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Piggery Bandana

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Everything posted by Piggery Bandana

  1. SOLD !!!! To that man.... Met up face to face .... decent bloke .... knows his stuff ..... so it was a piece of cake for him to take the cab and 50 quid off me for removal fees, hahaha... I do prefer this face to face stuff you meet Decent folk generally .... Now its off to "stackerboots for monopeds" to spend the money... (they have a 'back room' where i can score some crack!) hahaha
  2. [quote name='Monckyman' post='1258658' date='Jun 6 2011, 05:31 PM']That means he really wants to sell it to me. He just isn`t convinced of it yet.. Yes, I thought` I`d PMd but hadn`t..>bit fik sometimes. Sent another PM [/quote] Theres a man who really wants a wooden box full of dreams and whispers )
  3. If PM'd implies Private Messages - aint got any yet! If its summat offensive ..... well yeah ok fair enough i guess.... IMPORTANT UPDATE : Following an exhaustive cross examination from someone who knows a hellova lot more than me and the sorta questioning that had me almost admitting i was on the grassy knoll dressed in a Morris man outfit brandishing a clowns gun with a flag reading bang coming out of the end of it.......... The Celestions are 2 No BL10-150's which means its rated at 300 watts not 250 watts .... I bloody well give up!!! i really do!
  4. [quote name='Monckyman' post='1258452' date='Jun 6 2011, 03:11 PM']But surely, a monoped only needs half shodding? PMd[/quote] I know that is for the one .... put orthopaedic and stack heeled intro the equation and the price rockets......... [i][font="Impact"]You know what this started as a harmless little tag line ...... now im having to create, justify and maintain a whole back story here!!!! alright i need it to fund my excessive toilet duck inhalation habit ... satisfied ???? You people want the moon on a stick !! [/font[/i]]
  5. [quote name='Monckyman' post='1258388' date='Jun 6 2011, 02:10 PM']Here friend, have a better pic bump on me.. PostMortemed. (Do I get a discount for the much improved Hi res pic?) [/quote] Many thanks for the photographic assistance....... hmmm Discount for the photo work.... lets see we are sat at £ 149.98 or so......... Orthapeadic stack heeled Shoes for Monopeds cost £132.98..... tell ya what ill split the change with you! Hows that need to cover the shoes cost cos he goes through em at a rate of knots what with his tapdancing to slipknot hobby! )
  6. A surprising bump!! Its not snake oil and it aint a whisper or a dream its a box made of wood covered in some kinda cloth, with a front grille and two big arsed (10" at any rate) speakers that will make sweet sounds if you can actually make a tune on yer bass..... Not selling a sound city cab from 1842.... Its a pro level piece of equipment that some buffoon has de-speced slightly! and i mean slightly So roll up roll up and grab yerself a bargain.......little timmy bandana needs a new shoe.....his other leg is wooden so i only need the one (mind you it does require a stack heel hence £149.99)
  7. [quote name='dumelow' post='1253064' date='Jun 1 2011, 07:39 PM']150 delivered?? ;-)[/quote] if you could put another £10.00 on for half the juice i would consider it mate.
  8. Price drop Bump its now £149.99 and in the words of a certain mr dibbler "thats cutting my own throat"
  9. mr sheehan had enough (nice!) mr big and hick town talas
  10. bump .... still awaiting a new home... Its pitiful tears as i take trace elliot only to the gig pull at my heart strings, they really do.... But i thought "how can i relieve that punchy little cabs pain .......... and turn it into instant cash? hmmmm???"
  11. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='1229204' date='May 12 2011, 07:24 PM']GREAT BASSES. I'd buy if i had more money, i've also got the "Real thing" so too speak [/quote] I have a wish list of basses that i want and will at some point own:- "The Real Thing!!" with a bi-amped rig to go with it! A Wal My Gordy headless that was nicked John Entwhistles alembic
  12. Cant stand Losing You by the Police.
  13. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1228981' date='May 12 2011, 04:20 PM']I'd rather eat my own liver. [/quote] Hahahahahaha fantastic response ...... glad i didnt ask first!!!
  14. [quote name='Jigster' post='1228924' date='May 12 2011, 03:26 PM']MY OCD IS BEGGING YOU TO CORRECT THE TITLE 'WANDERING' ? [u]'WONDERING'[/u] [/quote] OOOF!!
  15. [attachment=79701:DSC00066.JPG][attachment=79700:IMG00038...015_2000.jpg] Its not the one with the scallops, Its not got the dual outputs, It doesnt have the hipshot..... It is slightly road weary ..... or distressed is the more commonly used term these days innit? So what is it? Its a rock beast mofo ..... It has the neck subwoofer pickup and can certainly keep even the most unruly guitarist in check.... It is built like a tank and is more Rock than you will ever need.... Now this aint a subtle machine and aint gonna be of any use to you if you are looking for a slap monster or a jaco pastorius like jazz bass..... Its a slobbering rock monster and you dont really wear it so much as it drapes itself on you and un-nervingly rests its bolox on your leg... Its like an irish wolfhound with an erection jumping up at you. If your looking you know what it is and what it can do in capable hands. It has been signed by Mr Sheehan on the front upper horn and in bigger letters across the back at PMT in manchester last year... It aint ding free but it aint battered either and the neck has been sweated on, on more than one ocassion.... Its a bass that is meant to be played .... hard, and it has been! Reason for letting it go ?? I use a geddy lee jazz for everything and dont wheel out the yamaha for more than one song a night, Ive become a jazz man i guess! Monies will go towards another jazz probably...
