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Everything posted by Andyjr1515

  1. Hi Some of you may have seen this in the 'Gear Porn' section. [attachment=86985:IMG_1686.JPG][attachment=86986:IMG_1690.JPG][attachment=86987:IMG_1697.JPG] [attachment=86984:IMG_1661.jpg][attachment=86989:IMG_1706.jpg][attachment=86988:IMG_1700.JPG] It's customised from a new fretless 34" scale bass, stripped down and veneered in American Burl Maple on both body top and headstock, with unstained wood at the back. It is a gloss Tru-oil varnish finish - not as rugged as Nitro or Poly but MUCH easier to repair any dints and scratches. Not sure what make the p'ups are but I have upgraded the pots and it produces some nice tones through our band's PA. Strings are a set of new D'addario Chromes and it comes fully set up ready to play. I persuaded our band's main bass player (I'm the reserve ) to try it out and his comments were 'nice balance, decent neck, setup seems fine, sounds pretty good'. Also, the great thing about stripping down is that you get up close and personal to the timber! The original spec states Alder - but seems more like a harder wood to me...it is light but much harder than some of the other basses I've stripped down - this shows through when playing (and probably improves the tone) as you don't get any of the through-body vibration you often get with, eg Squiers and lower-end Ibanez's. [b]Reduced to £350[/b] (prior to posting on E**y at original price of £375). Thanks for looking Andy
  2. Hi charic I will watch your progress with great interest - it is on my list of next things to try. The stuff I saw that looked right was the Dremel 4000, the mini router attachment (Stewmac sell it in US but I think you can get it direct in UK too) a scalpel, a piece of wood with a slot in it and a jeweller's saw (with plenty of spare blades!). Mind you looking is as far as I've got so far Keep posting! Andy
  3. Hi Hope the attached help. This is the back of the control plate of my Squier VM Jaguar. [attachment=86803:P1030182.jpg] [attachment=86800:P1030179.jpg] [attachment=86801:P1030180.jpg] [attachment=86802:P1030181.jpg] The configuration has two stacked knobs giving independent tone and volume to each pickup. Note that the upper (viewed from the back) pot is volume-wired and the lower one is tone-wired with a capacitor on each. It's just the same as a Les Paul guitar except that each tone and vol pot are stacked on top of each other rather than separate and side by side. Hope this helps Andy
  4. The compromise is putting heavier strings on as above and set the saddles for your lower tunings and put up with the higher action heights at your 'normal' tuning. It is a comprise, though...
  5. Looks wicked! Assuming you don't have a multimeter or continuity checker...if you are not getting any sound from either pickup, the problem is likely to be the other side of the two volume pots. Start with checking at the jack-end - is it a sealed one or can you see the contacts? If its the latter, take the plate off, push in the jack, make sure the jack is pressing against the spring steel hot contact and make sure the tip of the jack isn't touching the earth wire (especially when the wire is scrunched up back in its place). If all is OK, check the wires fron the Jack to earth and the hot connection in the pot chamber. Check there are no hot wires touching any ground wires (again, particularly when they are scrunched up in place). It's usually something simple and its usually the jack socket!
  6. Looks great, Ross I've been caught by the knob trap too in the past
  7. [quote name='Batfastard' post='1334284' date='Aug 9 2011, 10:07 PM']Cheers mate. I think I'll leave the join as is for the mo. I can always fill it in at a later date. cheers for the advice. I can't wait to hear the Wizard Thumper and 84.[/quote] Yes - sounds great to me. Once you get the neck, hardware and strings back on, you will be stunned how good this looks Really pleased how this is turning out for you. Andy
  8. Hi V pleased you've finally got the miscreant to stick down It looks very good to me - and it DOES look a bit like leather! Ref the join - if you want to fill it, there are two ways I've found that works OK: Do a coating of tru-oil and while it is still wet, give it a good sanding - won't do the sandpaper any good, but the mush will fill the gaps fairly well. Then, when dry, sand it down again back to the veneer. Do that whole thing again if needed. OR - sand some scrap veneer to create a little pile of veneer dust. Add a little tru-oil to create a paste and use that, like decorators filler, to fill the gaps. Again, once dry, sand it down to smooth. OR - leave it. I actually think the dips and drops in a wood finish sometimes adds to the fact it is a natural product. Whatever you do about the filling, a number of thin coats of tru oil, sanded each time with v fine (1000 grit or higher) wet and dry used wet, will build to a high gloss finish that will bring all of the fabulous grain of the veneer and make it look FABULOUS!! Really looking forward to seeing the finished product Andy
  9. [quote name='JimBobTTD' post='1332508' date='Aug 8 2011, 05:22 PM']Files are here and the nut is now filed and ready. G string off and flatwound G on; the rest will follow when I get a moment - I am back at work now. All strings are going through the bridge and not the body. It is all so nearly finished...all that is left to do is intonation, string height, relief. Expect pics of finished product in 48 hours or so![/quote] Can't wait!
