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Everything posted by mikeswals

  1. '65 Fender Jazz '06 Squier Jazz 5-string '78 Musicman StingRay '90 Wal Mk2 midi '00 Wal Mk2 '01 Wal Mk2 5-string '10 Wal Mk2 '16 Wal Mk3 5-string '16 Wal Mk3 5-string '18 Wal Mk2
  2. Wal. Mk2 if we're talking 4-string. Mk3 if we're taking 5-string.
  3. Yes, the Flea bridge is the same layout as the current Classic series bridge, and the mute kit fits. The mute kit will come with the thumbscrews. you simply ditch the allen head screws they put in to fill the holes. It is much easier to loosen the bridge to slide in the mute plate so you don't scratch up the finish trying to slide in position.
  4. Musicman did not own OLP. totally separate company that makes copy instruments. They also made a Spector bass copy along side the MM style instruments.
  5. If they even sell it to the public. High profile Musicman Artists get their basses and guitars however they want: necks, custom finishes and colors that didn't exist, electronics, discontinued features. Been this way for many years. So far, none of the others have gotten their custom model sold as a production item. Musicman also snagged Timmy C back into fold (his best bass tone was Rage's first album), and they also snagged Stefan Lessard. So they've gained some good visibility recently.
  6. I for one did not like the sound of flats on a Jazz Bass. Recently tried it again on my 65 Jazz....nope, was like throwing a blanket over the bass.
  7. I flew over to collect my new Mk2 at Wal HQ. Was a wonderful visit with Paul, and got to see some neat basses in progress and other timbers that would be just awesome future basses. Lots of tempt for sure!
  8. Forgot to post the result of the new red Mk2. And it has joined its siblings in the stable.
  9. Yes, will be translucent red.
  10. I will never in a million years believe Herbie's bass is a '59. Many many threads doubing it as well.
  11. Sold my old 86 Mk2 5 string road warrior, and replaced it with a near pristine 01 Mk2 5er, complete with side-LED's.
  12. I think I know who you're taking about as Im I'm Seattle too. The Mk3 is a lightweight version of Wal. I have a 4 string that is 8.6 lbs. which is 3.9 kgs. Mine sort of feels too light!
  13. My future tasty morsel
  14. You are asking if the US Musicman share the same electronics as the Sterling By Musicman model? No. Nothing is shared as far as the parts go, they're not even the same company. SBMM are a different company entirely, making licensed copies of EBMM instruments.
  15. You're very incorrect. that indeed IS a Mk3 scalloped arm contour smaller body and output jacks in reversed position compared to a Mk2 no-neckplate heel smaller headstock with Hipshot tuners circuit boards sit in a tapered angle fashion a Mk3, whereas they sit parallel on a Mk1 and Mk2 Pic below: Mk3 vs Mk2
  16. What kind fretboard does it have? It looks like rosewood.
  17. You should just keep it. *to me* that's to the point of not worth selling seeing you're right near the refurbish cost point.
  18. Replace it with a new lighter Wal. Get ahold of Paul and tell him what you need...he will build it that way. I dont want light ones, I prefer high 9's to 10.0 lbs. But the 2015 Mk3 4 string Paul built is only 8.6 lbs.
  19. That would be a neck change. The early 80's Wal logo was larger than the later one which this has. And it also has the 89-later large string tree. Love the color!
  20. Steve, you arent imagining it from the old days. I have a '86 5 string which indeed has a clubby neck, and I also got two new Mk3 5 strings delivered in 2016 with specified neck profiles. Looking at those specs you posted are the current 5 specs, then it looks like Paul has slimmed the neck a hair since he a few years ago. In early 2015 when I ordered mine he said the thickness at the 2nd fret was 23mm. I went with a thickness of 21 and less of a V shape. So if he changed the standard to 21.9, isnt bad! I've been contemplating sending my '86 neck in for a refret and knock down the V to bring it to 21mm as well, but the frets are still in good shape. As for 4 string necks; I've had two new ones, and I really feel Paul's 4 string profile is slimmer than my old Wals. My last Mk1 ('86) was really chunky.
  21. I'll pile on to say 'wow', very nice bass you got. I like the color. Yup looks to be made after '89. The only control that doesnt have a pull up feature is the mixer pot. If one of your tone pots isnt pulling, then its stuck, which certainly can happen. I freed one of mine up by removing the knob up top and dribbling a tiny bit of Deoxit on a toothpick and carefully channeling a couple of drips down the shaft, reinstall the knob and work it in. As for the eq controls, my normal playing style is leaving the knobs down 99% of the time, just filter off high end a couple of notches. I only pull up when I want something pretty extreme...my Mesa amps are very bright as-is, so very rarely do I go looking for more trebly.
  22. What you do is buy one of each. Its hard to own only one Wal.
  23. Stu, in the main forum menu there is the gear porn section. In there, there are dedicated pages, one of which is a Wal only page. You may just want to move your unveiling there since thats where 'we' are easiest found.
  24. Well as a U.S. Wal'er I have no idea what a "boot sale" is you all are talking about! I havent heard of anyone over here missing a Wal. But like the others have said, just dont post the serial, but do let us see this bass you found!
  25. Very nice bass you got there. I for one love the gloss poly finishes on Wals. It's tough as nails compared to the standard thin satin. But oops, looks like one of the brass nut inserts stuck to the control plate on you!
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