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Everything posted by Andyjr1515

  1. OK, maybe it's from sobering up after too much booze over Christmas, but I am soooooooooooooo excited about this build. Kert and I decided to go a bit modern with the pickup covers - they are large and in plain camphor actually DETRACTED from the camphor top rather than enhanced it. We discussed dyeing the camphor, or just using ebony covers but thought it would be worth trying something a little more avant garde...insetting some ebony into the camphor covers. With that, and the finishing process starting to be done, this is what it is beginning to look like: Ref the total shape, I knew the camphor would make it look pretty special, but there is an elegance that I was not expecting with a single cut... Can't wait for this to be finished... head and shoulders the most satisfying build to date... Andy
  2. [quote name='Jabba_the_gut' timestamp='1451728821' post='2942747'] Hi Rubis. Thanks for the comments. I'm not familiar with Luminlay so just looked at their website and they have something that would be perfect!! Many thanks for that. Jez [/quote] Hi Jabba I'm a fan of Luminlay and fit it pretty much as standard nowadays on my basses and guitars. However, be aware they don't stay very bright for very long. They retain a residual glow for a long time that I personally find perfectly adequate for gigging in dark venues, but the bright glow you see in the ads only lasts for 30 mins or so. They are, on the other hand, quite good doubling as daytime dots as the luminescent material is quite light in colour and looks like standard white clay dots. They are also very easy to fit (there's a thread of mine somewhere going through it). Andy
  3. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1451555188' post='2941411'] Have you ever used the ready to iron veneers Andy? [/quote] I haven't - no. I would suspect it's also PVA sprayed on. But, if I did, I would still prefer to coat the body also, then there is no possibility you are going to end up with a 'dry' spot. I have used a veneer with a ready glued on tissue backing - that worked well. Almost identical in technique and in terms of use but seemed quite a lot more resilient to expansion cracking. Anyone else used ready to use iron on?
  4. It looks great, Mel I have been very tempted by the short scale Squier Jaguars....it's now full blown GAS!!!
  5. Love threads like this . They are looking great! As for wenge used as a floorboard...new one on me!!
  6. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1451491087' post='2940927'] I love the shape of that headstock and the bevelled recess, if that's the right term. I'd imagine coming up with a shape that isn't like anyone else's and looks good with such a small area can't be easy. [/quote] Hi - thanks Maude I always find that the biggest challenge is that - assuming you go for the preferred straight string runs - the geometry and therefore external shape boundaries are pretty much fixed. Usually there is relatively little scope for anything major. I stole the cut-out idea from Tom's African Fretless (thanks, Tom ) and embellished it a bit so I could reflect the horn styles into the resulting ebony shapes. I'll be pleased to get back to this full time...there isn't a huge amount still to do but it needs time free from visitors!
  7. Well, our last lot of Christmas guests have announced they are not going until next Monday so, on the basis of "f*** this for a game of soldiers", I'm going to carry on building when weather allows anyway I have finished the basic carve of the headstock, prior to final filling and finish-sanding: Next job is finish sanding the fretboard and getting the frets in. Should be able to start that later today Andy
  8. I like this a LOT, alittlebitrobot
  9. First time I've seen the whole thing....it's scrumptious!
  10. I love the carving on this and the overall shape. As for the dowel...ingenious!
  11. Great thread and a very impressive result!
  12. It's like seeing an old friend Looks good now it's all reassembled. Brill! Thanks for posting Andy
  13. A simple but clever jig. Hopefully he doesn't wear a tie!
  14. [quote name='martin8708' timestamp='1449355169' post='2922945'] Best opening chord . B flat sus 2 - Prince - Purple Rain , great great intro . [/quote] ^^^this^^^
  15. Thanks, folks Still subject to final shaping and sanding, but the volute is now starting to take shape: Progress will probably slow right down over the next couple of weeks - starting from tomorrow, we have pre-christmas visitors, followed by christmas visitors followed by post-christmas visitors... If I don't post for a while, Have a Happy Christmas Everyone
  16. Really nice body styling and yes, great detailing on the neck....
  17. Rain stopped outdoors play again, so I started on the headstock. First, used a coping saw to cut the outline out within a few mm: Then trial fitted the plate - also to make sure the allen key would fit into the slot for truss rod adjustment (which it wouldn't on one of my builds!): Then glue and clamp:
  18. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1450306232' post='2931623'] Just wondered while you are doing all this work on the neck - are you thinking, one slip and it goes on the fire [/quote] Always....
  19. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1450296369' post='2931529'] I've heard a lot of good things about veritas things. I've actually asked for a couple of their saws for christmas. [/quote] They are very good quality. I think you will be pleased if Santa brings them
  20. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1450293564' post='2931486'] Ooh Veritas, very nice! You make it look easy! [/quote] Actually, the Veritas was a very recent acquisition - first use today. Worth every penny (in in comparison to some of the 'better' makes, not too exhorbitant - very easy to adjust for the optimum cut depth. My cheapo cheapo one was actually surprisingly good, but this is definitely better It's the fastest that I've got to this stage...took less than 1hr. I'm sure last time I did it (for the bubinga fretless), it took much longer. The key seems to be doing the two datums first - I didn't do that last time.
  21. As it was relatively dry this afternoon, got a pass-out to do the rough carve on the neck. The first job was to file down to the template profile shape with a rasp file. After a tip-off from a guy on another forum, I nowadays use the 'microplane' rasps - they are brilliant!: First fret done: ...then the seventh fret: Then out comes the spokeshave to plane between the two datum points. Of course to use the spokeshave it's a two-handed job but, based on the threadlock on the rug, I had to take the photo myself : The profile is now starting to get there : Then a bit of sanding to smooth off the facets: The ditto from the heel to the 7th fret datum point: So that has the broad shape. I will now take my time with cabinet scrapers to get the neck 'feeling just right' and also finish off the heel before a final sanding. Thanks for looking Andy
  22. For the MEC's (I'm assuming they are passive ) I can thoroughly recommend this Seymour Duncan EQ http://www.thomann.de/gb/seymour_duncan_stc2p.htm I fitted the 3 band version with MEC's to my thumb tribute, but have since used the 2 band version and found it just as flexible but more intuitive. I have one fitted to my own bass and am fitting one also to kert's camphor and alder single cut presently in the build threads. It is, however, quite big and 9v powered, so would need some routing work I love that bridge but agree with others...it looks great but won't make an appreciable difference to the sound.
  23. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1450165858' post='2930092'] Will Santa be bringing your good lady wife a new rug? I hope so! [/quote] Well, Santa will have to bring something - based on the forecast of continuous rain for the next 25 years (or so it feels) it looks like I'm going to have to do the whole carve in the spare room! I've planed down the back of the neck to final size and started the carve of the heel - the latter will be finished once I have the profile shaped: From the profile-gauge measurements that Kert did for me from his Warwick, I have cut out a stiff plasticard template of that neck profile at the 1st, 7th and 12th frets: The neck depth mentioned above, also matches his Warwick. The next steps is that I will rasp and finish file the profile at those three positions, and then use a spokeshave to remove the bulk in between. That's a lot of shavings to try to hide....
  24. Got the answer! Cover the stain with wood shavings MrsAndyjr1515 is out at the moment, but the moment she comes back and sees this, she'll be jumping for joy and I'll be back in the good books!!!
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