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Everything posted by Andyjr1515

  1. Like all steps on this build - first comes a significant time just looking at , measuring and thinking about the action before it's taken. This is a 20" template, roughly equal to the maximum width of the bass. That's quite a curve! I will spend the evening thinking it through before I get the scrapers out for the final carve
  2. Back from a couple of days away and raring to go Tomorrow is going to be 'carving/sanding day' with a target to finish the top carve before the end of the day If you didn't see the shot in the 'Events' section, this was at the Midlands Bass Bash on Saturday - many compliments received (phew!) . It's hanging on Norris's super-high tech drying and displaying equipment next to his sublime tele first-build. I think it is really starting to look like a bass here.... :
  3. [quote name='Si600' timestamp='1494848566' post='3298919'] [URL=http://s1118.photobucket.com/user/SOrchard6/media/Bass_zpstdvpan7u.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k605/SOrchard6/Bass_zpstdvpan7u.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Sure? [/quote] NOW look what you've done!
  4. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1494799600' post='3298652'] I am not feeling that headstock. Sorry, I'll get my coat.............. [/quote] Blast! And it was my favourite feature 'The Big Carve' is next and then we will be able to see exactly what works and what doesn't, so the headstock will probably be done quite late in the build process. The great thing about fixing the strings with the clamp block behind the headstock is that the headstock can be any shape at all. Just think what mayhem we can come up with!
  5. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1494751124' post='3298239'] more pictures here... Let me know if the link does not work.. [url="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6oFnWtRjlTpMk9TOVhWNkdmV3c?usp=sharing"]https://drive.google...V3c?usp=sharing[/url] [/quote] OK - [i]those[/i] are better pictures!
  6. These are stupendously rubbish photos, but hey.... Norris's fantastic 'First Build': Some of Chris Sharman's basses - just look at that beauty on the left!!!: A cupboard hinge (I told you they weren't great photos): Some absolutely beautiful Warwicks and a sublime Letts (not that you can see any of them!): A couple of Harry's beasts: Talking of beasts, Jez with his raffle winnings : Mick's new build on Norris's custom hanging system next to Norris's build and Ric: Did anyone else take any [i]proper[/i] photos?
  7. I'll post some photos when work out how to get them off the iPhone but a few highlights among many that spring to mind: - Mrs Sharman's and Mrs Norris's cakes - Jabba-the-gut's builds...all of them - Norris's sublime blue wonder - the Letts and Warwicks and Westones and so many other utterly wonderful basses - the sounds of people who clearly know how to play bass - Chris's electric upright....and the acoustic double bass taking up 3/4 of the floor space - seeing so many of my past and future customers - and that Seashell could make it again this year - and that Harry's red veneered Harley Benton still looks good - and putting a face to Joe's PM's - and did I mention the cakes? Great stuff
  8. Yup - great, great day. Thanks, Si....I know how much effort these things are. You're a superstar, mate But completely eclipsed, I'm afraid by MrsChis_Sharman's (Jo's) macaroons......
  9. I think I have a raffle prize people might be tempted to put their hands in their pockets for...
  10. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1494608701' post='3297367'] Bring something to hang it from or tie it on with then. Hopefully it will extend high enough [/quote] OK - I'll see what I can come up with No worries if we can't make it work...
  11. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1494602591' post='3297308'] I'm thinking of taking my curing rail (ok, repurposed clothes rail) to hang my incomplete, curing parts on. Plenty of room for others if you two are doing "red-eye" builds tonight [/quote] That could be useful, Norris. As you can imagine, this is impossible to sit on a stand
  12. There's literally days more sanding to do - this is nowhere near 20" radius yet - but this is as far as it's going to be for the Midlands Bash :
  13. [quote name='Jabba_the_gut' timestamp='1494597955' post='3297261'] You will have sorted the frets and put strings on it ready for tomorrow won't you? [/quote] Only if you will have finished the second cheap build you have promised is on the cards after the magnificent recent one Going to be a long night for us both, then...
