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Everything posted by Jazzneck

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1437662043' post='2827976'] They were sold with a knob missing? [/quote] Oh dear! I played one of these in Trevor Durrant's original Colchester shop in the very early '90s and it was superb through an Ampeg B-2 and 2x12 cab. It had real real mid range grunt and clarity from the two pickups. It played exceptional well, too. I didn't have the spondooliks to buy it at the time but I still lust after one but in original sunburst / nickel hardware like in Bassassin's pic, not that awful bl88dy blue colour with black knobs on. Anyone got one?
  2. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1437723826' post='2828441'] If you have to ask what it is then you definitely don't have it.. [/quote] That's pleased me coz I thought it was one of them nasty diseases. Mind you, if it is and I do have it then I can start a Charriddee and get all you guys to play for free for me and I can get a free parachute jump and get on BBC TV and all that stuff, couldn't I?
  3. Thanks people. I have tried the Elgen 8ohm into BareFaced 4ohm and it's very good. Obviously a power reduction and a bit of earlier distortion but it sounded good and plenty loud enough for the Elgen to be taken to my local valveman for the 15ohm output to be changed to a 4ohm by retapping the big Partridge OT. I'll retain the 8ohm out for its original cab. Wait out for further newsage.
  4. Here we talk about all the gear and no idea re the band. Last Sunday our band experienced the other side of the coin with the house PA / sound rig and[b] THREE [/b]sound injneers. Now, they may have been "sound" blokes but they had not got a clue on how to set up their rig for a blues / jazzy band or even their own equipment. My rig: BareFaced Retro Two10 with TB 500 head and VT bass DI. Guitarists rig: Marshall Bluesbreaker Combo Harp player rig: Fender Bassman combo, modded for harp. Sound check time - they put a mike in front of the Marshall - all good. Drums - they put a mike in front of the bass drum and another one over the top of the drummer - not bad. They asked for a DI from the Harp mike and finally agreed to putting a mike in front of the Fender. Me: took a DI out of the VTbass box and I also went out of this into the TB500 set flat into the BF cab - not bad, acceptable. Halfway through the second number one of the injneers came rushing onto stage - disappeared behind me and fiddled with something. My sound was then SH*TE - horrible clicks, nasal as a nasal thing bouncing around everywhere then reverted to "normal" occasionally. I adjusted my VTbass box - no change. I adjusted my amp - no change. WTF? - kept playing and was grateful when we finished and it was all over. The sound crew reckoned we were great. My son reckoned we sounded crap. On breakdown I discovered that my VTbass DI had been disconnected from both my amp and the PA and I'd been DI'd straight into the spare vocal channel. Their bass bins were disconnected as well. So my bass guitar had been DI'd only into the mid and treble speakers via the spare vocal channel set up for vocals including reverb. On politely asking why? I got a shrug of the shoulders and was told that they are still learning the rig! This PA rig cost them in excess of £10K. IF we play there again my son is going to be in charge of my signal chain and sound - no argument. My VTbassDI also is going onto the floor in front me (not behind my rig) from now on so I can see it and all connections at all times. ...........and I still won't trust the b*88ers.
  5. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkOs6ELmc1I"]https://www.youtube....h?v=mkOs6ELmc1I[/url] Listen to Crane's piano all the way through bearing in mind when it was recorded. Who was the bass player? It was Nick Greenwood, according to Wiki.........
  6. Limelight P. 1960s ish spec. Been playing, on and off, for over 50 years and it's the best bass I've had. Not expensive for what you get regarding sound and playability. Not found a genuine Fender P that comes anywhere near it, vintage or modern. GAS has been non existent since buying the Limelight last November. Changed my rig too and I've never been happier.
  7. :)Good on yer, Lozz - commitment.
  8. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1436727344' post='2820283'] Well I`ve just go hold of a 2015 US Fender Precision, ex display model, from Germany - including shipping came to approx £900. So considering to all intents and purposes it`s brand new, Fender case and case-candy (and still had all the film on the tuners and scratchplate, tags attached) I`ve got it for £250 less than anywhere else is doing them. [/quote] Oi Lozz, has it got a maple 'board?
