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Everything posted by Tee

  1. I have one. Mine is not 'noisy' though. And yes you can add insane deep bass to your sound with this pedal if you so wish. Useful if you're using a cheapo bass/pickup, which needs a bit of help too.
  2. [quote name='Doctor J' post='632084' date='Oct 21 2009, 08:34 AM']Bacchus[/quote] Isn't he the Roman god of wine and intoxication?
  3. If you like Ps, it shouldn't be hard to find a good new standard. My American Standard P, an '08, so the first year of the new ones, is killer. The best P i've owned, beating all the other Mexican and Japanese ones i've previously owned. The stock pickup is terrific and it roars & thumps evenly all over the the fretboard. I also appreciate the satin finish on the back of the neck (not a gloss fan) and the rolled fingerboard edges. I love the thing and i want to grow old with it.
  4. I like the vibe & melody in the slow bits of 'Witness' by fIREHOSE.
  5. Those mini Precisions are cute
  6. I think you need to define 'cheap' first. Are we talking [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product.asp?id=3588"]Squier Bronco[/url] or [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Fender-Mustang-Bass~ID~6908.asp"]MIJ Mustang[/url]? Edit: I have a '77 Mustang, black with a maple neck. It sounds awesome. It was for sale a while back, but i'm keeping hold of it.
  7. Punk bands....Wireless systems. Hmm.
  8. Tee

    A/B pedals - Looper?

    Thanks. That little Lehle looks good. I also like the Keeley, as it's real small.
  9. I hope you can understand what i'm on about here. Is the best way to split effects pedals, with an A/B pedal? Here's the deal. I have my compressor and overdrive on all the time in a live situation, but i think i'd like to occasionally bring in a pedal/ or effects which, when non-active in my signal path, will suck my tone. What would be a good set-up to insert these other pedals, when called for and remove them from my signal path, when not needed? Using an A/B pedal? Would i be able to leave the 'other' effects on permanently and activate them into my signal path via an A/B. I've never really tried anything this complicated, as i'm not normally an fx user, but some songs are calling for them. Any pedal recommendations too? Thanks in advance.
  10. Bananas stem adrenaline? I was not aware of that (said in a Wayne's World style)
  11. I forgot to mention. It doesn't just have to be right before going on stage, but can stretch back to the beginning of the day or afternoon. I tend to get ready in the afternoon.
  12. I think i have gas for a road worn P (probably the two tone sunburst, like ezbass, but without the pup mod). Well, i need sonmething to offset my 2 white US Ps
  13. Just wondering. Does anyone here have any pre-gig rituals they perform, to get them in the mood for a show. Loud music? booze? meditation? shutting yourself in the toilet? Do share
  14. I remember seeing them when they were unsigned in '93 i think it was, at the Fulham Swan on Fulham Broadway. They were called 'Naked' back then (the name of the single on the Sony Mini Disc advert). I saw them again at the Camden Underworld in '95 where they played through their debut album, which i still think is a pretty good album. Great gig, they mingled with the crowd too, so i chatted to them. Support acts on the night were Bullyrag and Kula Shaker. I saw them a few times after that too. I guess i was a big Reef fan at the time, although i didn't really like their last couple of studio albums. First two albums for me. I'm not really into the new band. At least i checked them out when they first came out and didn't float my boat much.
  15. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='609323' date='Sep 26 2009, 03:52 PM']So what is the 'most live' live album?[/quote] Pussy Galore - 'Live in the Red' The Stooges - 'Metallic KO'
  16. Bumpage. C'mon, buy this just to annoy your guitarist and force your drummer to listen to you
  17. [quote name='beerdragon' post='608052' date='Sep 24 2009, 07:26 PM']Tee has an Epi for sale in basses for sale at £150, which is a pretty good price.[/quote] Indeed i do and indeed it is. I prefer the Epis, as the body is similar to the Gibson. The Tokais are a bit bloated, ie wider than the Gibsons and Epis. Personal preference though.
  18. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=61243"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=61243[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=61387"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=61387[/url]
  19. [quote name='evilLordJuju' post='605615' date='Sep 22 2009, 02:25 PM']Gibson EB3s came in white in the late seventies[/quote] 76-79. They only made a few. This is a '78
  20. Tadaa! [attachment=33273:GibsonSG.jpg]
  21. ooh, they've changed the look of their site.
  22. Monto have nights at a few different venues in London: The Water Rats, The Electrowerkz, Zigfrid von Underbelly, that i know of. We've been invited back to the WR before, but the promoter has tried to make us by bulk tickets off them for us to sell in advance.
  23. Have they told you to buy x amount of tickets upfront from them by any chance? It's right by Kings Cross. The venue is actually decent, and you can have a good night if you get a good size crowd along. The stage is a good size and the sound guy is pretty much directly ahead of you at the back. The house backline is pretty bad last time i checked. Workable drum kit, rubbish peashooter amps. I brought my own amp though. If there's a sound engineer with baseball cap and goatee (& an american accent), he's a bit of a knob in my opinion.
  24. I bought my Russian Muff in the mid 90s, originally for my guitar, but it's excellent on bass.
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