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Everything posted by mattyb

  1. I'm actually looking to get an Electric guitar rig together so I would be but it would be mainly that sort of kit - what were you thinking?
  2. [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,]Anybody who already knows these basses won't need to read any more, but for those who don't, the Kala UBass is the same size as a baritone ukulele but has the range of a bass guitar - i.e. it is tuned EADG in the same octave as a standard bass guitar. It achieves this through special polyurethane strings which might be new to you but are very, very easy to play. If you closed your eyes you could be forgiven for thinking you were hearing an upright double bass![/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,]The RRP is £499 & the spec is as follows: -All Solid Mahogany body -Custom Hipshot Tuners -Mahogany neck -Rosewood fingerboard and bridge -16 position lines -21" scale -Pahoehoe Polyurethane strings -Custom Kala and Roadtoad logo inlays -Custom Shadow bass pickup with 4 individual piezo elements -Separate compensated saddles for each string[/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,]It's a well-loved, well looked after instrument which comes with its own case. The only blemish on the instrument itself is a tiny dent in the woodwork of the neck by the first 'fret'. I've included a photo of that where I've highlighted the mark, so you can see for yourself. Other that it's in perfect condition.[/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,]I'm asking for £300 including shipping with the UK for this (subject to getting a final quote but it shouldn't cost much to ship!). Located in Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland.[/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,][attachment=186659:13371_10204681169762297_2304030983749009560_n.jpg][/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,][attachment=186660:10150566_10204681169362287_3966417710661087664_n.jpg][/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,][attachment=186661:10277144_10204681169842299_869785378477882338_n.jpg][/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,][attachment=186662:10394778_10204681169402288_5690360730307463050_n.jpg][/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,][attachment=186663:11067447_10204681169322286_5590518324267449044_n.jpg][/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,][attachment=186664:11070804_10204681169802298_6502964582362525424_n.jpg][/font][/color]
  3. My Kala arrived yesterday - just in time for practice at church. My initial impressions were very good, sounds fantastic - no one could believe how big it sounded for such a small instrument - and plays really well too. I've been playing fretless exclusively for ages now so I didn't expect to notice much difference, but I was slightly taken a back by the lack of sustain compared to my P. Thinking about it, it makes sense but it just didn't cross my mind. I can't see myself using it for any upbeat numbers in church or with the wedding band but for acoustic gigs and travel light pub gigs I'm hoping its going to impress me there. I was weighing up putting together a pedalboard for playing acoustic or the U Bass and the U Bass evidently won but whether it's here to stay or not is still up for debate. I want to use it for a proper gig before making any decision! What I can't fault at all is the build quality and finish, some might argue that paying close to £300 (used) for a Ukulele is excessive, but this thing feels like a much more expensive instrument! Do I possibly have an old model as theres no tuner/preamp/battery on mine at all? It still sounds super fat though through my rig (Diamond Bass comp -> U5)
  4. Wow I wish I checked back, those Harley Bentons are cheap! I ended up winning a Kala about a week ago on ebay after a lot of hassle with the Korala sellers because I'm in Northern Ireland...sigh. It should be here tomorrow, I can't wait to give it a rattle!
  5. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1423818854' post='2689286'] I suspect he means the Octamizer [/quote] My bad! I'm not sure which one it is, but I'll try to take a photo later on. I suspect the raised edge because there's foam on the bottom of the pedal under the velcro.
  6. [quote name='vsmith1' timestamp='1423749237' post='2688574'] Is this the one with the raised edge on the base or the one where it is flush? [/quote] Sorry I'm not really sure what you're asking about! Which pedal is it?
