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Everything posted by Jazzneck

  1. I, too, am absolutely amazed that this has not been dealt with via the police. You know the guys name, you know the area in which he lives, the three local shops know him. What's the problem? The choice is simple: Call the police or send the boys round to sort it. Job done!
  2. IMHO Pino is better than Jaco! There..... I said it!
  3. Sorry people, I'm posting a sick note I'm afraid. My back is playing up big time and the pain killers I'm taking will not allow me to drive the distance. However, enjoy the peace and quiet of a Sunday afternoon in leafy Hertfordshire and have a great time for me, please, y'hear? Mick - incoming pm for you....
  4. Michael Messer's Mitra at The Orange Tree, Baldock next Wednesday. .....and there won't be a bass in sight.
  5. HJ is guilty of suffering a self inflicted injury, Suh! String him up with flats, Suh, and tighen the screws slowly, Suh!
  6. Mustang Sally - yes, great number. SHA - sorry, boring as a boring thing. IMHO of course. In fact, whenever that comes on or a band starts playing it it's time to go outside for a smoke.
  7. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1462915823' post='3047019'] For instance, have you listened to 'Sweet Home Alabama' lately? [/quote] Not if I can help it.
  8. Keith Ferguson was left handed..... [attachment=220078:KeithFerguson.jpg]
  9. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1463562933' post='3052272'] Actually, the rot set in during the early seventies. After heaving itself out of the wartime doldrums (with the notable exception of the jazz scene) music hit an immense high from the late 1940s with the start of rock and roll & RnB and then collapsed and died in a sea of corporate manipulation in about 1972-3. Not that everything since then has been sh*te, but the sh*te to shinola ration certainly skewed horribly from there on in. With the notable exceptions of funk and disco, everything being sampled and regurgitated these days seems to be from pre 1971 or is a re-re sampling of something older. The other thing that happened was the disappearance of fire from the bellies of performing musicians in the popular genres. Production values took over from commitment and great songwriting. Get off my lawn, kid! [/quote] +1000! Born in 1949 and am grateful for being a guitar / bass playing teenager through the 1960s. Got married in mid 1970 blah, blah.... Fortunately my children and grand children have been able to keep me up to date in my dotage with some good non corporate, basically produced music - probably what we called "underground music" in my day.
  10. Further to my previous post.... Having been getting hacked off with more and more frequent back pain over the years I consulted the medico a few weeks ago. Results and subsequent consultation this morning led me to discover that I have a "very mashed lumber section of my spine which is now arthritic" and I also have a "serious distortion of the cervical section of my spine". The lumber section problem is thought to be mainly due to old age and a history of lifting and carrying heavy loads i.e. bass and PA cabs. The cervical section problem was a major surprise. When asked if I had experienced any significant impact to my shoulder / neck area in the past I told the doc about a pretty bad karting prang I had whilst racing in 1970. I didn't consult the medicos until 1976 because I was getting weird headaches when they found that a "slipped disc was almost back into position which was causing the pain". On checking details and examining my records again today they were adamant I had "almost broken my neck without me realising it all those years ago. I now await treatment suggestions. In the meantime I'm glad that I changed to a BF Retro 210. Be careful children and always do what it says on the tin.
  11. My 85 year old National is still going strong too. It's made of steel and it's a tad heavy.
  12. Interesting - in the olden days as late teenager / 20yo I used a 100W valve head and 2, 4x12 cabs. Heavy, man! No back problems. Started playing again when I was 45 years old and used an Ampeg 100W valve head and 4x10 cab. Heavy, man and back problems started. One year ago at the age of 65 I sold the Ampeg rig and went BareFaced Retro 210 and TB500. Wimp stuff but better sound, back problems reduced dramatically. Yesterday I used my old Elgen100W valve head with the Retro 210. One bit heavy, one bit light. Semi wimp rig but sounded friggin fantastic, Back problem was noticeable. I have now accepted I'm old and I will use a lightweight cab whether people think I'm a wimp or not. ...and I may wear slippers for the next gig, too.
  13. For me? Larks Tongues in Aspic would be good. However, Spam is acceptable served with HP sauce.
  14. Lozz said it all - perfect. And just listen to the bass on this, 5 notes played on a Fender Precision..... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S13ZLMNQBjc[/media]
  15. Done. But you may not like the comments at the end - no offence.
  16. MUSTANG SALLY! Luke 23:34
  17. Fired / shoved from a sh*t hot, highly rated blues band after 10 years for refusing to play SRV clone stuff like every other blues band in the world (plus there was a load of my work commitments, to be fair.) The galling thing was it was a new drummer that kicked off the SRV idea, was booking us £100 pub gigs and he couldn't even play a fricken shuffle properly! I'm pleased to say that the band imploded 3 months after I went. The same drummer is also selling our blues bands CDs at his current gigs inferring he's playing on them - he did not play on them at all!!!!! I'm getting wound up now so I'll stop!
  18. 1A) Talks complete and utter bollocks.
  19. I think "best" may be the wrong word in this context. However, Ron Wood ............................... is he a bass player? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kaJIynR15s[/media]
  20. Fire him and get another fiddle player. There are players out there who may not be as good musically but the rest of the band can make up for it as required.
  21. Like what Blue says. Just a question: Would you do all of that under those conditions for a one off, one hour, unpaid non musical "day job"? I certainly wouldn't and I guess you wouldn't either. So why do it for those parasites?
  22. [quote name='redbandit599' timestamp='1459194628' post='3014363'] Ha! I'd like to see you try [/quote] Ed Zachary! So why should your band be any different?
  23. So, if we apply this logic to Peaches, Music Warehouse and the other music shops in Colchester I can get at least 3 weeks payment terms on strings, stands, a bass, cabs, amp, PA and all the other stuff I need to play a gig up the hill, then. I wonder if John, Lou and the others would accept that?
  24. May see you there Jason, and I'll buy you a pint if they invoice me for it. Oh, by the way, just let them know that my payment terms are 60 days after the end of the month of receipt of goods delivered on time and to the quality and the quantity ordered.
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