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Everything posted by oddjob

  1. i am mistaken then. Lucky git
  2. From what i've heared of endorsements, most still require them to actually buy all the stuff, very few get any discounded prices and almost never free. The benifits are being associated with a big name company and increasing your profile as a musician. IMHO.
  3. it's on the website [url="http://www.akg.com/site/products/powerslave,id,958,pid,958,nodeid,2,_language,EN.html"]http://www.akg.com/site/products/powerslav...anguage,EN.html[/url] but looks like its been replaced by the WMS450
  4. you can get these box adaptor things that let you use a pci card with your laptop. Could turn out almost as portable as a seperate extern audio card for laptops. Lets see if i can find it. ... here it is [url="http://www.magma.com/products/pci/1PCI/index.html"]http://www.magma.com/products/pci/1PCI/index.html[/url] not sure what the performance of these are like, but i think a very good idea.
  5. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='13706' date='Jun 7 2007, 05:20 PM']Hehehe Don't laugh but I've never changed the frequency on it so I wouldn't know, I wouldn't have thought it would have gone up in such high jumps of 30mhz though. Just checking though are any of you guys finding the AKG 400 for less than 199? FYI people looking for a cheap good wireless ElliotMinor is selling on the AKG bugs in the For Sale Section they are great units as long as you don't throw your bass around your head [/quote] £199s the cheapest i've found so far tho a shop on ebay is selling for £210 BIN, with a best offer option so might get it cheaper. i think what i wrote was a bit confusing, what i meant was most wireless packs with selectable frequencies will only have a selectable range of 30MHZ in 25kHz jumps so from 660 - 690MHz in 25kHz jumps giving 1200 selectable frequencies. So i would assume it would be the same with the akg system, usualy the frequency range is writen on the back of the body pack.
  6. The AKG WMS 400 looks amazing for the price. tayste; does the system allow you to choose any frequency between the 660 - 863 MHz or is it only in one of the blocks of 30MHz, i'm looking to get a wireless for playing at church and we have specific frequencies licenced for use in the building we meet in. So if the unit only comes in a 30MHz block would i have to conact the supplier with the particular frequency block i want? Also, does anyone know the difference between the WMS400 and WMS450 i can't find any difference appart from an extra 2MHz frequency band from 863 to 865 MHz and a price increase of £130.
  7. Just found a link to a guy who seems to have owned a lot of compressors and writen a short review on each of them look quite usefull. [url="http://www.ev-b.com/compressors.html"]http://www.ev-b.com/compressors.html[/url]
  8. Seeing as lots of the old topics on this subject will be deleted soon i though i'd start a new one here. Post your reccomendations and questions about power supplies for your effects pedals. I currently have a Dunlop DC brick cos it has 18v outputs for one of my pedals but i found this : [attachment=291:powerpump.jpg] [url="http://www.guitareffectspedals.com/power-all.html"]http://www.guitareffectspedals.com/power-all.html[/url] the Godlyke Power Pump which looks like it would do the same job. but having the godlyke i could save space on my pedal board and have more overall current available 1.7A. Does anyone know how well these voltage multipliers work will there be any noise or humm from the step up circuits used? cheers oj
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