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Everything posted by Jazzneck

  1. Tedeschi / Trucks Band Allman Brothers - any era. Andy Fairweather Lows Lowriders
  2. It may be the case for this show but I also have a lot of playing experience, both in the bad old days and today and I wiill stick to my opinion regarding today based on my own experiences.
  3. Coz they've all been to media college and don't use their bleedin' ears. I get a little fed up when working with music college guys who have been told how the old stuff should sound like in this digital age. I've found them to be more interested in watching their digital desk readouts rather than listening and winding up the bits that gives a live band "bollocks". i.e. a bass that can be heard and felt. Too much bookwork, youtube cods, complicated digital gear and not enough listening and getting into the groove...... IMHO of course. OK rant over, exits stage left dragging P bass behind me............................... PS - First show I have seen and I couldn't pick a winner from the last three but I really did like the KS and Paloma Faith along with Sir Tom and Sally.
  4. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1396700365' post='2416549'] Bass, Tech21 VT DI, Amp. Any DI to FOH PA goes from the Tech21, so I can adjust on-stage volume/eq keeping the sound I want for the band through the PA. It also makes sound-guys happy as thee signal they get isn`t faffed around with. [/quote] This.
  5. Ampeg V4 BH. It's 100W of valve power and plenty enough to blow the rest out of the water. You might want to consider trying a Tech 21 VT Bass DI as a preamp with your existing head first. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/197724-tech-21-vt-bass-di/page__fromsearch__1
  6. Sorted - thanks to The Bass Doc.
  7. No blocks on mine...... [attachment=159312:post-16590-0-70867800-1376305092_thumb.jpg]
  8. [quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1396556127' post='2415150'] Jap 62, necks are the best jazz neck ever. build quality pups are good looks and for me they feel right. [/quote] +1. I hunted for a good Jazz for over 10 years before I found one of these Japanese 62RIs in CAR with a tortie s/p last year I tried and played loads of different types from all over and at all prices before I found one that suited me. Yes, it was pricey compared to a lot of others but cheaper than a US jobbie as well as being streets ahead in quality, playability and sound. My CV P51 is an amazing bass too. Made in China, y'know....
  9. Thanks Rubis - The BassDoc and I are now in discussion.
  10. Zat is part ov ze problem - no existing plate.
  11. Can anyone help, please? I'm needing a new scratch plate for an OLP Musicman Stingray 4 alike. Does anyone know where I can get one? Will a standard EB MM scratchplate fit with no mods or filing? Look forward to hearing some ideas..... Thanks.
  12. IMHO the simple answer is yes. Not only for the DI bit but the speaker sim. as well as the parallel output. I've just tried your posted track with my VT Bass DI and Grandsons OLP MM alike - nailed it in one go and the speaker sim tightened it up a treat.
  13. Three gigs using the VT bass DI over the weekend (yup, I'm exhausted). 1) 60s Band in a large barn type room using it as a DI with a bitsa P bass fitted with a 1962 pickup, Status half round strings. All settings at 12 o'clock - sounded great although the band was stupidly loud. 2) Blues Band in a small pub using it as preamp into my Ampeg BA115HPT (set flat) with a Squier CV P51 bass fitted with a SD quarter pounder, D'Addario Flat strings. Settings as above but eased the character pot back to 10 o'clock. It was very noticeable that depending on where I plucked the strings, I could get sounds like McVie in his Mayall days and Keith Ferguson, Fabulous Thunderbirds with no effort at all! 3) Skiffle Band in a provincial theatre, again with the BA115HPT set flat using an electro acoustical bass fitted with a piezo and Status Black Nylon strings. Full on blend pot and everything else as in (2) above. Real punchy acousticy tone. The house sound man was so impressed that he wanted a lot of info on the "box of tricks". What a piece of kit this is; makes life so easy - can't wait to try a gig with the AEB.
  14. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1396018833' post='2409099'] Just bought myself one of these. Used it at rehearsal last night, all controls set to midday, bite and speaker sim engaged. Wow. Now I loved my set-up before, but now, well I`m like a dog with two, well you get the idea don`t you? For anyone liking the classic Precision/SVT sound try one of these, I don`t think you`ll be disappointed. Even the guys in the band said "this time leave your sound alone, nothings going to be better than that". Well maybe a full SVT stack maybe, but that ain`t on the cards. [/quote] Well, mine arrived at 12:30 today. I have had a few hours of fun with it and feel so confident that it's being gigged tonight with exactly the settings you've quoted. Will be leaving my V4BH and 4x10HLF Classic at home.
  15. Superb deal. Thanks again Rob and have fun. M.
  16. One of these..... [attachment=158679:GQ-B-ShwrW34-bodsm.jpg]
  17. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1395849869' post='2407132'] You got it in one. Were you there the evening that they used a sprawling, 25-minute, "jammed" version to present the band, one at a time (of course) and very VERY tediously? [/quote] Yes Jack, that was the one. And yes, it was a bit tedious but I forgave them as it was the first time I had caught them live since Mr. George passed on. Now you know how old I am.
  18. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1395846378' post='2407065'] I had a similar experience with Little Feat about six years ago. What they did to Dixie Chicken would have embarrassed a pub band ... [/quote] If that was at The Indigo2 with Sean Murphy still with the band I would disagree, I thoroughly enjoyed it - vive la difference. However back OT - I too have given up on going to gigs larger than a provincial theatre and I give fair warning to any t*sser, male, female or otherwise who even thinks about putting themselves or a camera device between my eyes, ears and the stage. And I still bemoan the fact that I can't drink beer out of a glass and smoke a ciggie whilst watching a band. Fekkers....... it's supposed to be rock'n'roll. Rant over........
  19. Welcome Anita, we're also a bit mad here as well. I'm up the other end on The Holland Brook Delta but an Essex Bass Bash sounds good to me, too
  20. John McVie - underrated? IMO, yes. This is an example of absolute technique and discipline. Try it, it ain't as easy as you think it is. BTW - he was 23 years old when this was recorded, Peter Green was 22, Danny Kirwan was 19. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGBgfbbCALc&list=PL89955E6C66D9662B[/media]
  21. [quote name='Vinny' timestamp='1376951505' post='2181556'] Mrs V got me this yesterday (cos she's good like that!) Anyone know what the thingy / doodad is on Jamerson's P bass on page 51? It looks to be 'twixt bridge and socket. [/quote] Looks like an early/prototype Dan Armstrong Orange Squeezer compressor thingummy jobbie to me, but I may be as wrong as I usually am...... [attachment=156724:danarmstrong_orangesqueezer_001.jpg]
  22. The title of this post says Heaven 17[b] LIVE[/b] in Sheffield then TimR posts this: [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1393341379' post='2378983'] I don't know. But Berenice Scott was working like a Trojan at the back glueing the whole performance together. Running samples, drum machine, keys etc. Not sure how much is live bass and how much is overlayed synth. [url="http://www.berenice-scott.co.uk"]http://www.berenice-scott.co.uk[/url] [/quote] Expliquez moi svp, what does "live" mean these days?
  23. You're gonna love this..... We are playing support to a long standing pro band at a charity gig next month (we're playing for free) and I've just been asked which amp I'm going to be using. Why? Turns out that the pro bass player wants to use my rig so he doesn't have to bring his all of 50miles to the gig. This pro band, I discovered, are being paid £550 "expenses". Can you guess my answer?
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