  10. Hi I'm also not quite sure what you are trying to do (not familiar with the '62) but is it like my VM Squier Jag - do you want a volume and tone for each of the two pickups? If so, when I get back at the weekend, I can easily take off my control plate and photgraph it for you... The VM Jag has two concentric control knobs - each with volume at the top and tone at the bottom to be able to blend either pup by volume and tone (bit like a Les Paul in middle postion but using just two knobs intead of four). Let me know and if I'm right, I'll get a shot Fri/ Sat Andy
  11. [quote name='jimbobothy' post='1331522' date='Aug 7 2011, 10:22 PM']Changed the battery? However I'm a simpleton when it comes to elasticery![/quote] I regard myself a bit of a techo geek and yet it was ages before I thought about the battery on one of mine Everything was sorted in 15 secs...after the 24 hours trying to work out what could be wrong!
  12. [quote name='Andyjr1515' post='1332167' date='Aug 8 2011, 01:57 PM']Hi Hope you managed to sort your edges OK. I generally use Axesrus for hardware, screws etc, although they tend to be more biased towards 6 string guitars. Stuff like pickguard screws ect they definately have and there service is excellent. Andy[/quote] That's what happens when you try to type while bouncing about on a train in Sweden That should have read ...pickguard screws etc they definitely have and their...
  13. [quote name='Batfastard' post='1331451' date='Aug 7 2011, 09:04 PM']The body will be given a touch up round the edges and laquered tomorrow. So I need to drill holes for the three pots. I saw a bass where the knobs were recessed into the body of the bass with a shamfer on the edge of the hole. Does anybody have any ideas on how to do this? Also need to order some screws for the bridge, neck and pickups, any suggestions of the best place to order from?[/quote] Hi Hope you managed to sort your edges OK. I generally use Axesrus for hardware, screws etc, although they tend to be more biased towards 6 string guitars. Stuff like pickguard screws ect they definately have and there service is excellent. Andy
  14. Hi This looks really great Although I've never made a Warmoth bass, I have made a W Strat guitar (wash my mouth out with soap and water!) and I am a real, real fan. Fits and hardware, etc are sometimes a pain because - even with a standard make - they are always changing, but the Warmoth craftsmanship is, in my experience, second to none. The W strat is my favourite (and I've owned & tried a few great 'standard' makes and models) I was really tempted to make a Warmoth Bass last time but instead decided to do a conversion. However, this has tempted me sorely... Andy
  15. It does take a while...but well worth it in the end What are you thinking of finishing it with? Andy
  16. Hi I take it as a compliment that you (however misguidedly) followed some of my tips and tricks but I think it looks great Any help for the next stages just post or PM me but you seem to be doing perfectly well on your own...I'm really looking forward to seeing the end result I've got some things I've tried (some worked well, some didn't) to fill the grain so feel free to ask Thanks again Andy
  17. That is true craftsmanship but combined with SUPERB judgement of colours, shapes, effects and combinations. This is in another league to anything I've tried or even seen - it really is World Class stuff...the buyer won't be able to wipe the smile off his face for years Great thread and fantastic, fantastic bass! I bow, humbled, before you, master Andy
  18. [quote name='kurcatovium' post='1328231' date='Aug 5 2011, 08:23 AM']Come on guys, no need to witch hunting on either side. It's not that big deal, right? (Monty Python quote: ... but she turned me into a newt ...)[/quote] It's absolutely no big deal - small misunderstanding on both sides. Rob - shake hands and move onto why we're all here...MAKING MUSIC? Andy
  19. Hi I've got a Blackstar Distortion pedal that a mate's currently borrowed. I can get it back over the weekend and try my bass through it and let you know. I agree with Prime_BASS that it won't damage it - whether it sounds any good is quite another matter...it's worth a try though. I'll tell you Sunday eve whether we got thrown out of the pub on the back of trying it Andy
