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Everything posted by Sugden

  1. It is a touch heavey but you only need one of these to make a massive sound
  2. Pm's replied to and the shuttle has already left, awaiting pickup.
  3. All Sold thanks Pick up price of £500 that’s not even half the price of the head alone! Horrible photo but things need tidying from the amp fest. I'm based in Ross-on-Wye smack bang between Hereford and Gloucester and I work in Swindon so I could take things to Swindon if needed. I'm not adverse to travelling a bit as well meeting half way, or well give me a shout I'm very easy going, as long as there's a cup of tea or a pint on the other end. Cheers Sug
  4. Noodling bassist GreeneKings lovely singlecut acg and my shuttle and Alans DR bass cab which I'm totaly in love with, and will be shortly contemplating adding a DR bass cab to my collection I'm sure thats enough pics for one day, was a good do hope to see everyone again some time.
  5. Eude's 6 string Eude looking very pleased with him self, little does he know 7 string will be taking that Sei home with him again 7 Strings other basses at the gathering I really don't think theres enough strings on this fantastic bass Ou7shined's lovely pair of basses and the right one with a fantastic little addition to the headstock thats very nice indeed very tasteful. Alan trying to run out of shot with, GreeneKing, 7String, and Eude chatting about cake. Skelf chatting to David I Perry and trying to escape a photo once again neepheid's very intresting collection les paul shape needs special mention how that thing doesnt have neck dive I will never know, lovely to play too.
  6. Bit of a late follow up but my card reader had gone walk about. First off got to say a great thanks to Alan (Skelf) for sorting everything out, doesn't have to go through the effort but always does. Cheers. Also thanks to Dave for driving up the other half of my journey, due to a massive lack of space you'd have thought when someone buys an estate it would you know have some room in it. I was actually very happy with the numbers that showed up I thought it was a great day, great chatting with everyone and getting to play some gear in a very, very well mannered fashion. On the note of Alan's effort have to say the only thing I was a bit disappointed about was the lack of people telling Alan they weren't coming if anything just so we could let the band know earlier no one else was bothering really doesn't take long to post up on basschat or shoot a pm to someone. Just common courtesy I think. That a side it was a great event, nice to have a full weekend of it good curry with many noodling bassists into the night. I'll have everyone know a comfy pair of slippers and ovaltine is a very acceptable way to end the evening especially when some fool invites you to Cardiff for cocktails the evening before just for the record Gin, Vodka and Martini tastes like paint stripper. But I have got some pics : Lovely location with the before mentioned Mr Richard Webb guitarist looking far too smooth for the morning after. Very lucky we didnt sacrifice him if you ask me. Mr Ou7shined in a much more acceptable recovery position after the evening before. Large room for blasting the bass out
  7. [quote name='eude' post='463020' date='Apr 15 2009, 02:26 PM']A go on my Shukers for a go of your ACGs? Eude[/quote] How could a man refuse such an offer.
  8. I'm guessing here but there might be a few other basses there to play, if your's don't make it I'll even let you play one of mine for a second or two...
  9. Right then I'm making another road trip to Scotland for this so I'll be traveling from Ross-on-Wye up the M50 then the M4 through Birmingham, M5 through manchester onto and off the M6. I'm going up saterday for the early gathering so if anyone wants to join us, and is around my route I'll offer pickup. Lifts home on sunday are easier as I'll be running away at the same time as everyone else Good to see people again cya at the weekend chaps P.S I'm bringing a guitarist with me don't hold it against him he's rather a nice chap, and good on bass too (the fact he's better than me will be left out of all conversion thankyou very much)
  10. Looks like its going to be a stunner, love to hear how the piezo bridge turns out with it all. More people buying more ACG's thats just not helping the fact I'd like to add a third to my collection as well.
  11. Sorry to hear about the redundancy only saw that a minute ago, good luck with the sale. Cheers for the reply.
  12. Sugden


    This wouldn't happen to be my old spector does it? I might be tempted to have this back it was my first real bass always have fond memories. What sorta price would you be after? Got any pics of the ding? No trades my end unfortunatly only have my ACG's in the stable atm, unless your after an amp then I've got a Warwick pro tube IX and a gen benz shuttle 6.0 that might be for sale soon? Cheers Sug
  13. Pm'd and I think the reason they're coming up alot is people bought them before trying them or got them on pre order after having a quick go and not every amp suits everyone. The amount of people these things do seem to suit is pretty staggering though.