  7. I'm having thoughts about re-doing my rig to make gigging easier and set up/tear down quicker! Previously I've been playing exclusively bass, running my P into a pedalboard (tuner, comp, octave, envelope, overdrive) which then goes to an Avalon U5 and into my amp and cab. The majority of my sound is coming from the U5 as a tone shaping device - which is perfect, sounds exactly how I want it to but it is one more piece of equipment to carry and I'd love to have all my tone shaping based solely on my pedalboard. On top of that, I'm now playing acoustic guitar and electric gutiar almost as often as bass, so I'd like to have one set up that I don't feel like I have to change for each gig. The overdrive, octave and filter are basically decorations and are all on the chop so that has freed up pedal space. I've love to be able to get a pedalboard mounted U5 but sadly they don't exist. My research has led me to a Tech 21 Paradriver - I've heard it sounds very good for bass and acoustic but I'm wondering would I be left wanting for that huge warm sound the U5 provides? I'm also thinking that with its drive control, could it double up as a boost when I play electric guitar to add some hair to a clean amp? Perhaps I'm being to ambitious here! Does anyone have any other suggestions for something that would do what I want? Maybe a JHS Colour box?
  8. Bump - sorry to everyone who PMed me over Christmas with no reply - had a bit of a rough time of it but these two are still available!
  9. I'm on the look out for one of these U Basses and the obvious choice is the Kala but on ebay and amazon, the Korala versions have caught my eye, being slightly cheaper, having a nicer finish (in my opinion) and a built in preamp. Has anyone ever seen or played one? Finding information seems pretty limited!
  10. This may end up a bit stupid... But any chance of a shipping quote? I'll PM you my postcode if you'd entertain the idea of shipping?
  11. Old set up : New set up : Certainly smaller! I do miss the BDPG though for super subby bass, although that could be the combo with the all valve LB30... What's next? I'm on the search for a preamp pedal that can give me the sound and feel of the little bastard and if I can't find something I may just try to get another LB! The avalon U5 I'm using right now sounds great but the valve sound and feel is addictive!
  12. Bit of an update : I contacted the seller, he said he would take the return so I opened a return case on paypal. Very quickly the seller came back to me insisting I close the case and 'sort this out as gentlemen' - He wanted me to return the item and on its return to him, trust that he would refund the money. This set of alarm bells in my head so I've sent this information through to paypal as a claim, and kept it through official channels. I hope I didn't react to harshly, but I'm very waring of being had, especially with international sales and putting trust in strangers.
  13. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1418988126' post='2635473'] Did you buy on here..?? [/quote] I didn't, it was through one of those 'Bass Equipment for sale' Facebook groups. I'm glad decided against sending the money as a gift however, as I'd be out of luck in this situation!
  14. So I had a look inside and I can see that one of the switches has definately been changed, but also it looks like wires out of the DI have been snipped and heat shrink put around them. I think it's going to be about £15-£20 to send it back to Spain but I think that may be the best option as the seller has no indicated that he arranged to have (or did himself) the mod - so it's pretty clear to me that he knew about it. Wick altogether! Does anyone have courier recommendations to Spain?
  15. Bump - added my BassIQ too as its going to make real estate availble for a Diamond Bass Comp!
  16. Just asked the seller and he claimed that he thought this was normal behaviour and that he believes a previous 'ordered it modified' and is a wire mod on the switch, rather than a failure. Obviously I'm a bit peeved as it's cleared been tinkered with, but where would I stand with paypal on this? I didn't send the money as a gift but shipping it back to Spain could possibly cost more than getting it put back to normal!
  17. Wick! Would it matter at that that I'm powering it from a Diago + 18v adaptor? I know their site says its supported however though.
  18. Sorry if this has been discussed before, I did search but came up blank. I just got a second hand tonehammer in the post today but when it's off I'm not getting any signal though. Is this normal or is there a switch somewhere to enable that? Just wondering before contacting the seller to claim its faulty (if it is faulty that is) Thanks!
  19. PMed you there last night!
  20. Fuel tank is gone and the m5 is on hold! Octamizer is still up for grabs!
  21. [quote name='pobrien_ie' timestamp='1417967630' post='2625542'] I used to own this exact amp!! I liked it, although didn't find it very versatile, and it weighed a tonne. I'm sure you'd get him down on that price, by at least €100 IIRC!! [/quote] That is tempting! The 4 or 5 hours travelling up and down is not though... When you say it wasn't very versatile, was it just always crunchy with only being 100 watts?
  22. Bump - I'm open to offers on the rest!
  23. Probably only for us Emerald Islers but I spotted this tonight http://adverts.ie/6188243 I don't know a whole lot about them. I'm wanting to get back into a valve amp, would this be any good?
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