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  1. Is this for sale? I NEED this!!!!!!!
  2. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1459639686' post='3018363'] If the price is right I fancy getting one of these beauties. Actually I just realised that the short scale version of this bass only comes right-handed. Pity. [url="http://www.ibanez.com/products/u_eb_detail.php?&year=2016&cat_id=2&series_id=58&data_id=165&color=CL01"]http://www.ibanez.co...=165&color=CL01[/url] [/quote] These look great - anyone know of a UK dealer?
  3. [quote name='tony_m' timestamp='1444332630' post='2882386'] Yep, it is - hadn't spotted Filthy Dirty on here before! As for short-scale basses, there's a new kid on the (short-scale) block - lefties will be available to order apparently... [url="http://www.shortscalebass.co.uk/"]http://www.shortscalebass.co.uk/[/url] Not me / no affiliation etc. [/quote] Guilty! I'm back on here after ANOTHER bass after, err, getting a little enthusiastic with mine on saturday. To go back to my question does anyone know of any left hooker jaguars or similar? Great bodies.
  4. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1443472748' post='2875112'] Hang on, 4 basses ? Is that Evil Blizzard? [/quote] Ha, yup. Sorry, not been on here for ages!
  5. Is this a short scale neck? Looks it? And where are you based?
  6. This still up for grabs? Please PM if so, UK based
  7. I was just about to start this very thread myself! Im after a short scale leftie - theres four bassists in our band and I want a short scale with ultra thin strings for a more toppy end. Do Fender do a left handed jaguar does anyone know? I cant seem to find one. I notice Timmo that your link doesn't post to the UK, any UK stockists that you lot know of?
  8. Cheers fella. Read the stickies at the top of the page and had to sit in a darkened pub...
  9. Hi all. I realise this is a stupid question. But I'm a drummer who's playing a bit of bass, so go with me here... What's the story with amp and cab suitability, re watts, output etc? I have a gallien kreuger mb 210 8 ohm 500w combo which is nice but have been offered a 212 mb 2x12 cab, 8 ohm, 600w - would this go with my combo as it is 8 ohm or would it suck the power being 600w and the amp 500w? I assume them both being 8 ohm is a definite. As I say, dumb question I realise. When you lot need questions answering about hitting inanimate objects, I'm your man.
  10. Ha! Cheers all. I'm the one on the right playing keys. Am trying out a gk combo lists above tomorrow, let you know how it sounds.
  11. [quote name='Norm' timestamp='1370513367' post='2101980'] 4, check that, 4!!!! Bassists in your band? All playing at the same time? Intrigued, any links to your sounds? Go barefaced & be louder than the other 3! [/quote] We all try to out loud each other anyway. None more Tap!!!! Am considering using a guitar combo instead, I play stuff in the top end of the range so a guitar amp might suit. If not I'm going to lash out on HP and get a MarkBass 2x10 set up i think. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ulf8RliE68"]Oh and for those of you intrigued by the 4 bassists here's some footage from our last performance...[/url]
  12. I've just looked at a mcgregor bass mate 500w combo, £549 which seems good price but I don't know much about mcgregor amps. Anyone used one or heard anything about them? Cheers all, appreciate all the help.
  13. Some good tips chaps, ta. Someone recommended [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/gallien-krueger-mb-115/40872?gclid=CMrawqD7yrcCFQTHtAodsGwAgA"]this[/url] to me; anyone got good or bad things to say about Gallien Krueger? Seems a bit too cheap to be any good?!?
  14. Ok all, I've been using a trace elliot rig which is excellent but a right pain in the jacksy to cart about and store. What recommendations does everyone have for a good loud, not too large set up on a budget (£500ish)? I know theres a thread about light cabs but i was also wondering about combos as well as rig set ups. Needs to fit easily into a car for gigs Bear in mind theres 4 bassists in my band so it needs to chuck out some filth! Over to you mob.
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