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Everything posted by Tee

  1. That's a cracking price/rig. I saw 'The Raveonettes' live, recently and the bassist had that Fender head and either 2 Fender 4x10s or an 8x10 (can't remember) with a Precision and it sounded superb - really fat.
  2. My two US Ps [attachment=38390:Image033.jpg]
  3. Are we going to see a bit of a market for sub-100W bass valve amps then? I don't particulalrly like the look of it, but i imagine it would make a nice home/practice amp if you like your valves. No doubt it could be pretty loud for that too.
  4. I'm only impressd by the song personally. Probably not the answer you were looking for, but it doesn't matter what your technique is, if the song/music is rubbish.
  5. Hmm, perhaps you're envious of other people's Jazz basses and should really just be content with playing a little keyboards instead.
  6. [quote name='Clarky' post='674001' date='Dec 4 2009, 10:48 AM']Doesn't help your current predicament but I wholeheartedly recommend that anyone wishing to avoid buckle rash get one of these [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=58475&hl=Clarky"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...5&hl=Clarky[/url][/quote] This is undoubtedly the bass equivalent of elbow pads.
  7. Tee


    The Fender J Mascis Jazzmaster (MIJ) has a basswood body too. With regards to Fender, i think it's used mostly in the MIJ models.
  8. Yeah, you see him in the studio with a 4 string Spector in the 'Nothing else matters' vid
  9. I saw the '64 LPB Precision in V&R today. Looks lovely. I also like the sonic blue 60s one as well. I bet they sound and feel lovely. [i]'Please enquire'[/i] always means [i]'too expensive'[/i] for me
  10. I've recently bought a T.Rex Fuel Tank Junior (power supply). Finally, hum free FX! I don't use many (tuner, comp, fuzz...) but i'm thinking about getting a Pedaltrain Jr and one of those patch lead kits. It will save so much setting up and packing up at practice and gigs. No more batteries/adapters and just one standard shape/sized plug.
  11. Hmm, no Precisions Not a million miles from me. Might keep an eye out. Thanks.
  12. In the Ramones Museum, Berlin, this September. [attachment=36539:berlinRM.jpg]
  13. Tee

    Bottom end boost

    EHX Knockout Attack Eqaulizer. It can add serious bass.
  14. There used to be a music shop on the via del Corso, when i lived in Rome in the 90s. Wasn't particularly well stocked. Instruments were upstairs. I still have a Boss delay pedal which i bought there. I don't think i ever tracked down any bass only stores.
  15. There are a few in the north of Paris, around Pigalle. Rue de Douai, i think. Basscenter is along from there, on Rue Victor Massé.
  16. Wouldn't mind this custom shop Sandberg
  17. My understanding was that Fender pulled their socks up around '83 and quality got better.
  18. Tee

    EHX Nano Bassballs

    [quote name='Gareth Hughes' post='641075' date='Oct 30 2009, 01:46 PM']Hey Tee - Whilst the BassBalls is a bit of a one trick pony, it CAN learn new tricks!!!!! I had a mod done to mine by the wonderfully talented Bigwan here, so the two filter points are now user selectable. Doing this gives you more control over the low-end of your signal. If you want to try this without the mod, just open up the pedal and have a fiddle with the two trim-pots inside. Mark them tho before you start so you can return to the factory settings. gareth[/quote] Thanks, yes i've heard about the internal trimpots. I haven't managed to play with it yet (hopefiully tonight), but i imagine you can accentuate and reduce the two different filters individually with them?
  19. Tee

    EHX Nano Bassballs

    Got one today thanks.
  20. Welcome to the big smoke. :brow:
  21. Tee

    EHX Nano Bassballs

    Thanks for all the feedback. I'm taking the plunge.
  22. If i'm not mistaken, the Sunset Orange Ps had an ash body
  23. Tee

    EHX Nano Bassballs

    I'm thinking of getting a pedal which will add a bit of 'something different' in a song or two, or on a chorus here and there. I would love to get an EHX Micro Synth, but it seems a bit steep for something i might not use often. I thought the Bassballs, being a lot cheaper, could do the trick. I know it has one trick, relative to the Micro Synth, but would anyone recommend it? Also do they suck tone in bypass mode? Thank you.
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