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Everything posted by Jazzneck

  1. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1452240690' post='2947862'] [media]http://youtu.be/rx_08cambjA[/media] [/quote] Sorry, I much prefer the Beatles.
  2. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1452159217' post='2947009'] That quote doesnt make sense if you think about it. [/quote] Yeah, but he was taking the piddle in true Lennon fashion.
  3. Mine arrived last evening, too! Going to use it with a Danelectro 59 GUITAR and slide, though. Did I really say that on BC?
  4. Doesn't really count as an audition but.. I was bored and out on a business trip south of the Mason Dixon Line a few years ago and dropped into the local Sam Ash for a look see. They had an old Kalamazoo bass in so I had to try it, so noodled away on a 12 bar followed by an 8 bar. A long haired, bearded hulk of a guitarist guy cruised over and offered me a job in his band. I was very flattered and explained that I was British and only here for a couple of days. After a couple of "shee-its" and "goddamms" he offered me a go off his king sized spliff and asked if I could hang around for an hour so's his bass player could come over to learn the licks I'd just played. The bass man arrived 10 minutes later. The guitarist grabbed him by the beard, pulled out what looked like a mini baseball bat and said to me "Play!. In a quaking jelly terror I managed to stagger through 12 bars. The guitarist then shouted in his bass mans ear "Did you hear what he didn't play? Did you hear the space, m*****fkr?" "That's how you gotta play from now on, y'hear?" I have never left a music shop, trembling, so fast in my life. I hid out in my hotel room and the factory for the rest of the visit and was never so glad to suffer TSA security just to leave and go home.
  5. I have a B15N - fantastic. ... and I've also used a Linear Conchord head through an Ampeg 112 cab which was bl**dy good, too.
  6. Thank you Discreet, a great job. For the anoraks: I was playing through a blonde Fender Bassman head going into a home made 15" cabinet which the head is sitting on and the recovered Vox T60 cabinet half hidden by the chair and my jacket. On top of said cabinet is my packet of No.6 Tipped and my IMCO lighter.
  7. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1452106456' post='2946519'] That is a great pic. Don't you still have those side burns Mr. Jazzneck? [/quote] Oi certainly do Mr.Gary Mac! I went for about 30 years doing the day job with short, neatly trimmed hair and no sidies then, just prior to retirement in 2010 a couple of photos, including this one, were discovered and my sons and colleagues dared me to grow them again. So I did....and b*ll*cks to the lot of you! Yesterday I went to the barbers for a tidy up and I will admit that even after the haircut, my hair and sidies are longer today than they are in that photo. However, all is now silver and grey, a small area of thinning at the back of the scalp and the length of the sidies has increased on account of the fact that the curvature around my face has also increased due to serious fatness.
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1452077518' post='2946082'] I would dearly like to see that pic! [/quote] Voila! Not the best picture quality in the wold but it was taken in the spring of 1968. Rehearsal at GPO Hall, Easton Street, High Wycombe. [attachment=208793:image1 (1).JPG]
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1452077518' post='2946082'] I surely will, Dave. I would dearly like to see that pic! [/quote] I have found the photo and scanned it. Now awaiting help on freeing up some of my BC picture memory so's I can post it for you.
  10. Nice one - it's a dead ringer for the 1963 I had in the late 1960s. Somewhere I have a hazy pic of me at a rehearsal with it, I'll try and scan it. The pillock who had it after me stripped all the paint off it - yes, I did punch him.
  11. Welcome to the club. Without wanting to brag, I have a degree in chemistry from Brunel and worked in technical and factory management for 46 years. My maths is bloody good. I speak three languages well enough to live in the appropriate countries. Like you, I'm totally dyslexic when it comes to music theory, reading and writing. Have tried numerous times using damn good, well respected teachers. Now I don't bother or care anymore - I just picks up my guitar or bass, listen and plays the bloody thing. Don't worry about it.
  12. Read chapter 1 of The Tone Manual by Dave Hunter - the bit about the actual guitar, not pedals, strings, plecs, amps etc. Too much info to quote here He discusses an awful lot about the whole subject - materials, components, fit, electrics, the whole lot. After reading and digesting this chapter for a while, I tweaked one of my Squier bolt-on bass neck fits and its nut to see what happened. It brightened the sound considerably, both acoustically and electrified. I then noticed that these tweaks were already incorporated on my Bill Nash "1965" Strat. which is a very bright machine. Interesting stuff which stopped me spending loads of money on a la di da bass.
  13. This is no help at all but I did find the first electric guitar I bought in 1963. Sold it in Germany in 1965 and found it again on eBay in 2013. It can be done - tell her not to give up hope.
  14. Like wot Lozz says^.
  15. Good on you, well done! I trust you played "La Mer"? ..and just remember people, we may be there in them chairs one day and I hope someone comes in and plays Cream and Hendrix and Beatles and Stones and Muddy Waters songs for me.
  16. A used Ditto X2 Looper has just sold for £112 + £3 postage on eBay UK. You can buy a new one on Amazon UK for £100, free postage. Madness, IMHO of course.
  17. I got one of these 45rpms. Yeah! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pca_S6sj_SE
  18. [b] [font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][size=4]Respect Yourself: Stax Records and the Soul Explosion by Robert Gordon is the book.[/size][/font][/b] [font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][size=4]I haven't read it yet, it's an early Christmas present.[/size][/font] [font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][size=4]Oh and as Muscle Shoals has been mentioned, dare I add Chess Records, too?[/size][/font]
  19. Thank you BT. ... and a third (yeah I'm cheating a little bit here, but..) and a fourth [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3HemKGDavw[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGb5IweiYG8[/media]
  20. My two.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsCyC1dZiN8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wNknGIKkoA
  21. Yup, it comes with age and that's why I like nickel. If you want sparkly try cleaning them gently with Duraglit - follow the instructions on the tin. Do not rub hard as the Duraglit is abrasive and may rub off the nickel plating.
  22. Just found this when checking out some Little Water stuff. Little Walter, Hound Dog Taylor, Odie Payne I know about but not Dillard Crume. Listen to them fills...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzRgVFVlrXw
  23. Thank you - another useless Fender Fact to go in mt little black book. To be honest, I'm not sure about the rest of the bass either. To quote an old Selmers Charing Cross Road salesman "I reckon it's worth two aspirins and a glass of water at the most."
  24. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-1958-Fender-Precision-Bass-P-Bass-Modded-EMG-Pickups-Boomerang-Bridge-/351193325179?hash=item51c4c0de7b:g:DcgAAOSw3ydVgcuq I've never seen a bridge like it.
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