £5.00 a pop for a small bottle. Mix it and pour it in the gap between the mold and the cover plate template... Note I have made a few little 'wells' in the mdf to help pour the resin, this also helps to key the resin to the mdf when it's set. Nip out for a brew...it will be hardened by the time you get back. Take the sellotape off the back and pop the Cover plate template out, remove the sellotape from the edges... Et Voila ...... a new control cover plate template AND a routing template for it PS You can use the same technique to make pickup routing templates AND neck pocket templates..... Hope this is some help to someone, i find it makes a far better job that trying to fit covers by hand ! IanM [/quote] That's clever, Ian
  10. That's a wonderful looking bass . The top is magnificent - I would never have thought that was chestnut.
  11. Can't promise yet, but I've just put the date in my diary....I will try to make it if I can. I will confirm one way or the other within a couple of weeks
  12. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1501248217' post='3343611'] Sounds good - it's a rotery 5 way switch - mainly cos I couldn't work out a way to cut the slot for a strat style switch accuracy [/quote] OK - makes sense. Do remember to chisel or drill a slot for the little tab on the five way put there to prevent the switch body turning in use. I don't generally bother with the standard pots, but the twisting resistance on a 5 way is high, so you will need that extra stability. It's a bit scary getting the chamber bottom (which of course is actually the guitar top) thin enough - if you have a choice, aim for reasonable thread length on the threaded portion of the pots. Certainly don't go for the short thread ones, which are designed for fitting to an aluminium or steel amp chassis
  13. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1500936828' post='3341244'] How deep to folk do their control cavities? [/quote] It's looking good, Luke. There's some very accurate and neat cutting and routing going on here... Ref the depth of the control chamber, it's a bit the other way round...more ' what thickness of your top do folk leave over their contol chambers.' Basically, you need, at the thinnest area, to be able to get your pot threads pushing through enough to get the washer and nut on. I drill my pot holes first so I can see how close I'm getting. Five way switches are also a bit of a challenge - it's got to be deep enough for the switch to fit under the cover (and they can be very deep) and the top has got to be thin enough for the blade to be able to go to the two end extremes. Once you've roughed it out, go very carefully with the router, little bit at a time and checking and rechecking the thickness.
  14. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1501190349' post='3343290'] Apologies for the bum notes folks... [/quote]Sounded pretty darned good to me...especially as this was the first time you'd touched it!
  15. You'll have to forgive the dreadful sound quality of my phone - live this sounded stupendous - here is Mick with the Psilos on the strap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84asdOSV34g ..and here with it over his knee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_U9VkTxXos
  16. Forgive the poor sound quality from my phone - it sounded fantastic live - here is Mick with the Psilos on the strap: https://youtu.be/84asdOSV34g ...and here is Mick with it on his knee: https://youtu.be/J_U9VkTxXos
  17. [quote name='mark76' timestamp='1501182451' post='3343212'] NO PICTURES. NO BASS [/quote] I think I can oblige.... On the strap: And on the knee - with Mick's dog, Shalla, realising she may not be the only apple of his eye now :
  18. Passed across the Psilos Bass this afternoon to Mick. Always a HUGE pleasure dealing with Mick. Thanks again for giving me the opportunity once more
  19. Thanks, Mick And thanks for giving me the opportunity for working on such an inspirational design
  20. Hi, Mick Not long got back (don't you just love the M1 ) As I said as we parted company, I'm absolutely delighted you are delighted . It looked good on you, it sounded GREAT through your rig - and your playing...well, let's just say that my latest baby has gone to a VERY good home indeed Andy
  21. I'll have a proper look at this when I'm back on a proper PC this eve, but from my phone it looks excellent. I built one for our very own gelfin last year and now have a bit of a soft spot for them
  22. [quote name='garry warrington' timestamp='1500920608' post='3341118'] Bought a cheap SX p bass as a backup, decided to upgrade a few parts. Upgraded machine heads, then bought a mullard tropical fish cap swapped out the the green cap. The pots are cheap and the mini size, when i installed the new cap it actually made the bass sound worse, seemed to to lack a certain p bass vibe that it had. Could it be that the new cap didnt work well with the existing pots? I put an old green cap back on that i had hanging around and it was back to normal, not sure its going to be worth spending anymore on it. [/quote] Although I confess I often mod things for the sake of modding them, I am also, at times, quite pragmatic. If the existing post and cap give you the tone you want and the pots don't crackle, then I would leave well alone....anything different is going to sound, well, different
  23. Saw him in Leeds last night (missed you, jazzyvee! ) Excellent gig and I really have never seen either electric or double bass played like that. Fantastically talented support too and best drummer I've seen live, although one or two fewer drum solos would have made it even more perfect
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