  16. Oh I stand by the penis extension line!!
  17. Ive got the dots for this .... if you can wait till tomorrow I will send em to you .... pm me your email.. Its a beauty of a bass line innit?
  18. [quote name='Doddy' post='1228790' date='May 12 2011, 01:38 PM']His technique is interesting because he's got this hybrid technique of playing slap and pick-style together. As far as getting at the guy for using a 15 string,it's worth bearing in mind that John Paul Jones especially Tom Petersson have used a 12 string bass for years. Jauqo's bass is the same thing,just a 5 string version. Allen Woody (Allman Bros.,Govt. Mule) used to use a Modulus 18 string!![/quote] @ Doddy .... So you say it as "To-mar-toe" ... Im more of a "To-may-toe" kinda guy .... Wasnt actually getting at anyone for using a 15 string - personally think it looks absurd and dont particularly like the sound of it. Certainly I would pick my jazz bass over it every minute of every day of the week, if i need a low D i flick the hipshot, if i need lower i have an octaver, if i wanna create a nice chorusy shimmer i kick on the chorus... Takes all sorts though i guess and Love Tom Peterssons playing so what do i know eh?
  19. On the topic of the Collection ...... Awesome !! Beautiful selection of beatiful instruments.... First opened this up and thought .. you lucky bugger!! Wanted to read on and hear how they played, sounded like etc etc etc etc However!, The reaction to a mild quip is bizarre in the extreme and suggests you may well be taking life and your position in it way way way too seriously .... Theres a Northern Phrase "Wind your neck in" that springs to mind ..... A close relative of mine has OCD (has noticably suffered with this for several years), however she has been, still is, and will remain the butt of jokes for many a moon to come. She knows she does it, knows she suffers from it and also sees the humour in the absurdity of her behaviour. To take any offence at the previously mentioned low level quip is pretty poor form fellah! Anyhow rant over ..... still slavering over the most important bit of the Post ..... those sexy wonky fretted be-yatches.
  20. Just what the doctor ordered .... end of the gig .... crowd wailing for an encore .... salty sweat pissing down into my eyes, can barely see ... ears are ringing from 2 hours of cymbals and backline abuse ..... Singer goading the crowd with "Do you want some more RAWK N ROWL?".. Me pondering "is this the time? .... damn right it is!" So I unzip my pants and pull out this monstrous Penis extention, plug it in and treat the punters to the straight 8 boogie of AC/DC's "Shake your foundations" all played on this!!!. Dont think so somehow, do you? Just leaves me cold and uninspired! The technique is interesting enough in a vaguely Wooten/Stu Hamm kinda way but is what he is doing being actually being compensated by the additional strings, would it sound earth shattering played on say a sh*tty, bad be-pickuped, squier precision?
  21. Bump!! With added photograph .... just figured out how to do it!! Result ... Its still up for sale [attachment=79581:P5040037.JPG]
  22. [attachment=79411:lzj0014th.jpg] This was my pride and joy a Gordy Headless ...... Quit playing and sold it for peanuts 18 years ago (regretted it 10mins after selling)..... saw it in a guitar shop 12 years ago for sale for nearly £150 more than i sold it for (Thought fair enough that will teach me! and sold a kidney to be able to afford it and brought it home) ...... Blissfully happy for 4 years and then it, along with a steinberger headless, a warwick streamer and a trace elliott amp head stolen along with the car they were in... Me n this bass have history .... and i will track it down for round 3!!!! So you can keep everything (even the WAL that i desire the most, even the geddy lee that i cherish now) I want this bugger back for another stab. Footnote: The kindly insurance people gave me £150.00 for contents .... would rather have been told to sod off! Was hoping this would be cathartic .... but it isnt (
  23. Just polishing off Van Halen "Feel your love tonight" for one band and for the other band Alcatrazz "Island In The Sun" Vandenberg "Burning Heart" Talisman "Ill be Waiting" - That Marcel Jacobs was some player (Very Billy Sheehan-esque which is the highest praise i can give him!) RIP Fellah! WET "If I Fall" Glorius stuff!
  24. [quote name='Les' post='1220109' date='May 4 2011, 06:17 PM']Highway Star, Deep Purple. Bugger me it took some nailing [/quote] Know what you mean mate - nailed that about 3 months ago .... was surprised at how complex a bugger it was!! Roger Glover is a swine!
  25. Have a boss me50b which I use to apply a variety of effects to just the high end. Main one being drive to the upper registers. When I'm thumping along behind a guitar solo it sounds like there is some rhythm guitar going on whilst leaving the rest punchy. The trace elliots split effects loops help. Been looking at an akai unit which takes a feed from your bass and gives a seperate effect like a distorted guitar playing power chords which I was thinking of sending straight to pa. Anybody used one are they any good?
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