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Everything posted by Andyjr1515

  1. Hmmmm....useful information folks all. Thanks I'll keep using Imgur while I can - it really is splendid when it's working properly - but maybe will try Flikr out as a second option, albeit heeding the comment about Yahoo! I'm not too bothered ref the actual storage of any photos I haven't posted in threads - I still use the old fashioned hard disk and regular backups, but more for easily posting pics on sites like this with direct links and with a reasonable confidence they won't mysteriously disappear unless and until I want them too.
  2. Hi Just wondering what photo hosting sites people favour? I stopped using photobucket some time ago because the barrage of ads were bringing my quite powerful desktop and optical cable broadband completely to its knees!!! I moved to Imgur and have been really really pleased with it - but in recent weeks it too is starting to become unworkable with frequent site downages through 'insufficient capacity' and downloads becoming also problematic What do people use to post their shots onto basschat? Andy
  3. Covers on and sanded, a little more off the back and we are down to 4lb 12oz If all goes to plan, I should be able to get the top veneered tomorrow.
  4. Most lightweight tuners are typically about 50% of the weight of 'normal' ones. With the leverage of a long scale neck that makes quite a difference. To check, rig it all up on the strap and pop just 2 of the tuners in the headstock to see if it sorts it....
  5. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1484577290' post='3216432'] I briefly owned an early 60s Epiphone Rivoli that was stuffed with old newspaper in the cavitiy. Took forever to get it all out of the f-holes with a bent coat hanger. I believe this was fairly common practice on semis. [/quote] Ah...I bet that's what I'm thinking of. True semi acoustics to prevent feedback! This one will be fine
  6. Thanks, folks Loads more sanding to do but the finish is basically off. Decent bit of wood Just gluing on the covers
  7. [quote name='RichardH' timestamp='1484474123' post='3215617'] Yes, I had thought it a bit of a shame to cover the grain, but now it's painted I think it looks great - I think without the grain to catch the eye, the curves of the body shape somehow look better. [/quote] Yes - I also think that it greatly enhances the look by adding those contrasts. You had good vision there, Nic After that first coat of varnish had fully dried, I wasn't happy enough with the look of the top. While tip-toeing round the orange peel issues, I'd found a way to patch the missed bits, etc. But, perhaps because I knew where they were, I reckoned I could see them through the varnish. It niggled me and I would have been mortified if it had niggled Nic. So I've repainted it! Because of the varnish barrier, no orange peel provided the whole coat went on complete with no over-painting (it's ironical that this paint is perfectly compatible with other varnishes, but not with itself!) It went well. I'll take a shot when it's had a coat of varnish but it's a lot, lot better in my eyes. I'm happy now
  8. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1484432298' post='3215493'] If you put something in make sure it can't move. If it rattled it would drive you nuts. [/quote] Blast! That's the pea shot off the list then....
  9. [quote name='Daz39' timestamp='1484409509' post='3215291'] Looking good so far. Will the tuners be swooped for lightweight ones, as is often done? [/quote] Not the plan at the moment. Harry does want different tuners but probably in black. The 'licensed Hipshot' affordable ones are presently only available in satin chrome and the full price ones would cost as much as the bass did! I don't envisage head-heavy balance so some standard weight ones are probably going to be OK. I will be checking the playing 'feel' with the present ones fitted before ordering the replacements in any case.
  10. [quote name='threedaymonk' timestamp='1484399752' post='3215204'] [url="https://vpsplumbing.co.uk/product/ever-build-expanding-foam/"]This kind of stuff as used by plumbers?[/url] [/quote] No - I was thinking more the kind of soft foam plastic/rubber you get in packaging. I know they use that in anechoic chambers but I've probably dreamt it ref guitar cavities. Anyway - onto the stripping. For poly, I use heatgun and decent scraper - and safety glasses and respirator! When you see it like this, it looks easy to get off: It is NOT easy to get off! I'm pleased with this so far, though. No burning and hardly any splinters come away... I've done the back too and half of one of the sides. Still a lot of work before I can get that veneer on!