  14. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1494596838' post='3297254'] Maybe you should offer to write a short instruction manual for the mitre jig on the understanding they let you have it for free and you get your money back? [/quote] I may well do a short tutorial for one of the other builder's forums. If I do, I'll post it here too and, if I'm feeling magnanimous, send it to G&W on the understanding that they check the rest of their stock for correct bearing washers (a 5 sec job at most) while they are at it
  15. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1494597258' post='3297256'] I must say, Sir, you have a nice carpet in your workshop. And those adaptations you've made to the [s]dining tabl[/s]e workbench took good too! [/quote]
  16. First job was the radius sanding the freboard. Wow - they don't call it rock maple for nothing. Knackered! Nowadays I set up a simple jig (basically just a straight-edge) to make it easier to apply some muscle to the radius block without skewing or scooping the board: Note also the soft-lead pencil scribbles and the centre line - this lets me see if I'm adding an unintended skew and also I know that as soon as the centre-line starts fading I've gone far enough. What I'm aiming for is an even sanding either side of the centre. The sawdust in the slots is a good indicator too : After a long long time and lots of graft, I have a radiused fretboard: Then I can start carving and sanding the body to the same radius and flush with the fretboard. Lots more to do on this but this is the general idea: Don't worry about the lower horn /neck join, Mick - has still to be radiused properly, but here's how it's starting to develop: You can never tell with these ambitious builds...if it all went wrong it might feel like a lemon..... it might even sound like a lemon....but whatever.... it's going to [i]look[/i] f*****g BEAUTIFUL
  17. Sorry - hadn't seen this thread before. Have just responded to your PM, scoot. Hope it helps. Andy
  18. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1494514004' post='3296659'] There are no compromises on quality. I can definitely vouch for that! [/quote] Thanks, Kert The good news is that the replacement washers arrived this morning. The one of the left is the replacement one - the O.D. is about the same as the inner race of the bearing it's clamping up against. There were 3 sizes on the assembly I received, none anywhere near the correct one. Most were the ones on the right - wide enough to fully press against the race cover and the edge of the outer race - hence them clamping up when tightened. The one in the middle was obviously one the operator found on the floor or in his/her pocket when they were assembling it Anyway, with the correct washers installed, guess what? Yup...the slots are in the right places. An afternoon's work and I'm back to where I was at the weekend. This is with the new one temporarily placed in position: Overall view about the mitre jig now it's been fixed? Well - OK overall. +'s[list] [*]Nicely machined. Looks quality despite my poor experience with the actual quality. [*]Much easier to produce an accurate position and depth than hand doing with a block. Takes a lot of the fear factor out...provided it is set up and used correctly (but see below) [*]Much quicker than hand marking and cutting with a block [/list] -'s[list] [*]Pity it doesn't incorporate clamps. I was fortunate in that my bench allowed me to use the bench clamps: [/list] [list] [*]No instructions on set up or use [b]at all[/b]. And if it isn't properly set up you simply get your slots wrong quicker....a kind of efficiency boost, I suppose, but not necessarily in a good way I'm going to have a look on their website, but I don't recall there being any web-based instructions either. If I'm wrong, I'll correct this statement (just checked - definitely no instructions). So to see how to use it, probably means looking on the LMI or Stewmac site or YouTube Luthier Tips du jour (featuring LMI).....hmm...well THOSE look nice jigs.... [/list] Anyway - the extra wide radius block also came, so I can now look forward to sanding until insanity sets in
  19. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1494444361' post='3296089'] plan the next build then! I figure you're builds go at least 3 times the speed of mine... and these inspire me, so you'll need at least another one following [/quote] Actually, the next one (actually two) is already on the drawing board but, he says with some trepidation, they are over to the dark side - 6-string electrics. One for a guy I've known for ages on one of the other forums and one for me And after that, another bass for someone known to many of you...but more about that closer to the time
  20. Latest tracking info says the washers have got to France. I reckon Friday - just in time for me to be out of action building-wise for half a week Anyway - in anticipation, I've cut and thicknessed my last but one length of maple. Finger's crossed the replacement washers fixes the problem! Here it is, ready and waiting:
  21. [quote name='Jabba_the_gut' timestamp='1494367615' post='3295494'] I finished building my short scale bass (in the build diaries) so will bring that along. It's not fully set up yet but I can do that whilst I'm there. See you all on Saturday! [/quote] Hurrah!!!!!!! I'll do an extra twirl in the pole-dance in celebration
  22. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1494364967' post='3295463'] I see. Flipping nuisance either way. [/quote] Well, so far it is the only major glitch...and that is pretty unusual No, I'm pleased with the build so far. It's taking a bit longer than most of my recent builds, but more because I'm thinking the steps through thoroughly before acting more than issues like this
  23. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1494364071' post='3295448'] Can't you fill and recut? 0.5mm is less than the width of the fret either side of the tang. A bit of flame maple binding might look nice too... [/quote] If it was a one-off only piece I could but this is a slice off a maple beam I still have. Pretty sure my bandsaw will cut me another OK board and I'd like to do that if possible. Filling and recutting is a bit like plugging screw holes and redrilling - OK as a last resort but much better if you don't have to do it in the first place
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