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Everything posted by haraszo

  1. Thanks! I fell in love with mercury7 due to its si-fi character. I think it’s something you will not get out of HoF but it’s also something that not everyone is looking for from a reverb. Thank you 🙏 Are you asking if the board was built at GigRig? I bought the board directly from Schmidt Array and built and wired it myself which was a lot of fun! I also wouldn’t mind even cleaner wiring 😅 It is bit sad that since I can afford pedals I can’t afford time to play them enough
  2. There is strong chance that this is the final one…. for some time.
  3. Simple to make, robust and quality. Plus this colour
  4. Some changes... Would love to replace tc with mood from chase bliss, then I think I'm done
  5. Thanks man! I play rather straightforward rock music with some tool like flavours. I was looking for one versatile pedal and after watching Zach Rizer's demo on youtube I got Brothers. Right now brilliant Sonic Spark is giving me fat, "tube" like tone and it is on 90% of the time. Brothers is set up as drive on one side and as fuzz on the other. In the past for dirt I've been using: electro-harmonix Bass Big Muff MXR M80 Sansamp VT Bass Way Huge Pork Loin Overdrive aguilar Tone Hammer Xotic Bass BB Preamp I still have two great fuzz copies Maestro Brassmaste and Fuzz Face. Case is made by Western Cases - company based in Poland. cheers
  6. New board is finally complete. Powerful and portable. signal chain: cali 76 > providence BFX-1 (L1: Boss OC-2 octaver / L2: Chase Bliss Audio Brothers / L3: RMI Basswitch Sonic Spark / L4: Strymon Mobius) > TC Polytune mini powered by 2x Strymon Ojai R30
  7. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1495733714' post='3306255'] That is mint, my compliments to the chef. Out of curiosity, is that for solo playing? [/quote] Thanks! It's not for solo playing really. Objective was to be able to create whatever wierd sound I want and switch between extremes instantly so it's usable when playing live (that taken care of by es8)
  8. I've been watching your boards guys for a while finally mine is complete and I can share it with you!
  9. my current rig with recently added second mesa boogie cabinet. now I just need to purchase a splitter from lehle.
  10. It's a fuzz face. Best sounding and most dynamic fuzz I ever played. Although I have to add brassmaster at some point.
  11. I figured out that this will be the best way to say hello the basschat. Here is my current board setup. Still not happy with how the cables are arranged.
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