Thought I'd introduce myself before I post complete drivel on subjects over which I have no command, break etiquette on long established threads and generally stick my oar in.
I'm Josh, I'm 27, I live in Hackney (London), and I am an uninspired bass player looking to reignite the flame after not playing much for about five years. I'm an architect by trade, a profession well equipped to draining enthusiasm for creative pursuits outside of work (and inside at times).
I used to play in bands in my late school days and throughout university, but since living/working in London and become preoccupied with other interests (cycling, drawing, loitering) I've neglected my bass (it's a Fender Jazz Aerodyne). Not being in a band is what kills it for me as I find there's only so much noodling I can do on my own before I get completely bored. I imagine this is not an unfamiliar situation for a fair few people on this forum.
Equipment-wise, these days I only have the aforementioned Fender, a Trace Elliot head/cab (AH300-7/1818... both of which I'll be selling), a Trace Boxer 65 and a small selection of virtually unused pedals. I once had a nice fretless Washburn.
Musically, I'm fairly impressionable these days, where once I was probably a completely blinkered snob. I used to play in non-descript rock bands influenced by the likes of Fugazi, Trail of Dead, Pixies, Capdown etc. Nowadays I'm into a boringly broad spread of music, usually on a band-by-band as opposed to genre basis.
Anyway, that's me. Thanks in advance for having me. The bike forum I frequent has I hope left me well-placed for 'newbie' crap, but we'll see...