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Everything posted by Zoe_BillySheehan

  1. Morrisons have been selling the energizer 9V for Buy one get one free, or Asda 2 for £3 or something. but yeah.. definatly worth buying the quality ones rather than the cheap rubbish when it comes to batteries. Z x
  2. well I've never heard anyone say a bad word about there Mark Bass gear. no sound problems, reliability problems etc. Z x
  3. +1 for the Five Fifteen I've had the After Eight since xmas just for bedroom jamming, and its been great! Really love the tone i get from it, really wasn't expecting so much from it Z x
  4. I'd be snapping this up without hesitation if i wasnt car shopping Z x
  5. I used to have one of these. and i wish i didn't get rid of it, i've had problems with other amp heads, but not this one! Edit: and by the way... bloody hell that is a bargain! Z x
  6. Nice!! my dads just got one. but had to get it re-fretted. what colour is it? can't wait to see the pics where'd you get it from? Z x
  7. some pictures of the basses would be pretty cool Z x
  8. Hey Richard welcome to basschat. it really must be awesome getting to travel around! Z x
  9. Hey welcome to the forum. thanks for the info i'm sure some of us will be interested. unfortunately.. i live no where near oxford.. ha Z x
  10. [quote name='bythesea' post='486821' date='May 13 2009, 12:24 PM'] I hope it's not too late - I have been playing music for nearly 40 years and am just about to start learning theory![/quote] haha awesome [quote name='AM1' post='486832' date='May 13 2009, 12:29 PM']Hey Zoe, plenty time yet! Better start soon though because do you know that when you get over 21, you can no longer see the telly without squinting, so there's no chance of reading music without milk bottles [/quote] lol! heres me thinkin 21 was a good age haha Z x
  11. Hello! you have the same name as my uncle.. 'Steve Dunn' welcome to basschat Z x
  12. I always wish i'd took lessons. and sat down and learnt theory properly. I guess it isn't too late though Z x
  13. welcome to the magical world of basschat! Z x
  14. helloo there! Welcome to basschat! Z x
  15. Welcome to basschat!! Z x
  16. [quote name='alexclaber' post='482741' date='May 8 2009, 09:59 AM']Mrs Barefaced has brought up the important point that a true bassface has to be sustained pout/grimace/grin, not merely a passing snapshot a la Heat's 'look how ugly/fat/chavvy celeb x looks today' photos. Larry Graham is a fine demonstrator: 34 seconds in. Now that is a funkface. Alex[/quote] lol i like it at 38 seconds Z x
  17. Hey! welcome to basschat Z x
  18. Welcome to basschat! and congrats on the album launch! Z x
  19. keep it then you can sell it to me when im rich n famous haha! Z x
  20. [quote name='maxrossell' post='481929' date='May 7 2009, 01:23 PM']It's not to do with what it says, it's more the layout and lettering. I think the design looks cheap.[/quote] Very true! Z x
  21. Well done for changing to a proper instrument haha Welcome to basschat!! Z x
  22. YEAHHHHHHHHH!!! im soo damn excited.. they better come to the uk.. Z x
  23. [quote name='Kongo' post='482201' date='May 7 2009, 05:29 PM']Ah good good, You went! How'd it go? p.s. Maybe it's time to leave this thread alone and move to PM?[/quote] agreed Z x
  24. Im actually after a Rockbass, but yeah i totaly agree with the logo. but i guess it only does say 'rock bass' and people dont complain if it says 'jazz bass' Z x
  25. hey Owain! welcome to basschat Z x
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