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Everything posted by Andyjr1515

  1. [quote name='Gibbo9876' timestamp='1478798500' post='3171755'] Hi everyone I am looking to mod up a 96 Squire p bass. I want to change the pickups but the circuit in the bass at the moment is a little weak. What would people recommend as a good all round P bass pickup-circuit Combo? I tried the EMG active pickups but didnt find them too amazing, does this indicate that the bass itself is not worth it? All input would be great, Thanks [/quote] Hi I'm sure that there will be many great suggestions (for what it's worth I've been very impressed with the reasonably priced DiMarzio P pickup) but the Squier P bass is a perfectly acceptable framework to put a decent pickup into...
  2. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1478679164' post='3170761'] Nice work Andy [/quote] Thanks, Rumple
  3. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1478680888' post='3170789'] A bit far for me to come, unfortunately [/quote] I think I'll let you off, Bryan Actually, it's a tiny venue. It's the place we practice at nowadays so this is a part 'thank you' gig for them and part charity fund raising
  4. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1478642736' post='3170635'] I can hardly wait! Yet another lovely job, sir. [/quote] Thanks, Paul
  5. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1478629711' post='3170471'] The ever-modest Andy is a bit coy. The gig is at the Milford Social Club, Milford, Derbyshire. Just off the A6 and about 5 miles north of Derby. I plan to be there. [/quote] It would be great to see you there, Neil
  6. Done The wiring is fairly straightforward - standard 3-way switch stuff: ...polished, and the original scratchplate and wiring loom popped in the case in the event that Paul wants to revert to original spec (very easy to do): Quick sound check - absolutely fine. Some VERY interesting sounds in the middle position with small tweaks on the Music Man volume The neck-only and bridge-only positions are utterly different in character to each other but balance very nicely volume-wise. Looks good doesn't it? I'll be passing this back to Paul next week Thanks for the feedback, folks Andy
  7. Got the opportunity to play this at tonight's band practice . It sounds great in full band context. The Model One is a cracking pickup....I noticed Pete only used one of the six settings on the rotary (no surprise, it was the 'neck only') and when I got to play, I never got past that setting either. At the gig on 10th Dec, it will be a bit special because I will have built every guitar and bass used in the band . The fully tally will be the lead guitarists tele and spare, the vocalist's dreadnought acoustic, Pete's EB3 bass and SG six string, my own own design six string. Must remember to get someone to take a photo
  8. It depends what sound you're after, and I love P90s, but for me a Les Paul needs humbuckers...and as a number of folk have said, for me the Tonerider Alnico IV Classics have just got it. Personal thing of course...
  9. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1478470407' post='3169311'] I was relying on you for this one It is time someone invented 'perfect finish', you just spray it on after 80 grit sanding, it self levels and fills large flaws, no runs and it sets in 1 hour. After that buffing with T cut or similar results in a gloss finish that is rock hard yet impervious to dings. [/quote] I'm working on that....it involves a significant amount of alcohol and shellac. You drink the alcohol and then who the f***cares what you do with the shellac
  10. (Ref gelfin' pic) Isn't that great, folks! (well - the bass anyway )
  11. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1478461339' post='3169204'] It will be 'interesting' getting the finish inside the curves. I look forward to finding out how it should be done [/quote] Yes - I agree, 3below. I also look forward to finding out how it should be done Certainly got no idea at the moment!
  12. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1478454122' post='3169138'] A hidden Smoothhound...what a brilliant idea!! [/quote] Entirely gelfin's, I have to confess...
