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Everything posted by Jazzneck

  1. Back before Christmas I found a recommendation on BC for a refinisher/relicer somewhere in the home counties and I've lost all details and e-mails since - can't even remember his name (Andy?) due to me catching a 'flu type bug caught in December. What I can remember is that he came across as quite a character in the e-mail correspondance - bit like me, doesn't like the modern world and the new rules etc........ A few years ago I bought a refinished 60s bass which still looks as if it has a brand new body and as it is fitted with all its original hardware it looks daft and I would like to tone it down a bit - the guy I was in contact with said to call after Christmas. Help - any ideas who or recommendations, please? JOB DONE - SEE BELOW I I V
  2. Not me, but a drummer I played semi-pro with for a few years turned down Marillion "coz I did'nae think they would be famous and I wanted tae be!" He's a blxxdy good drummer and a great bloke, too.
  3. Welcome Emily - Sade came from just up the road to us. edited for grammar!
  4. [quote name='kennyrodg' timestamp='1325355790' post='1482521'] My first post propper on here for a while so I thought I'd pop this one up. Sublime. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7czlanjaObs&list=FLHR3_NlpGB24M5ttBOFKArg&index=19&feature=plpp_video[/media] [/quote] THAT'S THE ONE.
  5. I "borrow" my sons Chinese Hofner electro/acoustic bass and run it through a Sansamp BD into the PA for this type of gig. i) not much to carry around ii) looks "right" with the rest of the band iii) I can control the sound/feedback
  6. If it helps ....... I received a bass from the US which was wrapped in a bath towel, inside a gig bag, inside a large flat screen TV box with all spaces filled with styrofoam chips and then the final package fully wrapped in wide clear PVC PS tape - superb job - no damage whatsoever!
  7. Now reduced to £20 posted anywhere in the UK.
  8. I'd like to be there too, please?
  9. Just got back from seeing Vintage Trouble at The Waterfront in Norwich. Superb Band - made the hairs on the back of me neck tingle in a few numbers and there's been very few bands which have done that since I saw Hendrix in 1967!
  10. Another one from the bitza box: [attachment=95287:51pbridge.JPG] GENUINE FENDER VINTAGE 2 SADDLE BRIDGE (CRP) P.N. 0073882000 Brand new, still in original packing. £15 posted to anywhere in the U.K.
  11. Found this in my bitza box: [attachment=95284:62jb plate.JPG] Brand new GENUINE FENDER USA 62RI MINTY WHITE SCRATCHPLATE. Unused mint green hued white (w/b/w 3 ply) - still got the poly protection on the front. £30 posted to anywhere in the UK sound fair?
  12. Sorry Clarky, can't make it as we're giggin' that night. Just downloaded your album - GREAT STUFF - really enjoying it! Have a good'n. M.
  13. Auditioned for a pretty good covers band a few years ago - their bass player was "moving on". I was mailed a full set list and given a week before audition/rehearsal at a not too distant studio. This went well - playing, attitude was excellent and generally friendly people. I got the job and was told there were three gigs coming up culminating in a festival about 40 miles away; I was also on an equal share of the money as the rest of the band. Played the gigs (the keyboard player's mate acting as roadie)and had a great time but didn't hear anymore for a few weeks afterwards. I rang the guitarist and asked if there was a likely hood of any more work and was told "possibly" so I left it at that. A month or so later me and her highness were invited to an old friends birthday barbeque and guess who was playing the party? Yup - the band with the keyboard players mate playing bass or more accurately my bass lines! I laughed and waited till half-time and went up and said "Hi" - lots of downcast eyes and blushes from the band but, God Bless Him, the bass player owned up - apparently he had been playing in a widdley, widdley band for years before and couldn't get the hang of this best mates bands repetoire so..... they decided to get in another bass player for a few gigs so he could tag along, watch, record and learn how to do it! Genius - I applaude them for cheek and inventiveness. We continue to be really good friends with me now helping out as and when needed. I am also humbled by the sideways compliment that my bass playing must be acceptable.
  14. Hi - is this case still for sale, please?
  15. Suggest you lower the pickup and paint some clear nail varnish over the magnet tops. M.
  16. 6 - and one of them is Clarky's fault for selling his '53P replica! (could be 7 if you include my son's acoustic bas which I'm "keeping safe for him" )
  17. Wouldn't recommend it, even if the cab is bruddy heavy and has no wheels. I did this for a few days once and condensation caused big problems with speaker cones and corrosion to the jack sockets - repair bill was in xs of £25 and that was in 1969!
  18. Have a look on www.[b]zemaitisclub[/b].com and www.[b]zemaitis[/b]-guitars.jp [i]Some intersting stuff - ancient and modern.[/i]
  19. 1) Great one Bilbo - enjoy it! 2) for me, it's got to be playing last on at Oliver's Bar at the Burnley Blues Festival - absolutely packed heaving rowdy crowd who called for encores and then being told by the stage man when we came off to "follow me". We did with some trepidation, up the back stairs into an empty bar where there were freebie Jack Daniels waiting for us and then into the main hall where Big Bill Morganfield was performing the finale. He'd invited us up to see him and thanked us for a great performance - that was worth the trip up there.
  20. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/260903784328?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.u...984.m1423.l2649[/url] I used one of these for a gig once with a 4x12 cab and early 60s P in 1969. Scariest sound ever!!!!! It was wonderful!
  21. [quote name='99ster' timestamp='1313343612' post='1339876'] And [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scpK0HhHokg"]this is quite incredible[/url].... [/quote] BRUDDY HELL! - That's perfect, it's got everything - space, tight as a duck's chuff, feeling etc. etc. (I'll stop going on) Thanx for introducing this band to me..........
  22. Just watched it on iPlayer - no problems. Good 30 minutes of great nostalgia - Keef in particular!
  23. Out of register gold ink on the decal and I can't see a serial number anywhere. ????????????
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