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Everything posted by Andyjr1515

  1. Yup - a great time had by all. Clearly a huge amount of work by the organisers (Mick, Chris, Louise plus, plus, plus). Many highlights - Bottle's home-made amp; Jabba's faultless builds; the pedal shoot out; Nick Smith's demo of the Sims Super Quads; a lovely, lovely, lovely Shuker; Valentin's superb forteVio UEB (and the immaculate electric violin).... ...but none so good as the look on Mick's face when he opened the case of the restored 'Mystery Bass'... ...and really none so good as the surprise gift Mick gave me - a superb tcslaser.co.uk acrylic copy of my bubinga fretless build's headstock: Just how cool is that! Thanks Mick for the org and gift and thanks to all for making it such a great day Andy
  2. [quote name='Ashweb' timestamp='1465037856' post='3064834'] Somehow, I think this may be TheGreek's Saturday outside the venue of the Herts Bass Bash... [attachment=220727:Tents.jpg] [/quote] That made me chuckle
  3. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1464900358' post='3063713'] I hope you really mean "[i]suspense[/i]"..unless you're considering a mercy killing... Hurry up Sunday!! [/quote]
  4. All finished, in its case and ready for the Bash. I'll post the fancy pics when I get back and Mick has been put out of his misery
  5. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1464886940' post='3063579'] "Rotten, so I burned it. " ... ... [/quote] You peeped again!!!! Now that's Mick's surprise gone!
  6. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1464043442' post='3056132'] (Ref the control chamber) Bigger? I await the next development with interest! [/quote] Hi, BigRedX This is why the control chamber needed to be bigger.... ...it's like spaghetti junction!
  7. There are a few hard cases in Brighton if I remember correctly
  8. [quote name='wwcringe' timestamp='1464731140' post='3062055'] Only just had chance to check in with this since almost the beginning of the project - looking amazing! What was a "save a bass/novelty repair" project has turned into a really classy instrument, by the looks of it very playable and "very AJR" as well!! Fantastic work Andy! [/quote] Thanks, Tom You should see it now! By the way, are the spare set of acoustic strings I got hold of any use to you? They are the same as fitted to your custom job and they are yours for free if they are of any use to you
  9. [quote name='Jabba_the_gut' timestamp='1464635584' post='3061044'] I'll be free next Sunday so count me in. I'll bring a couple of home builds, a couple of TC RS112 cabs or an Eden EX110 cab and either a GKMB200 or a Markbass Blackline head. I've got a Musicman SUB USA for sale which I might bring along. I've also got a 10" speaker in the recycled section I could bring down if anyone wants it. Looking forward to it. Cheers [/quote] Great - that means I get to see your wicked builds again, Jez
  10. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1464448915' post='3059558'] I thought we were going to keep the relic'ed 3T sunburst a secret...ooops, did I let that slip out?? [/quote] It's OK, Mick. Just so long as we don't mention the purple static-electricity-applied velvet scratchplate, nobody will suspect just what this is going to look like Bugger!
  11. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1464447298' post='3059540'] A hot-rod flame effect vinyl wrap, maybe..? [/quote] Blast! You peeped!!!! Mind you, I bet you didn't see the engraved pewter inset into it....oh, ooops!!!!!!!
  12. Remember the control chamber that looked like it had been attacked with a masonry chisel? Well, call me all heart, but I thought I ought to tidy it up a bit before I passed this across to Mick. The Sims Super Quads have some fancy switches and fairly hefty wiring looms, plus a 9v battery for the LEDs. I did some mock-ups over the paper impression I did at the start of the process to see if everything was going to fit in an expanded and smoothed out chamber: You can see the outline of the original chamber on the piece with the rough sketch at the top. By the way, this is a top tip learned from my veneering jobs - ALWAYS take a paper impression of the screw holes and chambers before you cover any of them over! It all looked like it was going to fit so I forstner'd the chamber, then made an MDF template and finally finished off with a router with a bearing flush trimmer. Finally, I whistled round with a larger cutter with a small bearing to create the shelf for the cover to flush fit into. Finally, placed all the major bits (except the wiring looms) in to see if I'd got the dimensions right: I was able to use three of the four original holes Next was rounding of the fret ends, using this opportunity to also check that all the frets were fully seated and secure in what were old and slightly wide slots: Thankfully, there was only one fret with a loose end. Wicked some cyano in and clamped it down before the final levelling and polishing. Unless there is major, major crowning required, I use various grades of wonderful 'micro-mesh' abrasive cloths wrapped round my crowning file to both do minor levelling and polishing: There is still a lot to do before next Sunday, but I think I'm past anything that could now go disastrously wrong....so it's now looking pretty good for the 5th! Andy
  13. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1464195411' post='3057457'] Could you angle the saddle block back about say 30 degrees so that there's clear access to the intonation screws? [/quote] To be honest, it's not a problem. Bit of a faff first time round, but it's very rare that the intonation will change once set correctly assuming same type of strings. Nowhere near as big a faff as the old fender truss rods!!!!
