So Id love to tap into the bass chat hive mind on multi effects pedals. Quick origin story: Always been a bit of a purist leaning towards letting the bass and amp sound do the talking ( played a svt cl for years) but now I'm playing in a rock/punk covers band I'm finding a need for effects to help replicate certain tracks in the set. Ive watched many videos on the stomps, headrush prime, boss, QC etc and the more i watch the less I seem to know, but this does seem the route to go over buying a range of pedals. Both guitarists run QCs which are very nice bits of kit but seem over kill for my needs. Current rig is a Genzler 800 into a bareface 6x10 which sounds awesome to my ears but basically Id like a pedal that would allow me to run a SVT cl sound and add fuzz, distortion or boost etc for certain tracks, it also has to be easy to see which presets im running while on stage. Im not the sort that would spend hours trying different amps and rigs, once I find the required sounds Ill probably not fettle much.
Thanks in advance for any advice on this :)