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Everything posted by ROConnell

  1. I have picked up a few from my old sixth forms and schools, I have reached out and said I'm available for anything, they always need people, maybe that's a good place to start. It's definitely a challenge! Some easier than others and more enjoyable, loved doing Our House and We Will Rock You, not so much FAME (crazy!) or High School Musical (cheesy). It is important to keep your mind flexible and open to all of the different pieces, as each musical will inevitably encompass and cover a range of styles, tempos, time signatures, keys etc, so even if you do not like the song, you have to give it your all, or (in my experience) the whole piece falls flat. Another key thing is being on the ball all the way through. Even if you know the show well and know you are not in for another 3 numbers, do not drop the ball. Play every song precisely, and like your it's your last. If you get lost, drop out, keep counting, and come back in. Basic advice that applies to any gig but in theatre this is very important, it's better to drop out than to guess and get it wrong. Being comfortable with the pieces is important, the longer you have to read and practice the better, however this isn't always possible and there is often never any backing tracks that match so in that case your sight reading needs ot be on the ball. It's a great experience, getting thrown in to Our House by Madness aged 16, not being able to sight-read or understand basic music theory was a challenge but one I'm glad I took on, what a buzz! Best of luck!
  2. Belated feedback. Bought a BOSS SYB-5 from Jim a month or so back. Great comms, hassle free, arrived just as said speedily. Pleasure to deal with. Cheers!
  3. I was simply curious as like I said in my OP, on the little panel to the side of a post it shows the members post count, but on their full profile it's different, so that's piqued my curiousity.
  4. Confused. Which posts count? As I often see people in the sale forum with a low amount of posts but then when I view their full profile, it shows hundreds of posts? Also does posting in off-topic affect the post count? Cheers
  5. ROConnell

    Pedal cable

    I like the MXR angled patch cables as they're very low profile and allow you to fit pedals in close proximity with one another.
  6. Dude as much as I respect your point of view and sticking up for the guy, I'd just PM a mod instead of doing a thread on it, because now the whole issue is opened back up to BC!
  7. Focusrite Solo or the Scarlett 2i2 is easy to use and good. Plug it in and it works. Assumign you have monitors? Also for drum programming at a basic level I would consider using Cubase which has BeatDesigner built in. Really intuitive and great for building rhythm parts, I did a whole A-Level course with Cubase and it's really decent. Logic Pro is great too, however.
  8. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1490599029' post='3266167'] RCF all the way if you can afford them. [/quote] +1. My band has a couple of sets and they're brilliant. No problem at low or high volumes, good clarity and pretty light!
  9. 2 bass-chatters in a single car, I couldn't think of anything worse!!!
  10. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1488837276' post='3252317'] OK, back sooner than I thought, but how could I have neglected this, from one of my favourite albums of the last couple of years (also contains rap language and the obligatory scantily clad buxom wenches). [media]http://youtu.be/hRK7PVJFbS8[/media] [/quote] Yes! What a bassline, great artist too. Staying with the Kendrick Lamar vibes, check out this live performance of 'i'! Awesome, great drummer too. [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bUUJbKMyzI[/media]
  11. Only blue could garner 86 replies for, in the end, absolutely nothing.
  12. I'd stick the compressor before the distortion as it will send a stronger signal to the rest of the chain. Some people put a compressor at the end of the signal chain but that will just increase all the hum etc from the other pedals...
  13. Found it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFGPSx6cPN0
  14. Build a forum for all the guitarists. And make THEM pay for it! They flood our communities with crime (tapping) and other stuff that I probably made up...
  15. I think blue is just trolling everyone...
  16. IMO sell the Flea bass as it's stack knobs, which your RW already has.
  17. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1488265470' post='3247260'] Just because potentially anyone could do something to a certain level doesn't mean we should knock those that have passion and have developed a craft. [/quote] +1 Totally agree
  18. I agree, even to the extent that a lot of the music in the charts is real music, even if I don't like it. Maybe the charts aren't credible but to get up there they must be tickin someones boxes.
  19. Fender MiM Precision Bass Deluxe Special - strung with Rotosound Swing Bass 66 Backed up by a Squier VM Jazz Bass - same strings. Into a Boss ODB-3 > Boss TU-3> Ashdown Mag 300 EVO ii head into either an Ashdown 115 or a TC Electronic BC410. Not the most exciting, but it works and sounds good.
  20. Did a gig at Isle of Wight festival using an Ampeg SVT CL with an 8'10. WOW.
  21. Intrigued now as to whether the OP sticks or twists.
  22. Kind of off-topic but does anybody know what happened to the Boss GT-10B? There's none anywhere.
  23. Not a band but William Onyeabor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoUY_0-w9hQ
  24. This thread is funny. My tip for gigs: Always introduce yourself to the promoter, even if they're a prat. On the slight off chance they're not a prat, it might strike up a decent relationship for the future.
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