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Everything posted by Jazzneck

  1. Please let us know how you get on.
  2. It is definitely not a 1988 model. The neck with the Made In Japan and other markings is the brother of my 1996 Japanese '62 reissue Precision neck. The pickups are Fralins but I ain't got a clue about the body, it certainly ain't a '62 reissue Precision body. However, if it's sets up OK and sounds good.......
  3. Played guitar in a school beat group with three guitarists in the early 1960s. Nobody wanted to play bass so I took 2 strings off my Framus and tuned down a bit to fill the bottom end. Went back to guitar for a couple of years and then somehow was asked to play bass at a mates band rehearsal whilst he went downstairs to get the drinks. He came back up and said the band sounded great. The guitarist/singer and he had a conflab outside then asked if I wanted to play in this blues band on bass instead of my mate. My mate graciously sold me his Hofner bass for a fiver and I was away. What a guy...
  4. Oh dear Jack, you made me remember a nightmare! We played a welcome to England party at Cliveden House for a bunch of US students just in from Stanford University in 1969. If you reckon the English were class conscious you should have seen that lot in action. We were a typical Brit. psychedelic, progressive blues band of the day and they were asking us to play Sinatra, Bobby Vee type stuff. - seriously. Except for one guy who was not wearing a tie and had slightly longer hair than the rest of the US males there. He had a stash of good stuff hidden out in the garden, Gawd bless him. Probably the most surreal evening I have ever experienced.
  5. Bit like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yd60nI4sa9A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtCRll26qUc
  6. B.L.U.E.S etc T-shirt, 1991, from the now closed club on West Belmont, Chicago. I was given a T for each of my family (5 of us) for playing bass on a couple of numbers. As Mr. Burton said "Man, you don't play the blues for free. Pay the man. You'se guys give the pecker a T-shirt!" Thanks again, Mr. Burton and for letting me play your bass.
  7. Mine is strung up with Rotosound Tru Bass 88s http://www.rotosound.com/tru-bass-88/ The bass is a Harley Benton and sounds immense through a 15" combo.
  8. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1448467262' post='2915685'] This is one guy, have a skim through some of his experiences. I can't find the other guy but I'll keep looking. Sorry for the delay [/quote] Thanks, interesting stuff. I can't find "Rare Electric Guitars" on Ali Express but I'm still looking. I'll let you know what occurs.
  9. Thanks Karl, I'll get my daughter the facebooker organized.
  10. [quote name='Agwin' timestamp='1448378456' post='2914901'] Gillan, Glover, Paice, Blackmore & Lord together as Deep Purple [/quote] Sorry but this is my super duper big head egotistical moment. I played bass in a support band to this line up in January 1970 at Lancaster University. They were loud, very, very loud but what a performance. I'm also of an age and was in the right places to have seen most of those mentioned above but I missed Duane Allman.
  11. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1448383297' post='2914955'] REG (Rare Electric Guitars) are one of the vendors on there and they appear to have a decent rep from what I've seen BUT I'm not in a position to recommend them. However, they are a company you might like to research. Good luck, I'd be more tempted to look at that Maruswotsits personally, although obviously more expensive. [/quote] I was looking on the Rare Electric Guitars site at a certain model as used by Mr. Lennon in the early 1960s. Looks good on the site but I have yet to pluck up courage to contact them. Has anyone had anything from them? Are they any good? An internet search of the reviews tends to result in a lot of the cousins slagging them off big time just because they are Chinese; most of the comments being based on nothing more than xenophobic bias with never having seen or played one in the flesh. Hence I'm hoping a sane British BC member can guide me in the right / wrong direction, please.
  12. Funniest one I saw was at Shepherds Bush Tedeschi Trucks Band. We were outside having a last ciggie before curtain up when Derek Trucks himself strolls round the corner, collar up and hands in pockets. Up jumps the tout who offers two tickets "cheap at arf the price". Mr. Trucks looked him straight in the eye, burst out laughing and casually strode up the steps into the Empire. Oh, how we larfed. Tout then asked "Who the f**k does he think he is?" We didn't say a word. Says it all, really!
  13. Too long! I'll keep them on as long as possible until they don't hold tune properly - usually about 5 years. Even with flats, 'cos of my very dry, non-acidic hands they just keep twanging and twanging, on and on. I now restring my bass and give it to my Grandson to run 'em in for an hour and they come back thudding. You've probably gathered that I prefer to play bass, not piano.
