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Everything posted by Mark_Bass

  1. Thanks for the update, tbh the amp by itself is 18kg so I’d probably ditch the case to make it slightly more manageable. I’ll have to think about it over the weekend
  2. That’s good to know, ive been thinking of getting my D800+ looked at as it’s got this high pitched noise that I can’t isolate. Have always loved Mesa Amps massively regret selling on my M9 was the best amp I’ve owned.
  3. What’s the weight of this monster in the flight case?
  4. Thanks everyone, there’s some tracks that I’ve had to learn all the fills and play everything as close as i can to the albums but then some of the newer stuff they’re not so precious about and that’s when I’ll be a little bit more carefree. it’s not a bad situ for someone who’s used to playing in covers bands. No one has commented either way tbh so I guess going unnoticed either means I’m not worth talking to or I’ve done a competent job lol 😂
  5. I’ve joined an established 80s metal band and the original bassist played a 4-string. I play a 5-string and I was wondering what the general consensus is about the using of the lower register on tracks that weren’t originally written with that in mind. At the mo I tend to just drop some the bridges and endings down an octave to fatten things up. I’ve not had any complaints from the band member’s but I thought I’d ask the collective hive mind if I’m committing blasphemy.
  6. Hi! Thanks for your reply Im currently looking for a covers band in local area with the hope things will ease a bit in the next couple of months
  7. Thanks, I’ll have a tweak! See if there’s any improvement :)
  8. I’ve got a darkglass super symmetry compressor into my Mesa d800+ amp, and ive noticed that when the pedal is on there is a noticeable amount of hiss coming from the output, switch it off and it’s gone. Is this normal for compressor pedals to be a bit hissy? You don’t notice it when I’m playing ( at least with the band) my settings are ( the pedal doesn’t have any ratios or numbers on it) blend @ 100 input @ 9pm compression @ 11pm release @ 0 attack @ 10pm output@ 2pm ( volume matched to when the pedal is switched off) Thanks for any advice!
  9. Recently moved to the area and looking for a new band. Been playing for 20 years, 5-string with a good rig. Rock Covers bands would be ideal and preferred but open pop or blues too! would be happy to dep Own transport and fast learner. Drop me a pm if interested
  10. Could be interested, where r u based?
  11. It’s not so much for site hopping as you but like I mentioned before I belong to 5 non-music related forums and so it makes it easy to access the forums on a mobile device. If you’re only on one forum then yeah it’s totally pointless. But thanks for the answers, I thought it maybe something to do with the mods in place on the forum
  12. Thanks everyone I’ll check those out and report back!
  13. Apologies if this is in the wrong category; I’m after some recommendations for a bass interface to use when practicing. it doesn’t need to be massively expensive as it’s not for recording just so I can play along to tracks on either my phone ( iPhone X) or laptop ( MacBook Pro). im in a Covers Band so want soemthing portable I could quickly setup at work or at home. thanks!
  14. Hiya, i love this forum but don’t visit enough which is my fault. I run another forum and im a member of a a few others but this is the only bass forum I belong to. The rest of the forums I use I can access through an app on my phone called Tapatalk. i was wondering if the forum admins have considered adding the Tapatalk extension to allow users to access the forum via the app? It just makes life a bit easier hopping from forum to forum.
  15. I sold my M9 Carbine and brought a Subway D800+. The only real difference other than weight and size was I found my M9 was a tonne louder or at least I didn’t need to crank it anywhere near as much as the Subway. i think my bass cuts through a bit more with the Subway and it’s nice to be able to be able to rehearse with headphones as opposed to being locked in my garage
  16. I recently swapped to a D800+ from my M9 Carbine and tonally its far more articulate than the M9 Carbine and Big Block750 for that matter. Power wise im having drive the head at a much higher volume to get to a volume i would ordinarily have played with when using the M9 but so far im happy with it.
  17. Ive just moved to a new area and had to leave my old band behind ( it wasn’t very active anyway) I’ve mainly been looking on joinmyband and have had some auditions that have gone ok but the band wasn’t the right fit. its difficult to find the right band, I’ve depped and been in a few over the years. I’ll audition for any band that I think I’m good enough simply to play but also know I need to probably knock a bit of the rust off my playing first. are there any other sites worth looking at ( other than this forum) did bands that I don’t need to pay to engage with other bands or musicians?
  18. Pm incoming! I lie - I can’t seem to send any pm’s as the browsers not loading, but defo interested in either ...not decided yet
  19. Decided to keep the cab for the time being - mods van you remove the thread?
  20. M9s been sold I have sellers remorse ;(
  21. Head sold pending payment Cab still available!
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