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Everything posted by ROConnell

  1. I see where he is coming from. Yes lots of people would like it! They can opt-in. But for those who don't, opting out, an option for only site-related stuff would be good.
  2. One commenter: [i][b]"[color=#000000]I think people like this are killing the live music venue where people love seeing bands, getting sweaty, singing out in solidarity with our heroes on the stage! And they’re replacing it with CRAFT BEER and cocktails served IN CAMPBELLS SOUP TINS.[/color][/b][/i] [i][b][color=#000000]RIP London.[/color] [color=#000000]RIP EVERYTHING WE LOVE."[/color][/b][/i] [color=#000000]Aw bless they really don't like craft beer [/color]
  3. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1484649258' post='3217091'] Now that's an idea, no idea why I have no pics of them together!! Will sort that pronto [/quote] Only right to have a family photo
  4. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1484646393' post='3217056'] Realised I never brought this to a conclusion...sorry chaps...here are some completed pics of her btw she plays, feels and sounds absolutely spot on! [/quote] Looks beautiful! How about some pics next to her older brother ey?
  5. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1484410003' post='3215302'] Exactly what i'm looking at just now. Gonna try one in Glasgow next week before buying tho. Various reviews i've read said these MIM ones were pretty good compared to older ones. GAK & Guitar Guitar doing them at £853 but always room to barter on any bass i've found even in shops. Dave [/quote] I love mine, really versatile. Best of luck with it, hope it suits you!
  6. Difficult, pretty much every gig we play is a different venue with a different sound guy, some gigs are better sounding than others, at least on stage.
  7. Fender Deluxe Active Precision Bass Special. MIM with American Parts. P/J with Active controls, you won't get a thin sound at all!
  8. Great amps, such small things but such great power. Would be snapping this up myself if GAS hadn't struck before now. GLWTS.
  9. I guess if you're a band looking to land a record deal or shooting for fame, pushing down the commercial tunnel, then yes it matters. In that case, you have to have an image to accompany the music to drive the punters crazy to sell records, gain followers, build a buzz, create a brand. You can't have a consistent, appealing image in most commercial genres if the singer is barely out of nappies and the bass player looks like his granddad, even if they are the best musicians for the band. Maybe some bands will sacrifice the better players for a player that 'fits' the look. (Such as Ringo Starr in The Beatles? Didn't Lennon kick him off drums in the studio or whatever? But he was still there on the press shoots and on stage...) On the other hand, if you're a band just enjoying yourselves, playing for the fun of it, not trying to make a mark on the music industry - then it's irrelevant what you all look like, what gender or age you are as you're simply there to enjoy the music!
  10. http://www.magnetstudios.co.uk/aboutus/aboutus.htm Found these guys after a quick google, seem to have a big wedge of gear, if their client base is what they say it is I'm sure you might be able to sort something out. Midlands based.
  11. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1481878335' post='3195842'] Hey guys, a day late as I saw them on Wednesday, but just wanted to say how amazing they were live. I've been a fan since the early '90s and flea is one of the guys who made me want to play bass, so there was a lot riding on this gig for me, and they delivered!!! The thing I liked the most was all the little bridges between songs, I know they were probably rehearsed, but they did these little jam songs in between the songs so you never really new what was coming next. Flea didn't stop playing all night!!! Was ver surprised to see a golden oldie "nobody weird like me" played and thought the selection of songs was great, having said that, it wasn't the longest gig I've ever been to (the only slightly negative). For the gear nerds, flea spent the whole night (except the last song) on his "fenderRay" and it sounded much better than I thought it would. Not quite a stingray, but VERY close. I didn't really notice tone wise when he switched to a purple bass with an LA Lakers sticker on it which I assume was a modulus. Oddly, the shell pink jazz didn't make an appearance all night! Flea was just outstanding, and a pleasure to watch, although I have no idea how he bounces around like that while playing. Chad Smith is a drum GOD, I knew he could play, and have always loved his style, but Jesus he hits hard and plays with a huge amount of energy!!! Josh looks like he has settled into his role and played great (never seen Frusciante live, so no benchmark). Kiedis was great if not a little quiet. Well played boys! If you get the chance go and see them!! [/quote] I saw them at Isle of Wight Festival 2014, they were great then as well I thought! Flea was on top form then and Chad, as you say great energy, but he is consistent with it as well, never a dull 'beat' with him! Superb!!!