  14. Aha - Marillion. At the end of the 1990s we had an amazing Scottish drummer in the blues band I was playing in. He was a brilliant drummer and we couldn't understand for the life of us why he was playing with us around the pubs and clubs of East Anglia although he was having fun and his lady friend lived locally - his reasons, apparently. One night we asked him the question "Why aren't you playing with a better band than us lot". His answer? "I got offered the job with Marillion but I told 'em to bu88ger off cos they wisnae gonna be famous and I wasnae gonna waste my time". He was a great guy and I believe he is still rockin' with bands around Glasgow.
  15. Tedeschi Trucks Band - Oh yes! seen 'em a few times, superb band. ....and another stunning night was The Notting Hillbillies at Colchester University, yonks ago. Also at Colchester University, my sons asked me to pick them up after a Kingmaker gig. They came out raving about the support band whose name was Radiohead. Bu88er - I turned down the spare ticket they had, too.
  16. Raslee - get well soon and stick to bass playing, not vockals, in the future! I too spent a week in Colchester Hospital geting my heart back together. I can't speak highly enough of the staff, treatment and, luckily, the inmates on the cardio ward where I was fixed. IMHO the NHS comes in for a load of unwarranted cr@p from selfish people who want the world to do everything for them. There, I've said it and I don't care!
  17. [quote name='lo-freq' timestamp='1448069440' post='2912934'] [1st post to basschat - I'm mainly here because I'm interested in the Barefaced cabs.] If your band or the venue has a decent PA, mic the cabinet. A Super Twin II or Big Twin II would be a tad bit more efficient than the Two10, so you might have to mic that as well. The original cab will be a major contributing factor to the tone, but I suspect just about any of Alex's cabs would sound great with that head. [/quote] Welcome to the mad house! Your right about the tone with the original cab. although the Barefaced does push out more lower frequencies which I like. Mic.ing up is an option but I prefer using the Sansamp as a splitter / DI into the PA which seems to work well, as long as the sound man knows what he's doing. That's another can o' worms, though........
  18. The Beatles in Hamburg. We'd just started playing guitars whilst living in Germany and one of our Dads regiments squaddy bands told us to go and see this British Beat Group who were good. So off we trecked to the Reeperbahn (dressed in school uniform) and managed to catch 3 or 4 numbers before the fight started and we were slung out by the doorman before we got hurt. We did not start or get involved in the fight, I hasten to add. That was the evening in the spring of 1962 when my world changed. The Hamburg girls were pretty interesting, too. Lucky boy, ain't I? I was just thirteen!
  19. Walter Trout and Poppa Chubby at Islington a few years ago. A mate had a spare ticket and took me along. A loud as a loud thing widdle fest that bored me stupid. Fortunately his other mate was driving, I managed to do a deal with the doorman so that I went to the pub down the road and he rang me when it was ending. That way I met up with my mates, who'd been bopping down the front, before the place emptied. They thought I was at the back so I could sneak out for a ciggie, now and then. They still don't know what I did.... Oh, and a top flight Fleetwood Mac tribute band who took the piss out of a Peter Green song three numbers in. Out I went and smoked ciggies and drank beer in the late evening Colchester sunshine instead. My wife stayed in there with our friends but understood my reaction having seen the original Peter Green FM line up with me more than once in the olden days. Miserable bustard, ain't I?
  20. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1447781033' post='2910338'] Done - this survey is obviously about live performances, which doesn't bother me at all. I get more nervous when I'm going into a recording studio...! [/quote] This^ Studio work terrifies me, particularly if one of my specific guitar playing mates is present - he's got 40 years of pro session work under his belt.
  21. Just a thought - have you looked at keyboard cases?
  22. [b]To be fair,[/b] I've been in a few of the meetings where the marketing boys, girls and others have been under pressure to increase revenue, particularly around Christmas time. The stock answer was always along the lines of "we'll do a remix, add an extra track or two, update the packaging, add a few pictures and call it a limited edition" Each time the big boss looks at the cost / revenue calculations, sanctions the idea and tells 'em they better get on with it pdq. Reason for edit: Political Correctness.
  23. Why Oh Why do they do this remix cobblers? Another great money making scheme - let's milk the cash cow - the mugs'll fall for it again, game. This remix, remastering cods really piddles me off. Who bl**dy cares if you can make it sound different? It's not what really happened. Just enjoy the original stuff, warts and all, as it occurred in real life. Yes, I've got all the Beatles stuff on original vinyl and CD. I think I've paid enough over the years and I ain't paying anymore for stuff I don't need or want, thank you! Rant over - Thank you for reading this and I wish you a goodnight!
  24. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1447355746' post='2907060'] I don`t know if he still does this, but TJC Guitars in Stevenage (so not far from Cambs) did one for me and his work was good, and pricing was also good too. [/quote] This man - Terry Chapman - did an old Framus for me last year. Good guy and excellent job. The second one he's done for me to date and I may be lining up another.
  25. Thanks Leonard, that makes sense.
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