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Everything posted by Andyjr1515

  1. I wouldn't buff it with sandpaper. The depth that stains go to is VERY low and so any sanding will quickly expose the wood again. But there are ways to get you where you want to get. I have a method I can recommend for certain finishes - what finish are you planning?
  2. Don't judge the colour by how it looks when it's dry - particularly reds. The colour it will end up once the final finish is on it will be roughly the same as it looks when it is damp - so quite a bit darker than the 'dry stained' look. You should find that the pinkiness goes away too. Looks good! What stain have you used?
  3. Ah - OK. Mind you, you could always inset an ebony triangle... Anyway - it's going to look fab whatever
  4. Lovely! Weird, though...no doors or table-tops yet as far as I can see. Presumably next time MrsJabba_the_gut goes out for her 30minute exercise walk you'll get the kitchen door off and planed down before she gets back?
  5. Hmmm...not sure I understand that. The fanned frets don't affect the string spacing and so, as long as the Nova clamp is square to the strings rather than to the zero fret/nut (like on the string retainer on your original drawing below), then it should work fine... Incidentally, we did something similar on @TheGreek 's Psilos bass - just because it has a headless tuner system doesn't mean that it needs to be headless
  6. With all three switched on, I reckon you will pretty much answer your original question with this
  7. I've spent the last couple of days sorting out the oak, cutting the maple neck splices and getting all of the mating surfaces flat and straight: And on order from David Dyke are the two walnut splices, a purpleheart splice for the middle, some more purpleheart to use as the back/top demarcation and a 5-string AAA ebony fretboard blank
  8. ACG's are the bass builders basses... Alan picks magnificent woods and transforms them into something that defies the 'form or function' clash to produce something that optimises both. It will be lovely.
  9. @Hellzero is quite right. As long as the neck heel is fitted to be properly against the back of the pocket it's the 'lift' you need to bolt against. Do you remember this one - I fitted a neck to one of @eude 's schooldays (?) projects. It was the shortest pocket I ever did (by necessity) - and it was a 6 string bass! The pocket was even shorter than @benh 's present one: For that, because I had no idea really what extra pull forces might be on a sixer, and the floor of the pocket itself wasn't all that thick, I went belt and braces and fitted an unglued dry biscuit joint into the front join area: It held fine and, to be honest, I think it would have been OK with just the bolts: So, @benh - best to extend the fretboard a touch in any case, as much for the 24th fret security as anything, and the resulting neck pocket should be perfectly adequate
  10. Well...now there's a story... Not me for one I gave Matt the choice of the four configurations, and he chose one of the other ones. And I - ahhummm - had already cut it before I spotted Matt's question. Anyway, Matt has been extremely gracious and says he is equally happy with the way round I've done it. One for the 'ooops!' log I reckon. That said, it is going to look pretty splendid - this is one of the best figured walnut pieces I've come across in a long, long time. Here it is with a 5-string sized fretboard cutout: Once the proper finish is on, that figuring is going to positively come alive! Next step is to cut the oak blanks and order the neck laminates and bridge
  11. I agree with @Jabba_the_gut. If the pickup was destined to be right up against your fretboard end, then I would have said that this is probably OK. But in that you have the room, I would - in any case - have more fretboard beyond the 24th fret and also to give you a bit more distance between the two fixing bolts on that side with the correspondingly longer pocket. The resulting 10-20mm extension look fine too. I like how the design is evolving and (on these things he always is) @TheGreek was spot on with that small tweak to the lower cutaway and horn.
  12. Small steps, but the first cut and glue of any project is an important one Straightened up the joint line of the top wood with a jack-plane and now it's gluing Going to look nice
  13. More of my builds have been done on a Workmate on the back patio than on my more recently acquired cellar workbench. You do tend to get quite skilled at following weather forecasts . And likewise, not a word to MrsAndyjr1515
  14. You know me. There's nothing I like better than boring a room full of folks to sleep. Hmmm....if I marketed myself as a 'snooze meditation healing' guru, I could make a fortune
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