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Everything posted by Adam.M

  1. *sighs* I've just bought this thing too... Squier VMJ bass for sale, the fretted one. £200 ONO, new condition, barely played but absolutely amazing for the price. Still has stock strings on it. I'll post pictures tomorrow or the day after. Rent... bah! Selling my Ashdown EB 180 head and MAG 210T also. PM if interested. Pick up and cash only, i'm in leeds, west yorkshire. Cheers.
  2. I live next to a Bass teacher at Leeds College of Music, he seems like a really sorted guy. It's inspiring having him here, I'm seriously considering doing a degree in Jazz there.
  3. Tool - Schism was my first. Cheers internet tab! ^_^
  4. I thought as much, thanks for the reply's guys! It makes me worried that the speaker may become damaged or lose it's tone quite quickly, it started to sound a bit dead the other day and less growly but i think it could be my strings, they're the ones that were on the bass, fender stock ones, had the bass only a few weeks, though i have been hammering it quite a bit since i got it! i guess it's time to put some decent strings on it... now to research some. The loud bang when turning the amp on still worries me but, i guess it's normal!
  5. Hey guys. I don't know if this is normal at all, as all the amp's I've had before have been valve amp's with standby switches. When I turn my amp head on, (ashdown EB180, does the job) it makes a loud bassy boom/bang/pop noise through the speaker, then when turning off a high pitched squeal and then a pop a few seconds later. It didn't worry me much at first, figured it was a solid state thing and the stored up power in the amps capacitors had to go somewhere but... tried a behringer rig the other day at an audition and it didn't do it at all. Something wrong with my head? should i be worried? I mostly bought this set up for the cab, as it was 30 more to buy this head + cabs second hand than buying a cab on its own new, and it was in new condition so... figured it would make a decent enough head to pass me by for a few months, but i certainly don't want it to kill the speakers or tweeter in the 2x10!
  6. Well I started playing bass again two weeks ago, now i have a bass I'm actually happy with and a bass rig that doesn't fart at me! I can honestly blame crappy overpriced cheap gear for my move to guitar after only 6 months of bass playing, but damn am I glad to be back. I was never a very good guitarist... i was fast, speedy shreddy shreddy shred, but it was like real-life guitar hero w***ery. Hated it. So i got my Squire VMJ a few days ago, which i'm incredibly happy with and i'm glad i saw it mentioned here otherwise i might still be stuck with a damned three-millions-settings-but-none-quite-that-fantastic pod thing! And today, i got a MAG 210T Deep cab and Electric Blue 180H, for a tiny sum of 180 queens heads. Now i only really got this because i figure, i was going to get a MAG 210 brand new and for an extra 30 quid, i'd have an amp head i could at least use for a backup. But damn, i really like this amp! it's just like the MAG300 i tried in sound control, a slightly less than clear tone but damned good for the cash. Sure i'll be getting myself a Little Mark II as soon as just because they're so damned light... but this will do me for now. But anyway, to the point, this EB180H has a VU meter, now i know these are just for show really but, every picture I've seen the head doesn't have the VU meter like this... only the 180 combo does. Is this an earlier version? just would like to know it's history... So happy I'm back in bass land! and very happy the forum i originally joined all those years ago is still around, even if in another name.
  7. You could save a lot of work, time and money by buying a Digitech Whammy pedal surely? i thought that's what most bassist's did... i know it's what i'd do. They're nothing but trouble, i've had to live with 'em on guitars and no way are they going to invade my little bass world!
  8. You're playing music, presumably, so it stands to reason that you need to learn music. Scales keep you in key and in theme of the music (major or minor or neutral feel) and thus, make you sound musical. Basic chord triad's patterns are a must (and very very easy to learn) the major and minor's and the pentatonic and blues scales are a must. It can be tough to be creative when you've just learnt scales for the first time but eventually it opens up, and it's a great 'oh yeah!' moment. This of course assumes you'd want to do at least a bit more than following the root note. The best bit, once you know how to be a musician and know music or 'music theory' it's exactly the same 'music theory' on say guitar or piano and it's only the physical way that the instrument is played and the style of expression is. At least learn minor pentatonic, and slowly expand from there. You can do pretty much everything in rock music with minor pentatonic.
  9. As of today, i'm a very proud Squier man! These Vintage Modified Jazzers are superb.
  10. Who the hell is Pete Wentz?
  11. I actually don't think it's the Pod's fault any more... Just changed the cable i was using to connect it up to my denon Hi Fi and it sound a heck of a lot better now, no more troubles. I guess she's a keeper now!
  12. Hey Lisa, welcome You're making me miss my Orange AD30HTC...
  13. I thought this would be perfect for bass with a power amp and as i still like playing guitar a lot too even though all i have is a cheap strat copy, it'd be versatile in that way. But my god, this thing gives me a headache & ear fatigue very quickly! My ears are ringing now after about 45 mins of playing around with it and not very loudly at all. Weird. Doesn't help i can't get a tone i like out of it for guitar or bass, unlike the Ashdown Mag 300 which i really liked... Has anyone else experienced this with Pod gear? *sigh* i thought i'd finally found something i'd be happy with, too...
