I'm now the poud owner of a Ampeg SVT-Pro 4, not sure what felt the pain more my wallet or my back the first time i picked it up.
Im running it through a Ampeg 410HLF but i'm not really getting enough cut in the way i'd like.
To give you some back ground I've been using a Mesa Boogie m-pulse for sometime but wanted a change, i brought a warwick tube path (which blew-up, luckily i got a refund), then a Genz Benz shuttle 9.2 which i was ok, just didn't set my world on fire. And now I'm with the SVT-Pro 4.
I play hard-rock through to very heavy metal (both covers & originals) using a 5-string Warwick. The reason for the purchase of the 410HLF cab was because i felt my existing SWR cab didn't handle the lows well enough.
Now I'm thinking that HLF doesn't give me enough clean highs or tight mids. Does this forum suggest a 1x15 & 2x10 cab rig (i can biamp with the SVT Pro 4) or perhaps just a different make or model of 4x10?
As always comments, thoughts and suggestions most welcome!