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Everything posted by Sugden

  1. 15mm you say any chance you could check this? If it is 15mm I'd be intrested? Cheers
  2. This is a beautiful instrument, saw it in the flesh at the bash and it was stunning. If this had one less string I'd be all over it, but then you wouldn't be selling it!
  3. Been watching these things for about 3 years they go up and down in price like a yo-yo I've seen them go anywhere from £900 - £2000 depends how much your willing to pay and how much someone is willing to sell for. Doesn't help much but I'd say around £1200 is a fair price.
  4. Just bought a pair of Mini cabs of this man. Very accomodating even when idiots leave their wallets at work and have to re-arange! Very smooth deal thanks a lot. Cheers Sug
  5. It's very hard to say its a one trick pony its got so many variables. If it could do square wave too it would only be a two trick pony. The problem with this pedal is you need to buy one or borrow one to really play with it. It's also got a few missing features all mentioned in that thread but its got so much scope. IMO its the best thing out there at the moment.
  6. Well the Furman PL-PRO DMC range replaces this one and the last one went for ebay at £180 so I guess I'll go for £150 then. Cheers
  7. I think they were eminence drivers that replaced the ashdowns I think it goes like this eminence are high quality product the ashdowns are also ment to be good but are made for a price for the company and sacrafice that level that eminence drivers attain. But they are blue and pretty. If you decide to sell throw me a PM I'd like to take them both off you if only to have ago with the cab with the different drivers. Good luck with them I'd certainly if you can do a side by side comparison before you changed. Cheers
  8. The LittleMark II is a 2U head. I have to say if your a gigging bassist and dont mind taking round a rack a power conditioner of any level or at least a surge protector is an absolute must. I learned the hard way. The reason I got one was because I had a warwick 3.1 head for awhile got it for a steal off ebay that blew up on a generator. Since that incident always used a power conditioner and twice I've been at a gig where other amps have been popped and one acctuly blew up because of power problems. Not something to be under estimated! But on the otherside of the coin I know people who have gigged for 20 years swear its a load of rubbish never seen it happen blown a few fuses in their time but thats it, so I'm either very unlucky or they never knew why they've blown fuses. If I'd lost a littlemark I'd cry.
  9. Just a post hope it helps in some way for you, I had the ashdown mini's with a littlemark and then got a 102HF markbass cab to go with them selling my mini's. Cut down on weight and I loved the 102Hf best sounding 2x10 cab I've tried and owned end of story. I used it on it's own never seemed to need another cab to go with it for all the gigs I did with it. But I never got anywhere near as many comments on my sound. My old drummer thought he heard me just as well with both but the minis cut through better. I had quite afew bassists say they thought the mini set-up sounded great. Also the minis got closer the ear level eg higher off the ground. Plus these are ment to have slightly better drivers in them than the ashdown loaded versions, they are ment to be the best designed ashdown cab ever so hard decision good luck with the sale and choice. I've always loved the idea of a pair of mini's with an ashdown superfly head I know you wouldnt get full volume but I think it would sound ace.
  10. No problem I'm afraid I'd like to sell the furman first tho, as I do love the tuner its got a nice dancing light on it. The amp is indeed pretty one of the DHA VTX-400's only one of 4 proto-types I think, and sounded great when it worked. Problems with the power module I'll get it back soon.
  11. In a sudden thought letting go of the stuff I like to keep around incase I start to gig again, might let me keep my combo. It's some great gear just sitting round powering me in my room and at some jams a bit over kill but it does have alot of nice flashing lights! Furman PL-PRO E Series II power conditioner used to be around £500 retail sure things have filtered down. - £150 Korg DTR-2000 as new condition no box I'm affraid - £100 Gator 4U rack - £50 I'd prefer to sell together so if you gig alot or just starting and gig in alot of dodgy pubs or off generators the conditioner will save your loverly amps and the tuner keep you in tune - £275 for the lot. Any postage extra ortho I'm not gonna sell the tuner untill the rest is sold. What your rig could look like ortho probs not quite as many flashy LED's and bright colour scheme Cheers
  12. I'll take two dozen please. If theres some left Cheers Sug
  13. These things are bargins, £350 is a very good price. You won't find a better quality 6 string for the same price.
  14. Mind me asking the string spacing?
  15. Thats the Yamaha RBXJM2 and according to views on talkbass it is the same width as the 506 which has a 54mm neck. Ooo didnt realise the corvette was only 52mm at the nut I know it has a 16.5 mm string spcaing though and it has a thickness at the nut of 20mm. It always suprises me why larger brands dont advertise the exact specs of the instruments for neck sizing as for a 6 string instrument thats quite important. Yamaha don't seem to publish any of them which are useful its all through users measurments to find details.
  16. Peter your not a good influence I'm sure I could hang onto it till the Scotland excersion. Emailed as well Mr Sinistradc. I drove past your place at the beginning of the month on a scary trip round nuclear power stations. My boss was quite worried about anyone living just off a motorway that you have to go over cattle grids to get too
  17. You know what sod it I might take this, where are you based?
  18. I very much doubt you'll be able to find a bass with a narrower and thinner neck than the Ibanez SR506. But thats got a 54mm neck width at the nut and its far from standard most basses have a thicker neck than this the only other basses with similar neck spacing (I don't think any go bellow 54mm apart from customs) are the ibanez, ESP, Schecter and peavey grind basses, the modulus is quite thin if you can find one, and so are the carvin necks. Plus the Yamaha RBXJM2 has a thin string and neck spacing. But then again all those basses mentioned above have a 16-16.5mm string spacing. Been looking for a bass with a 16mm string spacing for awhile but I may settle for a 16.5 spacing and the ibanez for the thinner neck as well as having the smaller widths.
  19. Also intrested to know the string spacing please ?
  20. Well then looks like this is sold and will be winging it's way to Sweden next week Sharing the british tube amp joy with the world.
  21. I have indeed moved to Bristol now. Living in Bristol during the week working in Swindon then back to Ross at weekends. Too much driving lol
  22. New pics and a bump O and for the giant comments above I've re posted the giant stack picture so they make sense if you've got this far down
  23. From personal experience looking at your technique and just improving your muscle and wrist stamina is the best way to go. I completely ruined my arms racing downhill for a few years got to the stage that after 2 mins on a course I couldn’t pull the brake, and when your going 20mph into tree, not been able to pull the brakes a indication to stop doing that pass time. But this had an impact on my playing from the beginning I started out not been able to play for a whole song let alone a set but gradually I have loosened the muscles and built the stamina to play longer. But what ever you do people say to play though the pain total rubbish it makes it worse. Stop have a rest keep coming back to it. An option you my not like is playing with a pick that's a very good alternative doesn't effect wrist problems as much. Wrist braces made things worse for me they constrict the tendons and blood flow making it worse for some and better for others. There’s a bit of surgery you can apparently have to remove tissue from around the capillaries and other tendons that some motocross riders have had to relive the symptoms at server levels So stick at it and have fun, but on a serious note if it causes you that much of a problem keeping at it and ruining your arms for later life really isnt worth it, no matter how much you love bass. I just about stuck at it but gave up downhill and used to adore that, it used to be my life. But I used the horrible amount of money I spent on that on basses so I'm a happy bunny now
  24. I'll take a px with a Epifani UL-112 as well Cheers Sug
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