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Everything posted by Tee

  1. You might want to try the 'Items Wanted' section
  2. Yeah, i understand the science. The room too comes into it. I was just wondering if a new set up might help. I suppose it wouldn't hurt (if done properly), lol
  3. Hello, I was in a practice today and i noticed when i went from the 2nd and 3rd fret on the A string up to the ninth, it was considerably boomier up there. Volume was the same, there was just more boom, if you know what i mean. I'm guessing it's because it's roughly half way up the neck and more susceptible to those frequencies. Do you think i need a set up to alleviate this or is there anything i can tweak myself in the meantime? It hasn't had one in a long time. Or perhaps i'm barking up the wrong tree altogether. Btw it's a US Fender Precision. Grateful for any advice. Ta. Tee
  4. How do they get away with 'SQUIRE' on their website.
  5. and now you must be punished!
  6. I don't buy the 'far superior to the Epi' talk. The Tokai body is ridiculously thick, in comparison to both the Gibson and Epiphone versions, which are a lot thinner. All imo of course.
  7. Has Fender sacked workers by any chance? (everyone else seems to have in this current climate). Perhaps they will be reducing output from the factories and have stuck prices up?
  8. Are there any bassists who designed and/or built their own bass? ie not just picked up an exisiting brand/bass. For example in the guitar world, Brian May built his own guitar from a fire place and Nuno Bettencourt designed his owned signature guitar. Washburn had their own plans as to what his guitar should look like, yet Nuno said no, i want to build 'this' guitar (his design).
  9. That was quick! How was it for you?
  10. There's a new MIM standard range? News to me. What's the (spec) difference, if any? Doesn't seem much at first glance.
  11. I started on guitar in 1991 (nostalgic sigh). Played in a good few bands over the years and had great fun. I was very much a guitarist then. Then i wasn't in a band for about four years, but i had bought a bass for home recording. When i felt the urge to get back on stage, i decided i wanted to play bass. I like laying down grooves and i was always a very riffy and percussive player with good sense of timing (i can't stand sloppy timing). I'd make a solid drummer. Anyway, i also feel bass is semi-lead-like as well, something i also enjoyed on guitar. I'm also the sort of person that listens to ALL instruments in the band when playing, as i appreciate them all. So i think more and more, i just morphed into a bass player, perhaps. I still play guitar at home though.
  12. Is your dog 'growlier' now? ^_^
  13. I was wondering when a VAT thread would pop up ^_^ I benefited from it the other day, before it was enforced, actually. I bought a few things at John Lewis, just some boring household items and i was puzzled as to why they were cheaper at checkout, than the shelf prices. Then i remembered. Good on JL for acting so quickly, i thought.
  14. Nice one. Their fretless has always appealed to me.
  15. Tee

    Adding Growl

    Thanks guys, hey bigjohn, i thought you'd pop in. As usual it boils down to trying one and seeing if it's growly/snarly enough, or whether a jazz in itself is more the ticket. But as i'm not always able to get down to the shops, opinions are good.
  16. Tee

    Adding Growl

    I'm a Precision lover because i like its fatter tone (compared to JBs i've owned), thicker neck and general aesthetics. However, i miss the Jazz growl, which would work better for me on some tunes. Amazingly, i haven't actually played a PJ configured bass (just one or the other). So, i'm wondering, would a PJ pup config on a Precision help get that bridge end growl and add it to the P's pick up, or does it have to be a Jazz? I'm simply looking to add a bit of jazz growl to a Precision sound. So i guess this is one for all you PJ owners.
  17. Here's how i came to my vote: Matching headstocks are for people who like to match their handbags with their shoes. I had a Geddy Lee and wasn't impressed. Too weak sounding. Red basses are a no (for me). So i went with the MIM reissue. The block inlays would swing it for me over a H1 in black. Although it would depend on how they played. I say, get all four and play then blinfolded :brow:
  18. Kind of reminds me of the "True men don't kill coyotes" video.
  19. I guess he's implying that he's equalised.
  20. [quote name='lowhand_mike' post='318980' date='Oct 31 2008, 12:39 PM']pretty much the bulk of Blood Sugar Sex Magic by the chillis has that ray sound. also higher gground by the chillis[/quote] That was a Wal over most of BSSM, if i'm not mistaken. 'Juicebox' by The Strokes.
  21. Clearly there are only five bass players in the results, only re-arranged
  22. [quote name='The Funk' post='316551' date='Oct 28 2008, 11:12 AM']Wunjo even have good prices if you ask for them.[/quote] I've never bought anything from them, but they are very nice people. I personally think their prices are a tad (central London rent) high, but if you're able to haggle (do they haggle?), you might get it to a reasonable price, which is fair enough as you've managed to play the thing and if it' what you're after... Andy (no, not that one) at Angel Music is alright. Although, because it's out of the way on the Street, you tend to be the only person in there. I've done this before though and spent a good while playing a vintage Fender before purchasing it. He was happy to fix the slightly crackly pot (which i pointed out) in front of me, in the work shop too.
  23. [quote name='Merton' post='311778' date='Oct 22 2008, 08:46 AM']My next one is Extreme at the London Astoria[/quote] Me too. Hoping for a lot of [i]...Punchline[/i] and [i]Porno...[/i] material (probably not though). Could be my last gig at the Astoria, seeing as they're tearing it down. Sad, i've seen so many bands there over the last couple of decades. Nice size too.
  24. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='313764' date='Oct 24 2008, 01:22 PM']I can only think of this in terms of being an inspiration to me. I don't do hero worship and there's so many great players - and so many great performances.[/quote] +1
  25. I bet it didn't used to be someone's grandad though.
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