  12. [quote name='MarkJB' timestamp='1481700819' post='3194333'] Got the same bass, and have been pondering getting her a new look too so thanks for the links. roconnell, who is the company you found that makes them? [/quote] Took everybody's advice and gone for Tim Allen's scratch it, turns out he owns (or used to own) one of these basses and so he has a template ready despite it not being offered on the website. I messaged last night and already have a reply, so think I will go for him, seems all good. Link: http://www.originalscratchplates.com/
  13. I think being nice gets you somewhere definitely, my band has supported a couple of well known touring bands, and the sound has always been top notch for us. We always come up, introduce ourselves, get to know them, I think they feel more included if people do that and not 'just a sound guy', and therefore want to make it an experience for everybody to have a good night. Including them in your band banter, taking the mick out of your singer is always a good one.
  14. TU-3, just works. Only upgraded because the old TU-2 that I had start looking less like a tuner and more like a piece of tin with a display.
  15. Hi all, Recently purchased a Fender Deluxe Active Precision Bass Special, the mexican made ones with 4 controls. It's black with gold pickguard, however I'm looking to get a black pickguard for it. After a bit of extensive research I've found a company that do them, however does anybody on here make pickguards, and if so I would prefer to give business to them... So can anyone do it? Cheers,
  16. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1481286879' post='3191212'] [i][color=#000000]... this Sunburst model has the rare distinction of being owned and played by The Who's master bass player John Entwistle.[/color][/i] [center]Unfortunately, a quick Google turns up literally dozens, perhaps hundreds, of images of The Who's master bass player playing Gibson Thunderbirds, not one of which is this bass. And since the advert itself fails to offer such an image, it's hard to see how even so reputable a dealer as NKR can make this provenance claim.[/center] [/quote] Ah well, slightly a bit out of my price range. Wonder if they'll do a trade for a bitsa P?
  17. Wiki to the rescue? [quote]...There were originally two Thunderbird models, the Thunderbird II (one pickup) and Thunderbird IV (two pickups)...[/quote] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibson_Thunderbird
  18. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1481282767' post='3191156'] It says Thunderbird II, but only has one pup. Was there a TBird I? [/quote] Hm I don't really know much Gibbo history, does the numeration correspond to the number of pickups then? Have just found this - which says the 60's Thunderbird II has a single humbucker. https://reverb.com/item/541871-gibson-thunderbird-ii-1964-sunburst Somebody enlighten me!!!
  19. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GIBSON-THUNDERBIRD-BASS-EX-OASIS-AND-THE-WHO-1968-ex-JOHN-ENTWISTLE-/391269640446?hash=item5b197ce8fe:g:smkAAOSwa39Uy5pU Wow.
  20. I've tried making a house track out of samples of kitchen drawers and cutlery noises, if that counts...
  21. One of the rooms at the rehearsal studio I go to with my band has a Laney DP150 4'10 combo. LOUD. Can also coax a decent sound out of it. As others have said, solid and reliable.
  22. As long as you're in a room with decent acoustics and hearing protection I don't see the problem with playing loud, it's amateurish if the whole band thinks turning up will solve everything, but if you're a group who all know where your instrument sits in the frequencies and you e.q right I don't see a problem with turning up and having a blast, if you take the time to set up properly you should be able to hear most clearly. This depends all on the room and what equipment you have available though.
  23. I'm not a massive fan, but I really enjoyed his last swing album 'Swings Both Ways'. Quite a good listen I thought.
  24. [quote name='Niall6002' timestamp='1480530820' post='3185174'] Hi all, some advice needed, friends of mine who are a young original band would like to break into the Uk university gigging scene, does anyone have any advice or contacts, the band is called Cider wasps, and they are not too shabby, [url="https://youtu.be/P7SPSBRhcFA"]https://youtu.be/P7SPSBRhcFA[/url] [/quote] Nice. I'd join the Unsigned Guide and get the student union contacts for uni's from their live listings section. Really good, only £4.99 a month and has sorted me out with endless contacts for promoters, radios, press etc which is really handy for someone like myself in a young originals band. [url="http://www.theunsignedguide.com/"]http://www.theunsignedguide.com/[/url]
  25. 95kg with the flightcase! And they're offering shipping! Absolute fridge.
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