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Everything posted by Gazm

  1. [quote name='lobematt' post='16162' date='Jun 12 2007, 11:31 AM']just wondering, do you use your sound tech instead of the power amp in your swr?[/quote] The SWR drives a Peavey 4x10, the ST a no brand cab with an Eminence 18" driver. Pete.
  2. [quote name='Bernmeister' post='16062' date='Jun 12 2007, 08:48 AM']Hi there Gazm hope that you're still coming to the Birmingham bass bash would love to hear how your rig sounds like. Could do with some tips on wiring my rig up.[/quote] Yeah I'll be there with rig and hernia Pete.
  3. [quote name='Toasted' post='16117' date='Jun 12 2007, 10:29 AM']In order to help out [me ole mucker ].. uh, sorry - my good friend Ped I'm going to PM him and Kiwi the Beeb's list of ranked naughty words. If it's good enough for Auntie then surely it's good enough for us?[/quote] Post it, should be a hoot!
  4. I agree, is there really a need for this? Doesn't the report button allow for a bit of human (hopefully intelligent) intervention? Pete.
  5. [quote name='Mrs Tinman' post='15889' date='Jun 11 2007, 07:55 PM']LMAO[/quote] Surely you mean LMMO
  6. Well it was turning up at a local jam night that got me playing again after a loooong break. Just had to get up and have a go, been every week bar one since. Mostly it's good fun, but you do get the odd p[licking an posterior opening]a-donna git wrist there and also the thing with local bands playing a couple of tunes. Worst of all though, the bar tends to stay open until silly hours and I struggle to get up for work on Thursdays lol.
  7. [quote name='NJW' post='15471' date='Jun 11 2007, 09:39 AM']Ever tried running your rig with the behringers taken out of the chain, and then put into the chain? Notice any loss in signal quality? Those things wreak havoc on tone when I use 'em in PA rigs.[/quote] I have no problem with them at all. Pete.
  8. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='15476' date='Jun 11 2007, 09:49 AM']You must end up looking like this bloke if you regularly lug that in and out of venues and car boots.[/quote] Which bloke, or has he hauled so much gear he's vanished up his own rig It is a little weighty, but I cheat where I can and give it a lift on a cab with meaty casters.
  9. My latest incarnation: Front [attachment=566:RackFront.JPG] Rear [attachment=567:RackRear.JPG] JTS US-8001D Wireless Receiver Korg DTR 1000 Tuner Behringer MDX2600 Compressor Behringer FBQ1502 EQ (channel 1 used for compressor side chain) DHA VT2 Dual Custom Bass Sound Tech 802 amplifier SWR Working Pro 700 head No money left!
  10. I've got one of these in my rack [url="http://www.smartsounddirect.com/content/ProductDetails.asp?ProductID=SSD1180"]Sound Tech 802[/url] 2 x 400W 4ohm 2 x 230W 8ohm 1 x 800W 8ohm bridged Maybe not the lightest but a nice 1U amp and on sale at the moment for £299. Pete.
  11. I bought the Behringer and wasn't impressed. It was very slow (about 1 or 2 seconds to display the note/tuning) and wouldn't tune a low B. I've since purchased a Korg DTR 1000, what a difference; fast, almost too accurate (as Dan mentions with the DTR-1) happy with a low B and looks the dogs danglies I also flogged the Behringer to our guitarist for the same price I payed :ph34r: Pete.
  12. Gazm

    DBX 166 Compressor

    [quote name='The Funk' post='12472' date='Jun 5 2007, 12:41 PM']So, in theory, you could go from a DI box into channel 1 of your rack compressor then into a reamping box back into the preamp input of your amp through to your amp's EQ then into the other channel on your dual mono compressor? [/quote] That's what I'm gonna try when I eventually get it, obviously I'll different settings for each channel. It will also mean I can bypass each compressor channel and perhaps get some different sounds? I will try the bass straight in to one channel and if it's pants go via the DHA VT2RM first. Pete.
  13. Gazm

    DBX 166 Compressor

    Thanks for the info guys, most helpful. The DBX still hasn't arrived as yet but will update you on what I find when I get it. I've got a Behringer graphic in the rack so I'll have a play with the side chain settings via the eq. My amp is an SWR Working Pro 700. Pete.
  14. Gazm

    South East Bash

    [quote name='NickThomas' post='11165' date='Jun 2 2007, 07:54 PM']BUMP ... we cant let this thread slip into page 2 when the Northern monkeys have the midlands bash stickied lol[/quote] Have a bump from a Northern monkey The Midlands Bash is sorted, 16th June near Kidderminster. See [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=307"]here[/url] for more info. Just thought some of you Southerners might consider the journey Pete.
  15. [quote name='BassManKev' post='11083' date='Jun 2 2007, 03:40 PM']the tuner is identical to the 506 II , the price isnt [/quote] Good point, well made
  16. I'd say it was faulty. If they all do this they would have failed the EMC testing part of the CE marking. Pete.
  17. [quote name='BassManKev' post='10963' date='Jun 2 2007, 10:23 AM']seriosuly, get a zoom 506Ii multi effects pedal. it has one of the best chromatic tuners iv ever tried, and tracks down to b just fine, plus if your brave enough to actually put it into your chain, youl have plenty of effects too! i only ever use mine for the tuner these days, with its mute function and everythin it never lets me down[/quote] I was going to suggest a Zoom B2.1u, excellent tuner (mine easily copes with a low and load of effects too. Pete.
  18. What about something like this [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/module.aspx?ModuleNo=99232"]Brother Labeller[/url]
  19. Well after having a closer look at the wiring, I spotted what was wrong [attachment=287:Before.jpg] Now re-soldered correctly and guess what, the noise has gone [attachment=288:After.jpg] In case you can't spot the difference, the signal and ground connections were transposed. Most unusual! I've never come across anything like this before. I can only suspect that it's been modded by someone incorrectly, can't imagine it left the factory like that six years ago. Mind you, that would explain why it's changed hands a few times. Pete.
  20. [quote name='Bass Culture' post='6574' date='May 25 2007, 02:24 PM']they would be only too willing to loan me £7.5k any time I feel like it.[/quote] GAS attack coming on!
  21. Nice one Just topped the fund up a bit. Pete.
  22. Gazm

    Zoom B2.1u

    I've got one, but I only use it for the tuner and the compressor. Some of the effects are quite good but they don't fit with the band I play in. Saying that though, I don't like the distortion/overdrive sound at all and not too keen on the synth sounds either (the tracking is poor too IMHO). Would I buy it again, yes absolutely. Pete. PS. Got mine from [url="http://www.themusicking.co.uk/products.php?cat=154"]here[/url] for £62 - B grade stock (could have passed for brand new) with 12 months warranty
  23. Gazm

    Midlands Bass Bash

    Well Nick's venue gets my vote! Pete.
  24. Thanks for the suggestions, will give it a good shake and try playing with the amp off Seriously though, I'll go over the internal cabling with a multimeter and resolder the ground connections. Pete.
  25. After suggestions to cure this problem. I recently purchased a (passive) Warwick Streamer Mk1 fretless bass and it is very susceptible to picking up electrical noise. Setting the tone to anywhere above full treble cut, there is a buzz present and very noticeable. When the volume is turned completely down, there is a quite loud hum - this gets louder when touching the strings. The bass is fitted with MEC pickups if this makes any difference? I'm guessing the problem is a bad earth somewhere and think I might try replacing all of the controls with an active preamp and see if that cures it. Then again I suppose it could be a break in the earth connection to the bridge, so might check that out first. Any other suggestions? Pete.
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