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Everything posted by darren

  1. The behringer seems to be a boss copy so probably one of those? http://thetoneking.com/wp/behringer-stomp-box-cross-comparison-chart/
  2. Don't discount the Ibanez talman bass. I've got a USA P bass and I've had a 424. Lovely both of them. The talman is awesome and does the P bass thing very well. Thomann give them away for around £160. Unbelievable.
  3. Saw this and thought of this topic https://www.google.co.uk/search?redir_esc=&hl=en-GB&safe=images&oe=utf-8&q=what+to+do+with+your+opinion&source=android-browser-suggest&qsubts=1444465131423&gws_rd=ssl#imgrc=AzyxiCR5Ij-18M%3A
  4. Incidentally, D string tuner is fine now. Maybe some dirt / loose chrome was stuck in it
  5. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1444919875' post='2887362'] Played mine at band rehearsal. I can't say I noticed any problem with the tuners - I found them adequate enough. Could hear myself no bother. Will be playing it at our next gig - Halloween - will probably do something gimmicky like hang some "spiders" off the tuners and such like [/quote] Playing mine at a Halloween gig too... Spooky!
  6. Anyone got down on one of these yet?
  7. [quote name='ribbetingfrog' timestamp='1444567417' post='2884145'] Not till December so loads of practice time to come yet. And I hardly ever drink so no problems there. I think our main worry is our guitarists are too quiet, how often does that happen!?! [/quote] If you are playing through FOH the guitarists will be heard by the audience ok and the sound tech will probably ask them to turn up a bit anyway. If you are struggling to hear, even after a sound check to sort the levels, just ask for more guitar in your monitor after the first song.
  8. I thought he'd / she'd wrapped it around once, clockwise.
  9. Fender ones stick out a bit
  10. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1444556958' post='2883985'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]As opposed to the implied '...you would have a hard time convincing me that bedroom noodling[b] that anyone does[/b] is as much fun as a live gig[b] that they could play'[/b].[/font][/color] [/quote] I never got all that from his post to be honest.
  11. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1444560678' post='2884044'] Gigging is a funny thing. The money is not great (usually) and I don't really like my fellow band members (singer and guitarist are married and are both Narcissistic sociopaths). The drummer has some kind of serious, paranoid, mental health issue (which he takes all sorts of heavy duty meds for) and is crazier than a box of frogs. I wouldn't want to socialise with any of them outside the band. But we make such a great racket together and I really enjoy the gigs. As soon as we finish though I take the cash and am outta that door like a rat up a drainpipe. P.S. An interesting topic to discuss might be, 'Basschatters who are in bands, where they dislike their fellow band members, but stay in the band because they really like the music they play'. [/quote] Your drummer just sounds like a drummer to me!
  12. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1444514527' post='2883835'] Fixed. [/quote] Didn't he already put "me" in his post? Not sure what you are trying to fix there.
  13. I need to play in a band and play live to keep the interest alive. If my band folded I'd probably give up playing. I'm not technically good enough to simply enjoy playing at home.
  14. Don't focus on your own playing too much. listen to the other instruments and enjoy the overall sound. Get into the groove and enjoy. If you balls up one of the songs remember to look disparagingly towards the drummer in order to deflect the blame. Also, don't smile, even if someone trumps, as the bass player is too cool to smile. Agreed reg the drinking. plenty of time for that afterwards.
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1443451198' post='2874788'] Practise and more practise. Remember, bass players do it standing up with a strap-on... [/quote] and they do it deeper. Drummers bang harder of course.
  16. Played my talman at last night's gig. My thoughts the morning after are: the neck is effortless to play due to the satin finish, the machine heads are crap - can make a 1/4 turn and see no change on the tuner. Therefore took longer than what is accessible (3 earth minutes) to be sure it was in tune. The bass looks killer and sounds the bomb. I also use a chorus pedal and overdrive and having the ability to boost/cut on the active eq has enabled me to get just the tone I'm after. Fab.
  17. There is probably a bit of reporting bias at play. However, QC might be variable at this end of the market I guess. Thomann has a decent returns policy though and I'm really happy I took the plunge.
  18. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1442268575' post='2865711'] I was being super picky for the balanced view. It almost felt churlish to even mention it at this price point [/quote] Sure, the only thing I will do is change the machine heads. The D tuner is quite stiff and they feel flimsy. Other than that I just wish it was a little less heavy.
  19. Frets and pots fine on mine. Maybe they have tightened up the qc or maybe qc is variable. Can't be too bad if you're buying another
  20. I fancied the green but ivory just edged it for me. I was thinking I'd possibly get a black pickguard made but I actually quite like the tortie in the flesh
  21. Tried to offer a ruler up to it but to get an accurate measurement I'd need to take the neck off and I'm not confident enough to do that I'm afraid. The neck is 62mm at the last fret if that helps.
  22. Also, don't know if I got lucky with this one as quality might be variable due to price point. But out of the box the string height was correct according to the booklet. 2.5mm on the twelfth fret at the E side and 2mm at the G side. Intonation is spot on and the bass was practically in tune. Each peg needed tightening about half a turn. I assume they loosened the strings slightly for transport.
  23. [quote name='philw' timestamp='1442054788' post='2864082'] This is just absurd value for money: https://www.thomann.de/gb/ibanez_tmb100_mgr_talman_bass.htm £158! P [/quote] Yes. It's bonkers.
  24. The p pickup sounds fantastic. Cut a little bass on the active eq and it sounds pretty similar to my fender bass but with more umph. The jazz pickup is a little quieter than the p but I may need to adjust the hight. That said the pickups are loud. The tone with both pickups blended is huge. Really great ballsy tone. I have no desire to change the pickups at all. Really impressed. I've read a review that said it can approach a Ricky tone if the treble is cranked. Not sure if that's true because I've never played one. I will say that the tone is very usable no matter where you set the treble. Can get clanky when cranked to max but still delivers the low end. Boosting the bass can get boomy if you go too far. Loads of tones available here.
  25. I prefer the 45degree stringing, the laminated neck and tuning pegs on the 424. But the tone is killer on the talman. I would also say that the 424 I had was not the lightest but it was lighter than the talman. This thing is probably 9.5lb.
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