  11. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1484394012' post='3215145'] It'll be an interesting addition to the tonewood discussion to see if the bass sounds different with less bulk in the body. If body wood does resonate at all, it will surely resonate more if a lot of the mass has been removed? Personally my belief is neck construction has more influence on sound than body wood. [/quote] Yes - I was wondering the same thing, Grangur...and yes I also think it is predominately the neck that affects things. I still have this niggling memory, though, of someone filling chambers with echo-deadening foam. May have dreamt it or it may be nothing to do with guitars and basses....
  12. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1484387460' post='3215067'] You've taken a lot of material away from around the neck pocket, how much is too much? [/quote] The bulk of the strength requirement is the pocket floor which is resisting the string pull and acting as the friction clamp with the neck to also prevent the neck moving. The sides of the pocket contribute more about position than strength (think of the gaps you see on many fenders, etc). In reality, I could have gone thinner than this but you get into the laws of diminishing returns...
  13. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1484347548' post='3214939'] Fill the chambers with helium - nice and light and handy for any falsetto work [/quote] Now there's a thought...
  14. There's one here, Harry https://www.electromusic.co.uk/Gibson-Midtown-Bass-Pelham-Blue-pre-owned.html The model that Gibson brought out most recently was a Midtown range but it was discontinued a few years ago. Should be some on the second hand market like the above, though. Andy
  15. [quote name='J3ster' timestamp='1484324234' post='3214732'] Fill it with beads so it doubles up as maracas [/quote] [quote name='Stylon Pilson' timestamp='1484324765' post='3214739'] Fill it with bees so it doubles up as a honey dispenser. S.P. [/quote] Actually, I was thinking of filling it with light foam....have I dreamt that somewhere??
  16. [quote name='Rikki_Sixx' timestamp='1484320490' post='3214677'] Didn't Andy build a Thunderbird-style bass? I've been trying to find it, his builds are fascinating and I love the TB shape! [/quote] I'm very flattered by this thread, folks, although I don't think it is seemly for me to generally post on it! But to answer your question, Rikki, no, not a Thunderbird-style. And now I shall fade back into the ether...
  17. ...and the varnishing has officially started! First coat on the back...: The 'playing' part of the neck will be tru-oil 'slurry and buffed', producing a silky smooth but very organic feel. Colour-wise, they will match the same tone (the oil will darken the maple in the same way the varnish has) but the playing length will be satin, changing to gloss for the neck-through section.
  18. Thanks, folks. Always very much appreciated...as is the guidance you all also give when I'm heading towards a precipice
  19. Covers cut and fitted. They will be glued once I've done the main stripping of the poly:
  20. I should be able to do the covers today. I won't glue them in because I will do the stripping first, but at least get them ready to fit. I tidied up the chambers and took a little bit more out of the bottoms. I won't rout past the forstner pilot holes because I want it to feel and sound solid rather than semi-acoustic. For the chamber rebate I have this diddy rebate cutter: And here it is ready to cut and fit the covers: Next job is creating the accurate paper templates to trace onto the basswood and cut out the covers. I just sellotape some heavy gauge paper on the top and score round the edge with my thumbnail:
  21. I still have the rebate to rout (cutter arrived today) but looked around for some suitable material to cover the chambers. I got hold of this basswood sheet that is perfect, light and strong. Also, big enough! All being well, I should be able to cut the rebates tomorrow and maybe even the covers
  22. [quote name='aDx' timestamp='1484235660' post='3213827'] wow! I am VERY interested in this!! lol [/quote]
  23. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1484240300' post='3213905'] [URL=http://s970.photobucket.com/user/gelfin5959/media/Snoopy%20happy_zpsi3rmoywo.jpg.html][IMG]http://i970.photobucket.com/albums/ae181/gelfin5959/Snoopy%20happy_zpsi3rmoywo.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://s970.photobucket.com/user/gelfin5959/media/Snoopy%20happy_zpsi3rmoywo.jpg.html][IMG]http://i970.photobucket.com/albums/ae181/gelfin5959/Snoopy%20happy_zpsi3rmoywo.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://s970.photobucket.com/user/gelfin5959/media/Snoopy%20happy_zpsi3rmoywo.jpg.html][IMG]http://i970.photobucket.com/albums/ae181/gelfin5959/Snoopy%20happy_zpsi3rmoywo.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/quote] Three Snoopys That's praise indeed!
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