  14. [quote name='Ashweb' timestamp='1464128783' post='3056867'] What an incredible build, can't wait to see the finished article. I reckon whoever came up with the phrase 'Go do the voodoo that you do' probably had you in mind, Andy [/quote] Probably closer to the truth is the general belief we all share that 'When it works, it's my skills and experience. When it falls to pieces or looks, frankly, s**t....it's all down to some really bad magic at work!'
  15. [quote name='roman_sub' timestamp='1464090879' post='3056457'] Just throwing out an idea - how about a veneer top, to create another "peeled layer" at the sides (by not extending it all the way)? Though I suppose the walnut blocks add some mojo... amazing progress either way [/quote] Don't put ideas in Mick's head! Seriously, though...Mick and I have a dastardly plan for the top that won't be revealed until it's done. In fact, this is probably the last shot before it's done - I'm in close contact with Mick ref the finishing, but I don't want to give away the final look until it's basically done. Other than the control chamber, the last structural thing was to recess the bridge and stoptail. If you remember, Mick's preference was a t-o-m bridge and also to be able to use his standard medium length strings. Because the neck has no angle (a t-o-m bridged bass would usually have a neck angle of around 5 degrees) the bridge and stop tail needed to be lowered. Also, to be able to accommodate medium length strings, the bridge needed to be closer to the stoptail than you might normally see. This has advantages, nevertheless, for the break angle. Routing is too dodgy at this stage if there is any other way of doing it, so I forstner'd it and tidied up with a chisel: These aren't Mick's strings - they are just some spares I use to line everything up: So...the public posts might drop to few and far between over the coming week The good news is that it would now need a pretty unexpected catastrophe for this not to be ready to hand over to Mick at the Herts Bash I know that's tempting fate but, what the heck....
  16. I have the long scale version ( my avatar) and have always been very pleased with it. Folk I know who have the short scales are also very happy indeed with them. They are soooo affordable too
  17. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1464040561' post='3056096'] I was surprised that you didn't fill in the existing control cavity completely while the back laminations were off, with a view to routing a new and more elegantly shaped one. [/quote] I know what you mean, but almost certainly the new cavity will be bigger all round than the old one, so it will all be routed out anyway. The challenge with the rear cavity is actually that the back is now curved - that adds a few challenges ref the template, but hey, it'd be boring if there weren't more challenges around
  18. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1464011381' post='3055721'] Despite the obvious foot-tapping from many following this fascinating topic, it would be more than horrendous to have a tiny slip-up at this late stage, just to get it to the Bash on time. Better a week late than a daft blunder (yes, we've all been there, and too often for some..!). You're the Boss, of course, but please, please, don't rush this. Besides, it'll give us all a few more days of blissful suspense and eager eye-balling. Take the time for a cuppa or three now and again (or more, if the bladder can stand it...). [/quote] Don't worry, Dad3353. When there's a real deadline like this, I go into an ultra-careful mode...simply because I know there is no room for even a small tweak to put something right. This routing and fill-in was pretty much the most careful and accurate of any similar task I can remember doing. There are still some scary bits to do, but fewer than there were! This evening I'll glue the infills so that I can route the bridge and stop-tail recesses tomorrow. If those go OK, there is only one really scary bit left - the control chamber. I can start the finishing process before I need to do that to give me plenty of time to think through exactly how best and how to do it.
  19. This morning has made me very happy. One of the remaining 'got real problems if I c**k this up!' jobs has now been done OK, and that means that finishing this project by the Herts bash is now actually in the realm of the possible! Task was to rout out for the pickups and carve the walnut infills to hide as many of the remaining holes as possible. Standard stuff - rough out with a Forstener and then rout with an MDF template and a bearing trimmer bit: Then some VERY VERY careful carving of my remaining two largish bits of walnut offcut: I've cancelled some things tomorrow to try to get the remaining bodywork stuff done. I have to start finishing by Wednesday at the very latest!
