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Everything posted by Andyjr1515

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1500909824' post='3341007'] Looks great! Have you sorted out a suitable case for it yet? [/quote] Mick has one he thinks will fit - we'll find out on Thursday
  2. Well, according to Wikipedia, which we all know is absolutely spot on accurate :[font=sans-serif] In [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Greek_warfare"]Ancient Greek warfare[/url], [b]psiloi[/b] ([url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Greek"]Ancient Greek[/url] ψιλοί, plural of ψιλός, [i]psilos[/i], literally “bare, stripped”),[sup][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psiloi#cite_note-1"][1][/url][/sup] were extremely light infantry who acted as skirmishers and missile troops.[/font][font=sans-serif] Psiloi, often used as a broad term to describe types of unarmored or lightly armored infantry, have often been more explicitly referred to by other names, such as [i][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gymnetes"]gymnetes[/url][/i] (lit. [i]naked[/i])[sup][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psiloi#cite_note-2"][2][/url][/sup] or [i][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Euzonoi&action=edit&redlink=1"]euzonoi[/url][/i] (light armored; after whom the modern [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evzones"]Evzones[/url] are named),[sup][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psiloi#cite_note-3"][3][/url][/sup] [i][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Grosphomachoi&action=edit&redlink=1"]grosphomachoi[/url][/i] and [i][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Akontistai&action=edit&redlink=1"]akontistai[/url][/i] (javelineers),[sup][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psiloi#cite_note-4"][4][/url][/sup][sup][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psiloi#cite_note-5"][5][/url][/sup] [i][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sphendonetai&action=edit&redlink=1"]sphendonetai[/url][/i] (slingers),[sup][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psiloi#cite_note-6"][6][/url][/sup] [i][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxotai"]toxotai[/url][/i] (bowmen or archers) or [i][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lithoboloi&action=edit&redlink=1"]lithoboloi[/url][/i] (stone throwers).[sup][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psiloi#cite_note-7"][7][/url][/sup] The [i][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peltast"]peltastai[/url][/i] (bearers of light shields, targeteers)[sup][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psiloi#cite_note-8"][8][/url][/sup] are often categorized as an intermediary infantry type, later grouped either with the psiloi or the heavy infantry, according to their main tactical role.[/font] [font=sans-serif] Whatever, it's too late. Ink's dry on the label, web site updated. And to quote President Trump - everything I don't agree with is False News! [/font][font=sans-serif] I just love this post-truth world. So liberating. Anyway, just off to build my 16 string glass-composite uke. It's going to be my best build yet....[/font]
  3. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1500818555' post='3340342'] No sign of the Silk Bass or the neck on the Alembic-uesque Bass [/quote] [url="http://www.ajrguitarmods.co.uk/alembic%20style%20refurb.htm"]The Silk Bass is here[/url], Mick As I suspected, it was the Gallery link photo that was missing...
  4. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1500844589' post='3340605'] Any chance you could post the skinny string builds on here? I know it's a bass forum, but I think it might stop a few of us going through cold turkey, you could call them short scale six string piccolo bass builds.... [/quote] Yes, of course I will - with the trickery of photographic scale and perspective, who would know...
  5. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1500818555' post='3340342'] No sign of the Silk Bass or the neck on the Alembic-uesque Bass [/quote] That's odd. I wouldn't generally put a neck on, but the Silk Bass should be on there.... Might be I've just forgotten to post the link photo on the gallery (as I realise I had also done with Nic's Mouradian....) I'll fix next time I'm on the desktop
  6. [url="http://www.ajrguitarmods.co.uk/psilos%20bass.htm"]Website updated[/url]
  7. [quote name='Chris Sharman' timestamp='1500813416' post='3340305'] Afternoon All, Sorry for not being about recently, but as a quick follow up to this; Andy, it was a pleasure to assit on the fine tuning of this fine instrument. I am sure Mick will be ecstatic when he gets it. I can certainly confirm the tonal range available with the combination of external and internal controls gives a massive amount of room to play with adn I am sure he will be able to find a sound of his own personal tastes in short order. The finish on it is sublime, Matt was very taken with simply stroking it and saying "sooo smoooooth...soo smoooth..." over and over again that it did get quite worrying. Also, Jo has been to the bank and got your cash but since you published that video anyway I am going to go and spend it at the pub instead! @Mick - you have a truly fine instrument on it's way. I would love to see some video of a proper bassist playing it rather than just me. [/quote]
  8. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1500811339' post='3340291'] Right then, now that's done and dusted, what's next? [/quote] Well - the first job is to finish off a Wal neck replacement for one of our basschat colleagues (a new 5-string fretted neck as a fully reversible mod to a wonderful fretless 80's instrument). Shouldn't take long. Then...and here I have to whisper it very quietly so no one hears....a couple of six string electrics. One commissioned and one for me. But ezbass...don't you go telling any of the others!
