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Everything posted by deanbean502

  1. [quote name='al embic' post='1252466' date='Jun 1 2011, 10:53 AM']i was the original owner of this bass. the colour is amazing and really tough to do it justice on camera...the paint was expensive but worth it! all the best with the sale. this one deserves some lovin![/quote] Thanks for your kind words dude lets hope it goes soon
  2. Wednesday morning bump with price drop!!
  3. Tuesday morning bump
  4. is it me or has the price of this ric just gone up?
  5. [quote name='seb' post='1249510' date='May 29 2011, 06:49 PM']heeey im desperate,so up for 170!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote] dude ive got a rockbass on here for £140 been on weeks and still no takers about time i gave it a bump
  6. [quote name='zigmondo' post='1249379' date='May 29 2011, 04:40 PM']Hi dean, you make a good point and certainly you have a beauty here: a Status cracker and compared to new, undoubtedly cheap at the price, hence the many admiring views(myself being one). This is no sleight to you: yet I too would gently the float the possibility that a little "budgement" on price might set the wallets pinging. I say this, as recently I obtained from these same hallowed forums a 5-string headless neck-through for around the same equivalent as your price. Mind you, there is also the custom-colour factor of yours...and I for one am nodding in agreement when you say that nothing else plays quite like a Status. Anyway, my tuppenceworth; the very best of.[/quote] Quite right zigmondo Im open to sensible offers but i have been having a little think about the price and your 5 stringer was a bargain however, these basses are worth every penny unbelievable playability and superbly versatile range of tones from its 3 band eq and not to mention how sexy it is. I will leave on hear for a while and see what happens it early days yet thanks for your interest
  7. [quote name='Rowley Birkin QC' post='1248514' date='May 28 2011, 06:29 PM']Hi, I'm looking to buy an S2 headless. Yours looks good, but I feel may be a little overpriced for a used one. I'm contemplating a new one and at approx £1600/1700 I'd probably buy new against a used one at this price. Is there any movement on the price?[/quote] What sort of price were you thinking? I myself want to place another custom order I have had some ideas for my ideal bass, but remember this is a total one off there are no other S2s produced in this colour I think the custom paint alone was £450 It really is superb nothing plays quiet like it and I am in no rush to sell it if that is ultimately decide what to do make me an offer i can only say no
  8. wow 200 views and not one reply
  9. morning bump no love for status?
  10. For Sale series 2 custom, so I can order a stealth my marriage wont survive another expensive bass. its a 2008 model in a custom pearlesant blue with standard string spacing. It has gota slight ding on the top side of the body caused by its previous owner about the size of a small finger nail, nothing much really photographs of this available upon request. Has absolutely no sign of begin gigged no buckle rash at all and while i have owned only ever been used a handful of times. Im looking for around £1200 complete with Status hiscox hard case will be gutted when its gone but someones going to get a pearler
  11. I always look at the expensive and exotic gear and if i like it and can afford it ill buy it I like the idea of having something a bit different to everyone else and to be honest i work hard so I don't see no problem in having expensive gear as long as you can afford it This is like saying at the age of 17 Wayne Rooney was an amateur driver, however he still drove a f*****g ferrari. And if it makes who feel good who cares what others think
  12. Stupid question Whats the depth of a ric hardcase?
  13. [quote name='aldude' post='1241832' date='May 23 2011, 04:30 PM']I was just wondering ... is a 5 string the answer to the inconvenience of drop tuning? If you have a standard tuned 5 you may lose the ability to play open strings (esp if you tune down one semitone) which would affect playability of many riffs enormously. One alternative could be to get a second 4, and keep one in standard while the other is detuned. Another approach could be to use detuners like hipshot ones on the strings you detune, so it's easy to switch from one tuning to the other, although you might get intonation issues this way. Neither of these need one of those 5 string things at all![/quote] That my friend is a very good point , I never thought of it like that food for thought i think
  14. [quote name='JimBobTTD' post='1240427' date='May 22 2011, 03:48 PM']As above, I bought an old 5er at a great price to see if I liked it. I did and then went on to buy a good one later. Had it not worked out, I would have been down £150 (less what I would have got for the bass). No regrets...I later sold my 4-string basses except my first one.[/quote] Forget the 5er I want one of them grinning dogs!
  15. I have never owned a 5 string bass. and I may be perhaps looking to order a custom 5 stringer I do like to drop tune and this can sometimes be an inconvenience so i am thinking a five stringer is the way to go what do you guys think?
  16. wow £450 I paid £300 Brand spanking new and boxed from PMT Birmingham They matched a price I found on the internet and to be fair to the they was astonished I had found so cheap top marks for PMT birmingham
  17. My S2 has a tiny ding in the side of the body caused by its previous owner. It absolutely kills me every time i look at it, I could probably live with it if it was me who had caused the damage. The ding is about the size of a small finger nail not massive then you might say but it really gets me down. I have had a quote from Rob Green at Status and he is going to refinish it for me very soon and since my S2 is a custom colour he said to expect a bill of around £450 I bought my S2 from Bass Direct over the phone there was a picture detailing the damage on there website however it was quite unclear and when I asked them about it the damage was played down, so I bought it. Next time i will make sure I go and have a good F*****g look first I dont know perhaps Im just to fussy
  18. [quote name='fretmeister' post='1237346' date='May 19 2011, 08:06 PM']Any status with headless and bend well gives you 32 scale[/quote] Yep ive been looking at there new stock basses very nice, need to save a few bit more though. Which is probably what i will do just place a custom order with rob.
  19. bump myself
  20. Guys, thank you for all your replies I certainly now have a lot to think about
  21. [quote name='Legion' post='1233188' date='May 16 2011, 03:53 PM']I currently own a '75 mustang which is really nice to play - I owned (for a very short time) one of the SG supremes... I hated it, and sent it back the same day. Sounded terrible, felt terrible and as for balance and neck dive -urgghhh. I vote Mustang. If you think a neck is sticky just sand it down and leave it bare or do a light finish with tru-oil?[/quote] Yeah I have not really heard very good things about Gibson basses in general, however i need to try one out. I have just noticed they also do a short scale thunderbird to only trouble is its only available in black
  22. Guys your input is needed Im looking for a short scale bass and i am torn between a Fender Mustang and the Gibson SG of which Im yet to play I did play the mustang and although i liked i found the neck got a little sticky after a while. I have looked at the Gibson and found they have two models, one with dot markers and the other with pearl inlays am i right in thinking the only difference between the two is the fret markers? Im just after other peoples view and opinions really, have you ever owned either? let me know what you think
  23. [quote name='Ian Savage' post='1227990' date='May 11 2011, 08:26 PM']It depends on the type of effect and how you want it to affect the sound whether you run into the front end or put it in the loop; as a general rule gain-based effects like distortion and wah work best going into the front, EQ depends on what you want to do with it and time-based stuff (chorus, delay, flange etc) tend to work best in the loop (or at least after your drive effects). Compression's a weird one, as if you're looking to smooth out the dynamics of your playing before it hits your amp and get an overall 'smoother' sound you need to run it into the front end of the amp, whereas if you're using it as speaker protection it could do with being in the loop. Then there's the issue of what order to use the effects in which is a whole other can of worms you're highly unlikely to damage anything whatever you do though, so experiment away![/quote] Yep that makes perfect sense, thanks for all the replies guys
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