  13. Although I've still got a few other smaller things on the go (including it being 'that time' in the garden), this project very much isn't forgotten! I'm planning to start sorting out the body wood and probably order the neck timber next week. Clearly on a build like this, the body shape is pretty fundamental. I drew out the profile of the original full size and Nic pencilled in some tweaks to do - mainly just slimming down the rear bout, top an bottom just a touch. It is VERY subtle, but actually makes quite a difference to the look. This is the final shape - you can just see the original lines if you look closely!: We are also developing the spec. Subject to changes as things develop to suit anything specific Nic wants, but so far we have: [list] [*]Solid colour - cream [*]Mahogany top and back to give it 'gravitas' but with judicious weight reducing chambers incorporated [*]Maple laminated through neck with single centre splice [*]Rosewood fingerboard [*]Recess to accommodate a 'hidden' Smoothound wireless tx, but also capable of accepting standard jack [*]Headstock shape to be decided [*]P/ups & EQ/No EQ still being discussed (but includes tentative discussion about the DiMarzio Model One - Nic's thoughts and total coincidence that this is what I fitted in the EB-3 but I am WELL impressed with that monster of a pickup!) [/list] Loads of other stuff we are knocking around between us. Can't wait to start cutting wood ...oh...and by the way...keep steady on the plaudits, much as those are always, always appreciated Why? Because Nic has, in his past, built a twin neck version of this himself!!!! I'll leave it to him to decide whether to show or not but it is breathtaking...
  14. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1478352202' post='3168557'] Fingers crossed the WiFi holds up... Neck vol,tone, Bridge vol, tone please! Really chuffed with how it looks, too, as I feared the p pup might look a bit clumsy - it doesn't at all. [/quote] OK - no problem. Linear pots should be with me Monday I think it looks very good...like it was meant that way
  15. [quote name='rmorris' timestamp='1478297180' post='3168346'] Bakelite ? I Googled the model number and everything I read says it's ebony ??? [/quote] No - I think it is ebonol. That is black paper and a type of epoxy highly compressed. From an expansion point of view - if differential expansion is the issue - I suspect that is pretty close to ebony and that it is the neck wood that is expanding and contracting more than the ebonol does. An ebony fretboard would, on that basis, have a similar issue.
  16. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1478245895' post='3167772'] # That is definitely one of the things that appealed to me I am going to get some rougher sandpaper on the way home from work today. Probably 80 and 180. Hopefully i'll have some time tonight to do a test strip to see if i like the flake [/quote] Hi, Kert You're doing well It's less critical when you are using primer (that usually covers pretty much anything), but the general rule of thumb is to try to get down to bare clean wood so it's well worth the effort with your coarser sandpaper. Certainly if this was going to be stained or oiled it is critical, but previous coating residue can react also with other finishes too. When you've sanded it down through the finer grades to, say, 250, dust it down (vacuuming it is best) and look closely for any dips or dings - they will still show through even multiple coats of primer and finish. The more aberrations you can sand out or fill and sand back at this stage, the better will be the final finish
  17. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1478316670' post='3168408'] Through the marvels of modern technology I have just looked at this from my room in Mexico. Cracking job Andy. The wiring configuration you have settled on sounds more intuitive than the middle blend thing. Looking forward to my next WiFi opportunity! [/quote] Great to hear from you, Paul . Hope the trip's going well. On the off chance that the technology holds and you get wifi again, do you want (from the fretboard end) neck vol, neck tone, bridge vol, bridge tone or vol, vol, tone, tone? I'm impressed, by the way, with the Aquilar. Even through my little practice amp, it shows some impressive woomph yet retains great clarity
  18. Nothing much to show at the moment, but been doing quite a bit of experimenting with wiring options. A summary of the conclusions are:[list] [*]As suspected, the (parallel coils) standard Music man in passive mode is no match at all for the volume output of the P pickup. Music Man pickups are very low output...it is the preamp EQ that generates the volume normally. It is also beyond the acceptable range of adjusting pickup height to compensate [/list][list] [*]Rewiring the Music Man with the coils in series creates a decent volume balance between the two pickups [/list][list] [*]I experimented with using a blend pot to cover the middle position. With a standard three-way switch it wasn't possible to wire up so that the middle could be through the blend and the other two positions not (that would have been nice!) and the interaction between the other volume settings for neck only / bridge only was too great and not intuitive. Nice sounds, but not really usable for practical use. [/list][list] [*]The option to use a blend and use the three way switch as a 'series/parallel/single' split for the Music Man is not really practical because of the huge volume drop for the single and parallel options [/list][list] [*]It is therefore going to be a straightforward 3-position switch (neck/both/bridge) with 2 volumes and 2 tones. The only thing I might do is pop linear pots on the volume.....this is because in the 'both' position, tiny tweaks to the Music Man volume produce some REALLY different and usable sound differences. However, it is far too sensitive to use in gig conditions. Linear pots should take out that sensitivity. I'll order some linears and give it a try [/list]
  19. It's OK - got it! It's the one combination I hadn't tried on the basis of "Nahh...... can't be that!" For any crazy person doing what I'm doing...it's Red is hot White and black joined Green to ground Andy
  20. [quote name='martthebass' timestamp='1478199753' post='3167536'] I've got a Sterling Sub (USA) that's apparently wired in series....unfortunately it's in the shop having the neck refinned....sorry no help there then. [/quote] So close....and yet so very far away Any one else got any idea?