  14. Wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. That single pick up guitar is made of Korina (of flying V fame) which is quite good, and that's the cheapest one. The rest, the more expencive ones? AGATHIS! Agathis isn't a tone wood, it's mush, sludge, horrible stuff that is only for the cheapest of cheap guitars, and these guys are using 'em for £300-400 quid guitars... something ESP do and it pains me to see it. It really annoys me, as some of these basses look really nice looks wise, but the tone will never be there at all, even with EMG's. Though one of the ones I like a lot in the bass range is Korina, which should be fine. [url="http://www.arbiter.co.uk/italia/electric_bass_guitars/imola_deluxe_4_5_bass_guitar.htm"]http://www.arbiter.co.uk/italia/electric_b...bass_guitar.htm[/url] i really like that! A shame, i like the Mondial in black quite a bit too.
  15. Hey Andy! i'm just down the road from you, i live in burley, near netto's/iceland and the one stop on the top of it if you know it... it still shocks me when i see people from my city on forums!
  16. £600 is damned cheap, the torres school whateveritis that all the guitarist rave about is 3,000+ or something...
  17. [quote name='Mottlefeeder' post='86664' date='Nov 10 2007, 09:45 PM']The general feeling is that you shouldn't run any amp without a speaker attached, although I am not sure why that would affect a transistor output design. Also, the line out will give you a signal, that would suit your hifi, but doesn't give enough current to drive a set of headphones. Your cheapest options are - 1) buy a S/H practice headphone amp - £20-30 2) buy something like a S/H Zoom 708, which will drive headphones and includes a tuner and a drum machine, and 15 zillion effects that you will never use. - £30-40 3) buy a small S/H mixer, like a Behringer 502 or 802, which will drive headpones, and allow you to mix in your CD player etc. - £20-30[/quote] Yeah, I didn't think it would be a good idea running without a speaker, but I've never owned a solid state amp in my life and for some reason always thought you could with a tranny amp. So for now, i could indeed send the line out to my hi-fi, then use the hi-fi's headphone output? a long way around for the job but it gets the job done without spending any more cash. I didnt know mixers were so cheap! the 502 is £25 new, 802 £35-40... i'll have to get one of those sometime soon! I'd buy a headphone amp but i'll be getting one of the new Pod x3's as soon as i can afford it, finally, a line 6 product i actually like... Thanks for the advice
  18. I'm looking at the Ashdown MAG 300 head, but i really need something i can use with headphones too from time to time... So i'm looking at that line out, and thinking can i use that for headphones directly OR going into my Hi-Fi and then into headphones that way? I'm guessing i'd still have to have it hooked up to a cab, even if the volume was on zero... not sure about that, i'm still used to all-valve amp's. I've done something like this before but the sheer wattage power of these amp's scare me a bit It's a shame the Marshall MB is such an eye sore, never seen anything so ugly! it has all the features I'd need but I would have to put a paper bag over it to live with it. -Adam.
  19. Cheers guys! I'm all too used to the world of valve amps where things explode if the ohm's don't match up, so I'm naturally cautious about these things. Solid state gear has it's advantages then...
  20. Reading the sticky tells me i can, but i just want to check... Can i use the Ashdown MAG 300 with an 8ohm speaker? giving something like 153.5watts RMS instead of 307watts RMS? Just want to make sure... little cash to spend and can't make any errors! Cheers, Adam.
  21. I've just put my GS Graduate up on the bay for sale to fund bass gear. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Gordon-Smith-Graduate-Les-Paul-Handcrafted_W0QQitemZ230188531456QQihZ013QQcategoryZ112672QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Gordon-Smith-Graduat...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] Just on the off chance someone here might be interested... I'm gonna miss her, but I love bass more!
  22. Well i have now, how organised :) And the last one on the list has Eminence Basslite 12", fantastic, except it's in the US, but oh well!
  23. Hey guys, Second stupid question for today. I just realised i have a 2x12 cab which used to be a Bass cab but I've been using it with V30's for guitar guitar. It's a lovely, tacky blue no tolex cab but damnit it works! And then I realised Celestion do bass speakers... and i'd love to stick with Celestion, but i am open to other brands like Eminence as i've had those before too. Unless Celestion bass speakers are rubbish ofcourse... I've been looking high and low for 12" speakers in stock anywhere, but everywhere i've looked only has 10" or 15" in stock. Hoping to find two 12" Green Celestion BL-200x's but right now anything will do! I can find the lesser 100 watt version quite cheaply but I'll be using a 300-400 watt head... Any help greatly appreciated. Cheers, Adam.
  24. I'm an ejit, a bloody eeeejit The EMG set comes pre-wired... Question answered by paying attnetion. *sigh* Bloody fireworks!
  25. [quote name='The Burpster' post='83278' date='Nov 3 2007, 08:28 PM']Fabulous question, There will I'm sure be lots of advice coming your way, however, repairs and tech questions is where you want to be! [/quote] Hah, sorry blame the firework storm outside... can't concentrate on anything. Still getting used to the place too! again.
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