  20. Hey Guys Been travelling and so am only just back onto a decent connection. That, unfortunately was part of the problem here...I was on a bought internet connection with 5 mins to go when I saw Rob's ad. I had little time to work out the costs and challenge of getting to Swindon and - with apologies, Rob - missed the bit in the thread about the price being firm. The asking plus diesel (250 mile round trip) plus bits took me over what I could afford, hence the offer. I PM'd because I knew I wouldn't be able to have much more than the briefest time on the internet and so - because I was likely to be travelling the following evening if the offer was accepted - I was sending my personal phone number - which I am NOT going to put onto a forum. The response worried me because I immediately PMd an apolology to Robs PM'd response but still ended with a bit of a drubbing on the forum. As Rob is a moderator, I then assumed I had committed some dreadful forum crime - and I like this forum - I don't want to be kicked out. I have since clarified that making offers is generally OK but PMs are generally not. Rob - I'm genuinely pleased you've sold your bass - the market is S***te at the moment and NOTHING seems to be moving. I apologise completely unreservedly for missing the 'firm' comment in your thread. I don't want to be kicked off the forum and I don't want you to be berated by the members over your response Shake hands & move on? Andy
  21. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1326349' date='Aug 3 2011, 11:32 PM']It looks to me like the seller merely used your offer as a point to emphasise the bargain that was to had.... albeit without thinking about your feelings. Seeing as the seller is a moderator himself, a wee word with the site owner should bring about a swift resolution to your situation.[/quote] Nah - it's no big deal. It's just that I try hard to follow forum rules but, as the guy WAS a moderator and flamed me on the forum despite me sending an immediate PM apology (10 secs max) after he'd flamed me in his PM response to my (pretty close) offer, I assumed I must have committed some sort of heinous forum crime In his defence, once I was on a decent internet connection (when I made the offer I was on a bought timed connection in a hotel with 5 mins to run and didn't have time to read everything in the thread) I could see he does say the price was firm - but he did seem to have problems selling it to anyone who would be willing to pick it up, which I WAS willing to do but the added cost of which made it a touch over what I could afford. As a former internet forum moderator myself, it has always seemed to me that there are two types of moderator: those who do it to rigorously apply the forum rules for the good of all and those who use the power of veto and forum bans to bully and humiliate. Clearly this guy is of the former kind but was just having a bad hair day Anyway, it's forgotten. He sold the bass later that day, which I am genuinely pleased about because it is a concern that absolutely NOTHING is moving at the moment...but that's for another thread Thanks anyway for your response and the clarity that I haven't (or maybe hadn't) committed some sort of taboo Andy
  22. Well I’m a bit confused by this – not from the selling point of view (which I agree with…not putting a price on is a bit like a trader putting ‘POA’ – I never follow up these because I always think there’s going to be a catch or hard sell) but from the buyer’s point of view. I recently looked at a bass for sale at a good price but one where the seller said he’d had offers but for postage and he would prefer collection. I offered by PM at £10 below the asking price based on cash and collection the following day. I gave my phone number and said, I think entirely politely, call if he was interested. I put the same on the forum except I didn’t put the price I’d offered (or, obviously, my phone number). The £10 reduced offer came from a simple calculation of the asking price, plus the diesel for the 250 mile round trip, plus the bits that didn’t come with the bass coming to £20 more than I could afford. I was moderately flamed both by PM and on the forum. I work hard never to p**s anyone off on the internet (and really am upset that I've p****d off this guy) and I am just about the opposite of a commercial shark, but am I to assume that a buyer must offer the asking price or nothing at all? It’s a funny old world… Confused of Derby
  23. Hi I've PM'd you a pick-up offer with phone contact if it is of any interest (use this text or ring this eve - I'm on limited internet connection) Andy
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