  9. There you go....Mick and I demonstrating the extra-sensory link between owner and builder once more
  10. There have been so many great name suggestions. Happily, the funniest ones won't fit on the label [size=5]So - [i]cue drumroll - [/i]the winner is :[/size] [size=5][/size] Well done [b]BassApprentice [/b] I looked up Psilos and not only is BassApprentice right that it is Ancient Greek for 'uncovered' but there is an interesting second meaning that clinched it. In Ancient Greek armies, they had a squad of specialist fighters called Psilia. A Psilos was a highly trained fighter who was sent in, with the rest of his squad, to specific target areas in the enemies lines, uncovered - no armour or protection at all. [b] This made the Psilos sleek, light and very, very effective at packing a devastating punch.[/b] Well, folks, if that doesn't deserve the prize..... Well done, BassApprentice - Mick no doubt will PM you. And thanks to all for your name contributions and.... well..... (wiping the beginning of a tear away from his chiselled good looks) just for being there! P.S. Beware using chisels. Particularly in terms of what they can do to your good looks
  11. Many thanks for the great name suggestions and for your feedback and encouragement along the long journey Following a 21 page thread is no mean feat - I think you should all give yourselves a pat on the back Declaration of the name winner will be announced early afternoon Andy
  12. And so, other than a tweak of the truss rod to suit Mick's DR Neon White strings and printing and attaching the label, it's finished Forgive the gratuitous photos:
  13. One of the remaining jobs was to add some brass ferrules to the bridge exit holes. I've used 5mm thinwall brass, ground to the correct angle and then cut parallel so there is minimal impact on threading through the strings when stringing up. At the same time, I've added one more functional, precautionary, element - a back support for the saddle: The reason is that, as the tuners are pulling from the back, the proximity of the bridge means that the - especially roundwound - strings tend to try to pull the saddle backwards out of square as you tighten the strings (anyone who's strung up a violin will fully understand this phenomenon). What I don't want is that, over time, the pull on the saddle to open up the slot at the top, allowing it to sit not fully square. This carved fillet ensures that the saddle (which is, of course, loose) always remains upright and square in its slot. Well, fingers crossed - other than sticking a label on the back of the control chamber cover with the chosen name - the next hour should see this fully finished. Just got to polish the frets and put Mick's special strings on
  14. While Mrs[s]Andjr1515[/s]Swift is packing, I jotted down the last tasks - having already got the nut adjusted, adjusted the trussrod and sorted the final action height. It's a short shortlist :[list] [*]Fit some brass tube ferrules at the bridge end. Strictly speaking they are not necessary from a functional point of view but Mick understandably would like to know nothing will wear or mark in the long term - especially as there is the rumour that Andyjr1515 is planning to flee the country shortly. [*]Repolish the frets now all the finishing is finished [*]Add a label once we've picked the name from the excellent suggestions [*]Fit Mick's 'special' strings [/list]
  15. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1500648808' post='3339386'] I'm already thinking about my next build with him [/quote] Ohhhhhhh crap! "Sally - can you hear me?........ Get your bags packed.....no - right away.....anything......overseas.....trust me, it's what we need to do..........Oh and see if a magic marker will work on the passport paper.....Mrs Swift........for goodness sake, just do it! I'll explain later!!!"
  16. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1500567851' post='3338784'] That is one heck of a bass, Andy. I can't begin to understand the skill levels involved - not to mention the lateral thinking - that made it possible but I unquestionably admire them. However I also think it is one of the ugliest things I have ever seen! I like Fender shaped basses.... [/quote]
  17. Can't find a decent recording of the piezo vs magnetic, but[url="https://youtu.be/a8NKbFLyUaI"] this illustrates how it sits on the strap[/url]. Thanks once again to Chris S for starring in the video
  18. I've done a few arty-farty shots if that gives anyone inspiration:
  19. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1500541537' post='3338537'] SlantyBassfarce [/quote] OK - that's introduced yourself....but what about the suggestion for the bass?
  20. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1500538514' post='3338493'] Bassy McBassface - cos I made a few good suggestions so thought I would be the first to get this in there! [/quote] ...whereas that is not at all sophisticated - but did make me laugh
  21. [quote name='BassApprentice' timestamp='1500538161' post='3338488'] I'm not sure if you actually have an interest in Greek culture or it's just a username but I came across this word: Psilos which means bare/smooth/uncovered in ancient Greek. Thought it would be quite fitting for the nature of the design and finish. [/quote] Hmmmm....there's sophisticated
  22. [quote name='scojack' timestamp='1500499817' post='3338339'] Be good to hesr the difference between the two pickups [/quote] Thanks for the kind words, Ian I took a few other clips - I think one where I tweeked from full piezo to full magnetic....I'll see if it came out enough on the recording. The interesting thing, that Chris S will verify if he passes by, is that as I changed the gains for greater parity, the difference between the tone between them became less marked. Where we started, with the magnetics lower vol than piezo, the difference was like chalk and cheese. This gives Mick loads of options to create the sound that fully suits his rig. I'll see if any of the other recordings are any good tomorrow
  23. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1500487691' post='3338227'] You made him take off his ring I see [/quote] He did that on his very own. He's a very well brought up lad is our Chris S
  24. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1500453651' post='3337806'] Please post it, I really want to hear it! [/quote] Well, I haven't received a mountain of cash from Chris NOT to post this so - [url="https://youtu.be/940xdffwfYw"]a very brief sneak preview here[/url] What we were able to do is work out how much gain to add onto the magnetic circuit to balance the piezo and then work out, by playing with the two tones, how to maximise the spread of tone from deep thumpy bass at one end to an acoustic treble edge at the other extreme, just by the roll of the one blend knob. None of that, of course, is on the sample video above - with that clip it's just everything on neutral. We also confirmed that it sits on the strap in a great position to play, and with the tuner block wrapping round - but an inch or so away from - the player's hip Last few jobs to finish off: tidy up the hatches (done); flatten off the slight bump in the upper neck Chris could feel when he was playing it (done); drop the action height a tad; lower the nut a tad; fit Mick's fancy white strings; take the arty-farty photos
  25. A very successful test run / balance set up with Chris Sharman - many, many thanks to Chris, Jo and Matt for letting me disrupt your evening! It was invaluable on many levels, but the main thing is that I have a decent starting point sound balance-wise for Mick to work with on his own rig. It was also nice to get such positive feedback! Now the thing is, I also have video evidence which...unless Chris pays me a lot of money not to...you may get to see
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