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Everything posted by Fliplowe

  1. I'm 28, go figure
  2. hmm, didnt get a reply.
  3. Pm'd
  4. Andy Rourke is a legend, great lines, heres my take on Nowhere fast (Bored on day off), forgotten how funky they were!
  5. I think the sound most people have in there head when they talk of a Precision "growl" is any reasonable P-bass put through an old Ampeg Svt with 8x10's overdriven slightly, without that sort of configuration that sound just aint gonna happen, as thousands of pounds spent on various amps & equipment over the years will testify, in fact bizzarely the closest I've come to that sound is with my old Roland Db-500 combo using my 78 p-bass. Wicked sounding amp, totally unreliable though! Those Jap basses are great & they are very often better sounding (& I really do believe better made) than the American equivalents imho (certainly of recent years) The Jazz bass pickup configuration certainly offers far more "growl" than a precision, as I really proved to myslelf at rehearsal today while playing a borrowed Jazz bass & I'm usually an out and out P-bass fan, different horses for different courses etc. I think maybe your customer is just being a tad fussy & wants to change it.
  6. Bump again
  7. Bump n' Grind
  8. Bumpy
  9. In the midlands, Derby.
  10. Reduced to £180.
  11. Bump
  12. Burns Marquee bass for sale, virtually brand new, condition is mint (plastic wrapping is still in evidence on the pickguard) Redburst, black pickguard. 32 inch scale (far better than the huge unmanagable bison basses imho), fast jazz bass style neck, 5 way pick up selector & push/pull tone knob. Has correct scale Rotososund strings (although long scale strings will fit just fine in my experience aswell) For a £300 bass it suprised me, by far the most versatile bass I've ever owned, goes right from a honky little short-scale Wyman - esque tone right through to a very convincing Jazz Bass tone & everything in between (precision, P/J etc). In fact I really don't want to sell it but needs must, I desparately need transport & I have too many basses so a couple have to go, just as long as I don't ever have to part with my 70's precision I'll survive! Cost £310 new, so £200 is what I'm asking. Cheers!
  13. Still got this for sale, going on the 'Bay at the weekend if theres no takers. Cheers.
  14. Burns Marquee bass for sale, near mint condition, Redburst, chrome hardware. 32 inch scale, 40mm nut width. £310 new, hardly used, so £200 no offers. Pics to follow, any takers?
  15. Reduced to £200 for quick sale!
  16. bump
  17. [quote name='HarryPotter' post='90162' date='Nov 18 2007, 10:28 AM']Whats the neck like? It's the kind of bass I want but I struggle with Precision necks (more of a jazzer). I live in Leek so popping over isn't too much of a problem. TIA.[/quote] Hi, thanks for the interest. The neck I find very comfortable to play, but it's certainly more precision like in width & feel than a jazz.
  18. Bumpy
  19. Still for sale.
  20. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='82249' date='Nov 1 2007, 01:47 PM']Free bump for a classic. If I hadn't just bought another G&L, I'd have been seriously interested. Good luck with sale.[/quote] Cheers matey.
  21. [quote name='andy67' post='81426' date='Oct 30 2007, 07:12 PM']I want! where are you based? how much?[/quote] Hi mate, In Derby so pretty far from you, was thinking around £250.
  22. Hi, looking to sell my 1984 Yamaha bb2000, these things seem to be as rare as hens teeth in the UK, I don't recall ever seeing one on ebay uk. If your a fan of the Smiths then you'll know that this is what Andy Rourke played on all there studio albums, also Peter Hook played one a lot. Great sound, clear as a bell & plays great, all maple with walnut skunk stripes running through the body, thru neck, ebony fingerboard. I've added new Gotoh clover leaf tuners, they look better & the old ones had seen better days, also precision bass volume & tone knobs (still have originals too) Usual wear & tear for a 23 years old bass, nicks, scratchs etc. There is quite a large chunk out the paint (see pics) on the very bottom of the bass, but for the most part this is not visible due to it's location, adds to the mojo! Everything works as it should, anyway, I'm waffling, (sensible) offers? Cheers, Dave. [attachment=3167:PICT0001.JPG][attachment=3168:PICT0002.JPG][attachment=3169:PICT0004.JPG][attachmen t=3170:PICT0004g.JPG][attachment=3171:PICT0011.JPG]
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