  9. I'm currently using an Orange TB500 through a 4ohm BareFaced Retro210 - great sound and I'm very, very happy with the rig. However, I have my old ELGEN 100W valve (4xEL34) head sitting around doing not a lot and I keep wondering what it would sound like through the BareFaced cab. The ELGEN has a switchable output impedance. It can run 8 ohms or 15 ohms at 100W. The Barefaced cab is 4 ohms. My questions are: Can I run the rig as is, selecting 8 ohms from the amp into the 4 ohm cab? What would happen? Can I retap the output transformer on the ELGEN at 4 ohms to run into the 4 ohm cab? What would happen? Do I ask Alex if he has a magic box, if such a thing exists, that I can fit between the ELGEN and the BareFaced? Obviously I do not want to blow up or damage anything other than what little pride I have left. All help and suggestions gratefully received. Thank you.
  10. Any of you met Jack Bruce when he was having a bad day?
  11. We think we have problems? How about this guy.......his missus must be great. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-33381772
  12. Stingray5 - thanks for the "All Blues" bass line at Hatfield. Was noodlin' this at rehearsal yesterday, the drums and guitar joined in and the singer/harp man then put Muddy Waters "40 Days and 40 Nights" on top. Lawdey, we have "new" different number for the next gig.
  13. C'mon then Blue - how was the gig?
  14. Wonderful stuff as usual, Bluejay. A great record of a great day. Thank you!
  15. My son was there - in the mosh-pit (is that what it's called?). I picked him up and drove him home - saw dawn breaking at 03:00hrs. He and his mates had a great time just drinking water - no alcohol or chemicals. Like his Dad, he learned his lesson at the age of 20 and can have a good time without 'em. Blimey, don't I sound like a sanctimonious old git?
  16. [quote name='NickD' timestamp='1435140044' post='2805791'] If it's any consolation, you sounded good!�� [/quote] If you're referring to me - thank you. If not, it doesn't matter because I was enjoying myself listening to the improv. being played over the top of the riff I was plunkin'. BTW who [b]was[/b] playing along?
  17. [quote name='grandad' timestamp='1434523187' post='2800324'] [url="http://www.vulture.com/2015/04/brown-sugar-still-tastes-good.html"]http://www.vulture.c...astes-good.html[/url] Keep the music and rewrite some of the lyrics. [/quote] No! The song is the song! Might as well talk about "Baa Baa Black Sheep" yet again, shall we?
  18. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1434486117' post='2800148'] It's rumoured that Keef learnt this from Martin Carthy. [/quote] Ry Cooder is wot I heard.....
  19. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1434485643' post='2800139'] OK, so the scarred old slaver is a racist misogynist, but what about the houseboy? And don't get me started on the lady of the house. The idea that the song is about (female) slaves being raped on the slaveship doesn't actually fit the lyrics. At all. The slaver is in a brothel in New Orleans. The houseboy is the guy who gets the drinks etc. but also gets to sleep with the girls. The lady of the house is more commonly called the Madam. Does that make it a nice lyric? No, but at least it's historically accurate, it paints a striking picture with a handful of words, and it's still a great rock song more than 40 years later. [/quote] Thank you Jack, much more accurate and eloquent than my feeble attempt posted above.
  20. I should add that our singer has no qualms whatever in singing "Brown Sugar" but refuses point blank to sing "Walk On The Wild Side", a song we can do brilliantly and is requested at a lot of our gigs. Takes all sorts I s'pose.
  21. I'm sorry in advance if I'm going to offend some of you..... This is a classic Rolling Stones rock'n'roll song and it is part of music history as the subject matter is part of our worlds history. Like it or lump it, do not allow the PC brigade to rewrite history. My opinion is - play it - if people listen to the lyrics they may understand a bit of that history which shouldn't be buried under the dross of todays pop music.
  22. I don't need no edukayshun when Bilbo does things like that.
  23. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1434393306' post='2799194'] Could do a gay pink floyd ? Wish you were queer ?? [/quote] Comfortably Bum?
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