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Everything posted by ROConnell

  1. Hi guys, Just a quick question really. My amp, an Ashdown Mag 300 EVO II has a tuner output. How does the signal path work for this? By that I mean what leads go where and how do I plug it in. Is it Bass and Pedals into input and one jack from Tuner out into my Tuner? Just wondering, thanks in advance!
  2. Mum, where's my pocket money gone?!
  3. Playing live, I take two. In the Recording Studio, I also take 2. I like the different tones from each bass...that and I only have 2 basses!
  4. Bought a Ashdown Mag Evo 300 Head off him. Easy transaction, nice guy to deal with, responded quickly and informatively and has just told me that the head's in transit with Courier. Speedy deal and wouldn't hesitate to buy off him again! Reuben.
  5. Any idea how much courier would be?
  6. Soundcloud. You can set it up for free download and I think you can charge for the tracks if free isn't your bag.
  7. Gorgeous Bass. Body colour and pick-guard look so right with the Maple neck!
  8. Just a question, do you know what wood it is on the silver and wood grain ones?
  9. I have a Squier Vintage Modified Jazz. And I love it! I don't care about the price or brand name. As long as it creates a non crackly sound, I'm fine. Though a nice Custom Shop Jazz would do me well...
  10. Welcome to the club.
  11. Earlier this year. 8th January. 4 days earlier my school mates had made me and another mate learn "Sunshine Of Your Love" and would pick who was better to be the bassist. The other was better but he apparently "Couldn't be bothered". So a hasty 2 rehearsals in the drummer and guitarists garage, 4 hours of playing as a band and 4 days later, we performed in a competition playing All Of The Day And All Of The Night and Buck Rogers. Loved it.
  12. ROConnell

    Squier VMJ

    Use one as my main gigging Bass. Great build quality and great sound out of it for that price!
  13. When a drummer goes: "Yeah try that in a different key." Shut up.
  14. Beautiful Bass. Hope it's worth all that cash.
  15. Rosewood. As said before, maple's a bit pale.
  16. Is it the Tour TKO 115 or the older TKO 115?
  17. Nice! Is the old skin available still?
  18. Black. As shown, it looks brilliant!
  19. Keep people interested via Facebook. Even if it's just a picture of your instruments, or backstage at gig, keep people in the know! Post Events on there with details. What I do for my band is offer one track from our E.P for free download to get people to have a listen, if they like it, they download it and it spreads the word. I regularly change which track is for download. I do that via Soundcloud and it shows on the band's Facebook because I use Bandpage which is a pretty good tool to add music and events to Facebook. I get like numbers up by asking people to share us, posting links on other pages and tagging the page in my status. As well as that, I make it so to listen to our music via Facebook, you have to like us. Hope this helps.
  20. They look darn' good!
  21. Smallest was probably about 15-20 at a social club. Largest was at The Warwick Arts Centre to around 600. Only started in January though.
  22. I use Rotosound Roundwounds on my Squier but I use D'addario Halfwounds on my Yamaha. Nearly gone over to the other side...
  23. Paranoid - Black Sabbath. Classic.
  24. Haven't got any pics yet, but they'll follow up in a bit. After returning from holiday, I've stripped the back and front, and only have one side left and the inside horns, which are a real pain in the ass. However, I apply stripper, wait a bit, chip away until some wood, then sand the rest and keep repeating. It works. Also, I've sanded down the neck, refinished with Tru-Oil to a nice clear coat. Used wire wool on it and it feels beautiful. The Peavey logo has been removed and coated over. More to come soon. EDIT: Pictures.
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