  20. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1464002314' post='3055631'] Just a quick chip in to say that I love watching your work as ever Andy! [/quote] Thanks, Bryan!
  21. If it's dry tomorrow, I'll start the routing for the pickups. First I drilled the reference corners for the router template: Then joined up the holes with a coping saw and file: Also routed the headstock and epoxied in the logo. Coincidentally, the real-live swifts have finally arrived for the summer Many fewer than last year (which was fewer than the previous years) but still tearing round the houses just like this, at breakneck speeds and with their unmistakeable screeches. The last small black bits from the old coating should sand away with the final sanding stages! The two big black bits will stay as part of the historical mojo.
  22. [quote name='The-Ox' timestamp='1463825036' post='3054300'] Is Mick's mystery bass like an Alembic? [/quote] Yes and no - the shape was / is similar to an Alembic Stanley Clarke Signature and the headstock is just a lawsuit's whisker away. I think it is a home or custom built 'in the style of' from the era of the early SC models. Loads of pics on the build thread - we can probably all argue the toss at the bash
  23. I'm doing my best to try to get this ready for the Herts bash (but still a long-shot, Mick!!!) so tried to reach into my feminine side and multi-task. Frets and Swifts. First, I needed to make sure the fret slots in the sanded-flat board were still deep enough and clear: Then started fretting. Because the slots have already been used once (at least), I needed to add a bead of glue along the tang line and let that set, clamped under a radius former, for each fret hammered in: While each one was setting, I got on with jeweller-sawing out my MoP moniker swifts: ...by which time, I'd got to the last fret with about 1" of fretwire to spare (phew!)
  24. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1463770283' post='3054002'] Yep looks nice and tactile. How have you decided on pickup placement, in terms of actual distance from the bridge? [/quote] Similar to a J setup and then also by comparing with the demo's Sims have on various videos...
  25. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1463763497' post='3053949'] Attendance list needs updating. Please add your details. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b]1.[/b] [b]TheGreek[/b] - Veillette Citron - [b]For sale Ashdown 5 combo in custom cab with 12" speaker.[/b][/font][/color] [b]2. Bassface 2k10 3. Billy Apple 4. Bluejay[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b]5. Skinnyman[/b] - Dingwall P/J bass, Roland GR55 synth, Fender Bassman 300 head, Fender 410 Neo (or possibly a genz 112. That 410's a bit much for my poor back)[/font][/color] [b]6. gary_mac 7. such[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b]8. Bottle[/b] - Ibanez Bass, Line6 Amp, Various Pedals and 1x12 Cab [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b]9. Grangur[/b] - Barefaced One10, MarkBass LM3, Warwick Thumb BO 5er[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b]10. Lozz196[/b] - Fender US Precision, Aguilar Tonehammer Pre-amp/DI, Tech 21 Sansamp Bass Driver Preamp/DI[/font][/color] [b]11. Truckstop[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b]​12. Sibob [/b](pending new baby situations) - 1971 Precision, Xotic XJ-1T 5, Maruszczyk Jake custom, Shuker 5 Single Cut[b] (for sale)[/b][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b]13. Jazzneck[/b] (90% sure)[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b]14. NickD[/b] - M[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]aruszczyk Elwood L5a, TE Series 6 1x15, Zoom B3. [/font][/color] [b]15. ChunkyMunky 16. Davo-London 17. disgrace of bass 18. MacDaddy 19. Adonbass[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b]19 Happy Jack [/b]- Bluejay, MacDaddy[/font][/color] [b]20 Hertsbass [/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b]21. Ordep[/b] - Schroeder, Tecamp Puma, Fbass BN4, Le Bass tube preamp, etc[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b]22. CamdenRob[/b] - Mrs C, Wal MK3 6 String, Moollon P[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color] [b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]23. Oopsdaassist[/font][/color][/b] [b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]24. Chevy-stu[/font][/color][/b] [b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]25. SilverfoxNik??[/font][/color][/b] [b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]26. Andyjr1515 [/font][/color][/b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] - TheGreek's Alemicesque rebuild (prob WIP); Bubinga Fretless (Own Design); Squier VM Jaguar with fancy veneer (per Avatar)[/font][/color] [/quote]
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