  21. With Ernie Ball being possibly the most unhelpful web site in the modern world, does anyone happen to know what the 4 conductor colour configuration is of the music man pickup on a Sterling? I'm trying to find which wires are which to put it into series rather than parallel but can't find any info and the physical results don't seem to match the guesswork and multimeter work.... Thanks in advance! Andy
  22. I've got a Vox AC4. No frills, just gain, bass, treble and master vol but I am delighted. Will sonically do pretty much whatever I need a tube amp to do but at volumes from surprisingly loud to very quiet. You can plug an external speaker in too
  23. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1478075333' post='3166472'] Glad it can be of use to someone. I did the sides yesterday. That was far more awkward!! Firstly, i had to find a way to stand the body on end. So i used my tool bench as a kind of clamp. You can see what i mean in the picture below. Ideal? No. But it did a good job of it actually. It was tricky because the scraping tool i had on the end of the heat gun was a little too big to fit in the upper and lower horn section of the body easily. So it took a fair bit of moving around in the "vice". A few swears were made when i picked the body up and it was still hotter than the surface of the sun. But i got there in the end. A note to anyone who hasn't done this before but is thinking of it..... wear eye protection. When you're scraping the poly off, it flakes off and then flicks up into the air. A piece that goes into your eye would be bad enough on its own, but it is hot too. Feels like when you're frying bacon and the fat spits off and burns you. Imagine some of that in your peepers! I had a piece hit me on top of my cheek. That was enough of a warning for me, so i got mine out. Like i said, this bit was far trickier than the front and back, and as such i did leave the heat gun in the same place for too long in parts, but after sanding i don't see it being an issue. If i do it again, I'll make sure to go steadily about it. Do not rush. And potentially buy a smaller tool for the heat gun. Although the problem could have been circumvented by using a separate scraper. Possibly could have been more awkward because of the tighter angles in a shortscale body too. It's all a learning experience though I've ordered my metal flake, and some primer spray paint and clear coat lacquer. Once they arrive i will carry out a test on a piece of wood to see if i like the finish. Until then though, the sanding. Hopefully get a little bit done before band practice tonight. [/quote] Ah....just spotted - your scraper is part of your heat gun? That will be quite tricky as you say to get the heat right and the scraping right. I use a standard heat gun and decent quality (sharp but still cheap) hand scraper. Makes getting the balance between heat and mechanics just right
  24. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1478020870' post='3166103'] Brilliant, as always Andy. I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing this beauty in action. Any gigs coming up? Living just the other side of the hill from Andy I can reliably inform the rest of you that his creations look even better in real life. [/quote] Thanks, Neil Pete and I have a local gig on Mon 28th. Full band have one 10th Dec. Yes I know....part timers I reckon a beer beckons soon:)
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