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Everything posted by Andyjr1515

  1. Another thread I missed the end of along the way That is sooooooo good you could eat it
  2. Somehow missed the update on this! Looking good from here Any more progress since your last post?
  3. That looks really nice, Grangur. The owner will be over the moon
  4. Although they are regarded by some as poor relations, after a lot of reading up, I fitted DiMarzio PJ s to Kert (FuNkShUi)'s camphor single cut custom job http://www.ajrguitarmods.co.uk/camphor%20single%20cut%20bass.htm Time and time again in various forums and reviews they were said to punch well above their weight, be very well balanced and also that the noiseless J was a great boon. Now admittedly I also fitted the Seymour Duncan 2band EQ for maximum flexibility, but both Kert and I have both been VERY impressed how good they sound even at fully neutral EQ. Kert has done a video demo ( I think the link is on the thread).
  5. Great job . Quite a transformation!
  6. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1470521927' post='3106570'] Looks like the Hohner Steinberger system. You slide the saddle under string tension then lock all the saddles with sideways force using that grub screw visible at the side of the bridge. [/quote] Ah...OK, that makes sense. Thanks
  7. I agree with Scojack - will watch with interest. There are some nice features on the bass. The bridge is intriguing - how do you adjust the intonation?
  8. [quote name='Wolverinebass' timestamp='1470343686' post='3105419'] Where do we place our orders?!! [/quote] In the deep pit that JPJ is going to chuck me down
  9. Huge amount of attention to detail here, Grangur. It's going to look absolutely splendid when it's all put together
  10. Great job on the bridge, Andy! Looks like - actually, better than - new!
  11. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1470337360' post='3105309'] You obviously have an eye for these things because I wouldn't have ever thought to do colour it! [/quote] It's also that the one stipulation I have been given is that it has got to be red - otherwise heaven knows what I'd have come up with You can never tell until you start staining these things for real, but this is more like the shade it will come out:
  12. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1470337085' post='3105306'] Go with the first one! I've been looking at it and it's really been growing on me! [/quote] It will come out darker in any case, but once it's all finished and got the hardware on, I think the book-matched fancy one will look spectacular
  13. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1470335995' post='3105292'] Have you got other pieces of wood that you're thinking of or is that your main stock? [/quote] This is presently what is going on the back (it will have the thru-neck between the two halves) and I have a one-piece from further down the plank that could be used for the top. Probably a bit less swirly, but that kind of thing.
  14. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1470331876' post='3105244'] No, no, no, no, no, no! Well maybe. The more I look the better it gets! [/quote] Thing is, it IS going to be red, because that's the one thing that Pete has asked for. So the choice is nondescript but perfectly normal grain, in red.....or something a bit more eye-catching, in red
  15. Something like this (just a photoshop job, JPJ!): What do you reckon?
  16. I put a template over to see how much of the figuring might be lost and where. NOW you can see his horns! Well, I may have to go into hiding for a generation or so, but it's just begging to be stained red
  17. [quote name='Bassmonkey' timestamp='1470323271' post='3105147'] Here's the original colour under the pickguard along with an original owners name and address scratched on it in 1974 Amazing colour change. Nice [/quote] That's really quite something. Have to smile also because I generally use fountain pen ink or calligraphy ink for my stains and folk in the know get quite twitchy (probably with some justification) about the colour fastness. I would happily pitch my red ink against Gibson's commercial stain of the '70s based on this for colour fastness Your bass has real mojo, Bassmonkey. Well done for tracking such a good one down.
  18. [quote name='Bassmonkey' timestamp='1470322684' post='3105140'] Was made in '73. I only got it this year so dunno. Nice though [/quote][quote name='Bassmonkey' timestamp='1470322684' post='3105140'] Was made in '73. I only got it this year so dunno. Nice though [/quote] It's the real deal!
  19. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1470310495' post='3104966'] You won't need to. The horned devil in the wood will do it for you. Or am I getting too Freudian. [/quote] No - I think you are being absolutely correct....blimey, there are some crazy scary images in there. Beats ink and blotting paper any day!
  20. [quote name='Bassmonkey' timestamp='1470320949' post='3105111'] Here's mine for reference if that's any help. Was a deep red wine colour, now browner than brown (except under the pics guard Subscribed. Andy [/quote] Wow - lovely job How long did it take to lose the red? Remarkable....
  21. [quote name='JPJ' timestamp='1470310067' post='3104957'] Go anywhere near that beautiful piece of timber with red stain and I will be forced to hunt you down and kill you! [/quote] Now, then....I used to think that also ... until I stained Mick's (TheGreek) 'Silk' bass walnut back panels orange on a 'I wonder if...' basis: So..... 'I wonder if...'
  22. The one thing that Pete wants is the bass to be cherry red. Beyond that, he is happy for me to do pretty much any variations that take my fancy. One possibility is the top. I wonder how this might look, stained cherry red?
  23. [quote name='Wolverinebass' timestamp='1470085721' post='3103234'] How much is this costing?!! I bet lots of folk on the forum would be interested in getting in on this. I don't even like Gibsons and I'd be up for this. Plus it'd beat paying £6500 for the equivalent EB3 Warwick copy. [/quote] Now there's the rub. You can get an Epiphone SG Bass for significantly less than the cost of the timber alone to build one. Wood, hardware and pickups get you fast heading towards Gibson's finished price - and that's before the couple of months making it. It's why this to me is a hobby and not a going concern
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