  14. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='299996' date='Oct 5 2008, 05:27 PM']Just saw the render, so thought I'd post it in this build thread, it kinda makes it look like there is a black accent line there and maple core, but it's a maple accent and wenge core.[/quote] Hi sorry about that, for some reason in my head when I red the thread I saw it as sycamore body with ebony accent far too many woods for my small brain to over come
  15. [quote name='7string' post='283957' date='Sep 14 2008, 10:51 PM']I WANT A RENDER OF MINE, I WANT A RENDER OF MINE, I WANT A RENDER OF MINE, I WANT A RENDER OF MINE, I WANT A RENDER OF MINE [/quote] Lol you've gotta ask alan very nicely im on an exclusive contract you know. Hope this bass works out well I do love the green, think its gonna looke great.
  16. Thats a stunning colour combination works VERY well, orange/red and grey is always a great match. Stunning.
  17. Markbass major problem seems to be their power blocks everytime I hear about one going wrong its the power block. Might be me though my LMKII went back for it to be replaced as well. Tell you what though I had to talk to alot of people before they admitted it was covered by a 2 year warranty for markbass, obviously they have started reading the warranty cards they send out with the amps they sell. But they do a fantastic service got my amp in 2 and a half weeks with xmas slap bang in the middle. Plus the maddest thing is they call you back when they say they will
  18. I have to say that Im not really after light weight or heavey, light weight is nice but I've gone from my littlemark to the DHA amp simply for tone. Ortho the Littlemark was a hell of alot more practical in regards to turning up in taxi's etc. I don't think theres a heavey 2x10 or 1x15 that I've heard that comes close to the light weight options in terms of tone, my omni's sound huge and great, and the markbass cabs and berg and accu cabs are all great too. The light weight hybrid heads are damn close to the big heavey duty amps no matter what people say especialy in a live situation. Plus theres half way alternatives that sound better than the vintage stuff and lighter weight. I think most people if they can afford to will chase tone and sometimes might get blinded by repuatation and vintage label. But most get whats practical for their situation which in todays terms for small or big bands traveling alot is lighter weight gear plus every now and then you get the tone your after too.
  19. Tweeters From CPC, theres where I got mine, and mostly everyone else does as well. Plus there in stock which is a bonus. Item numbers LS02367 and link: [url="http://cpc.farnell.com/LS02367/audio-video-tv/product.us0?sku=unbranded-mpt-016&_requestid=380717"]HERE[/url]
  20. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='210878' date='Jun 2 2008, 12:21 AM']A custom body shape?! [/quote] Alans seems pretty happy to tweek his designs according to customer prefrences. That looks great, sounds like a nice day with alan. Love the back of the harlot really suits the shape well. Infact I think you'll find a number of people wanting to use the shape as well if they go headless....
  21. [quote name='d-basser' post='11813' date='Jun 4 2007, 01:23 PM']that thing is so lovely (and wonderful sounding) it makes me want to cry...then get an overdraft[/quote] cheers ill have to do an update review on it soon along with its sister the fretless harlot and ill put up a link to the small ep i recorded with that band all with both the acg's. the fretless tone in one song is a stunner ortho let down by my playing but the tone saves it i think. It is a fantastic instrument. I haven't as of yet found anything i'd want to replace it with and if you know me owning something for over 2 years is well I dont think its ever happened.
  22. [quote name='BigRedX' post='190925' date='May 2 2008, 10:55 PM']I'm glad that nowadays it is possible to buy an unusual bass and not have to put up with substandard hardware and other design compromises, that was the norm in the 50s and 60s.[/quote] If anything an unusual bass these days HAS to be above standard in terms of quality so people will buy them over the other more image orientated designs theres no choice in it. It just wouldn't fly making a alternative design to leading names and putting sub standard parts on them companies wouldn't go anywhere. Ortho this has always made me wonder how fender get away with putting instruments out that most enthusiasts instantly replace most of the parts on apart from the wood.
  23. Hey sorry mate just got back in, all Pm's replied. Tascam and shaller bridge gone, Cheers.
  24. Thought I better pop mine up for a listen, I've got 2 omni 10.5 crossfire cabs up in manchester at the moment, ortho no idea where I'll be after july. Sug
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